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.7:21).Doubtlessly our Savior is addressing25 the heretics when He says: "Many who say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we notprophesied in thy name? And in thy name have cast out devils, and in they name donemany wonderful works? And them I will profess unto them, I never knew you: departfrom me, ye that work iniquity" (Matt.7:22-23).So it is that our Lord tells the heretics, "I never knew you"; yet Patriarch Athenagorastries to convince us that "they were not separated from the communion in the mystery ofthe God-man Jesus and His Divine-human Church." It is the belief in the renewal of thewhole of mankind within the new and universal church that lends to ecumenism thenature a of chiliastic heresy, which becomes more and more evident in the ecumenisticattempts to unite everyone, disregarding truth and error, and in their tendency to createnot only a new church, but a new world.The propagators of this heresy do not wish tobelieve that the earth and all that is on it shall burn, the heavens shall pass away, and theelements shall melt with fervent heat (II Peter 3:1-12).They forget that it is after this thata new Heaven and a new Earth on which truth will abide will come to be through thecreative word of God not the efforts of human organizations.Therefore the efforts ofOrthodox Christians should not be directed to the building of organizations, but towardbecoming inhabitants of the new Creation after the Final Judgment through living a piouslife in the one true Church.In the meantime, activities aimed at building the Kingdom ofGod on earth through a fraudulent union of various confessions without regard for theTruth, which is kept only within the Tradition of the Holy Orthodox Church, will onlylead us away from the Kingdom of God and into the kingdom of the Antichrist.It must be understood that the circumstance which prompted our Savior to wonder if atHis Second Coming He would find the Faith yet upon the earth is brought about not onlyby the direct propagation of atheism, but also by the spread of ecumenism.The history of the Church witnesses that Christianity was not spread by compromises anddialogues between Christians and unbelievers, but through witnessing the truth andrejecting every lie and every error.It might be noted that generally no religion has everbeen spread by those who doubted its full truth.The new, all-encompassing "church"which is being erected by the ecumenists is of the nature of that Church of Laodiceaexposed in the Book of Revelation: she is lukewarm, neither hot nor cold toward theTruth, and it is to this new "church" that the words addressed by the Angel to theLaodicean Church of old might now be applied: "So that because thou are lukewarm andneither cold nor hot, I will spew thee out of my mouth" (Rev.3:16).Therefore becausethey have not received "the love that they might be saved," instead of a religious revivalthis "church" exhibits that of which the Apostle warned: "And for this cause God shallsend them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie: that they all might be damnedwho believe not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness" (II Thes.2:10-12).It is, therefore, upon the grounds stated above that the Most Reverend Members of ourCouncil of Bishops unanimously agreed to recognize ecumenism as a dangerous heresy.Having observed its spread, they asked us to share our observation with our BrotherBishops throughout the world.26 We ask them first of all to pray that the Lord spare His Holy Church the storm whichwould be caused by this new heresy, opening the spiritual eyes of all unto understandingof truth in the face of error.May our Lord help each of us to preserve the Truth in the purity in which it was entrustedto us undefiled, and to nurture our flocks in its fidelity and piety.+ Metropolitan PHILARET"The Thyateira Confession"by Metropolitan PhilaretChief Hierarch of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of RussiaAn Appeal to the Primates of the Holy Churches of God, and their Eminences theOrthodox HierarchsInstructing us to preserve firmly in everything the Orthodox Faith which has beencommanded us, the Holy Apostle Paul wrote to the Galatians: But though we, or an angelfrom heaven, should preach unto you any gospel other than that which we preached untoyou, let him be anathema (Gal.1:8).His disciple Timothy he taught to remain in that inwhich he had been instructed by him and in that which had been entrusted to him,knowing by whom he had been instructed (II Tim.3:14).This is a pointer which everyHierarch of the Orthodox Church must follow and to which he is obligated by the oathgiven by him at his consecration.The Apostle writes that a Hierarch should be oneholding fast the faithful word as he hath been taught, that he may be able by sounddoctrine both to exhort and to convict the gainsayers (Titus 1:9) [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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