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.The Captain took alifetime s pleasure in the Reverend s look of utter outrage. YOU DARE NOT, the Reverend shrieked. I AM GOD S SOLDIER.I MARCH BESIDE THELORD! You march with the damned, the Captain said and squeezed the trigger fourtimes.There came four deafening reports.The first shot missed completely,the second punched a clean hole in the Reverend s cheek, the third took outhis dead eye, the fourth hit above the brow, and the entire side of theReverend s head exploded.The Reverend stood a second longer, his one good eye continuing to glare, thenhe crumpled to the ground.The Captain could see the back side of theReverend s head was gone.There was a prolonged moment when they all juststared at the dead man s black brains.ULFGER HEARD THE distant sirens and thought of demons, heard the lapping ofwaves beating against the hull, and finally dared raise his head.He pushedhis father s corpse aside and gazed upon the towers of lights.So many lights,he thought.What could it mean? The wind took the longboat, pushed it directlytoward the rocky sea wall.Ulfger stared into the hollows of his father s eyes. Enough! he whimpered. Enough! I beg you.Leave me be.Enough! Enough! ENOUGH! Ulfger seized thecarcass by the neck, twisting the leathery flesh until the head tore loosefrom the shoulders.He lifted the head by its long, braided beard and slammedit against the hull over and over, the sound like a war drum, grunting andspitting with the effort until he held nothing but a piece of shredded flesh. There, now what do you have to say? What? He laughed, close to shrieking,and threw the rag of flesh into the waves. And when I find your sister, I llsend her to you.Send them all to you.And when I find the child thief, him Iwill feed to Caliburn. He patted the black sword.Ulfger picked up the corpse and shoved it overboard, watched it drift slowlyaway into the darkness.The boat ran aground against a large piling of stones.Ulfger heard commotion,loud popping sounds, four of them.Shouting, cries.He hefted Caliburn,crawled out of the boat, and climbed up the rocks.He found well-lit pathways of poured masonry edged by trimmed hedges leadingin all directions.He headed into the trees, toward the shouts, looking forPage 213 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.htmlher, for the runt, any of them would do, for he planned to kill them all& everyone.NICK JUMPED AT the sound of the gun, watched the Reverend topple.Both he andCricket hunkered down, pressed themselves deeper into the wide hedge.They hadthe pond at their backs and the Captain stood just a few yards in front.Dannyand the Lady were now so close they could almost touch them.Flesh-eaters wereeverywhere, leaving them no place to run.Shit.How the fuck did this happen?The Captain turned the revolver on the Flesh-eaters.Not one of them moved. Just let me and the boy pass.That s all I ask, the Captain said calmly. You can have the woman. NO! Ox roared. We do not bargain with demons and murderers.God s justicewill be done.Some of the Flesh-eaters looked as though they were waking up from anightmare, like they d had enough of the insanity, and began to fall back, butmost stayed.Nick could see that these believed.It burned in their eyes, thesame fervent faces that had condemned him back at the fort.And here, in thisworld, their mania seemed stronger than ever. The pond, Cricket whispered. Get the Lady into the pond. What? Nick said, then understood she meant for them to snatch the Lady andflee across the pond. No, he hissed, grabbing her arm. That won t work.Wehave to  His mouth clamped shut.The Flesh-eaters were pressing in.They d bediscovered any second now.Did he really want to die in this bush, like aquivering rabbit? They had to do something, anything. Fuck.Fuck, he said, still trying to figure out how he d gotten himselfright smack in the middle of this nightmare. Fuck, he said again, grittedhis teeth, and stood up, just stood up like a jack-in-the-box leaves and limbsfluttering off him, having no idea what he was going to do next.Cricket popped up next to him.The Flesh-eaters halted; all eyes fell on them hard, murderous eyes, and Nickimmediately regretted his rashness. Ah fuck.The Captain glanced over at them and blinked, cocked his head sideways, asthough trying to make sense of what he was seeing. DEMONS! shouted one of the Flesh-eaters, pointing at them with a waveringhand. Demons, several of them echoed, glaring at them, their faces twistedwith hatred and alarm, clearly vexed by how they could be here in this place.Nick felt his heart would explode, felt if he didn t act, and act swiftly, hislegs would buckle beneath him.He yanked out his sword, bared his teeth. THISIS OUR CITY! DEMON CITY! he screamed, and screamed it so loud and forcefulthat even he believed it. WE RE EVERYWHERE! A MILLION HUNGRY DEMONS AND WE REGOING TO EAT YOUR MOTHERFUCKING SOULS!That rattled them.Fear flashed across their faces as they jerked aboutnervously, searching the trees, the bushes, behind them, above them.Even Oxappeared spooked, his eyes flickering back and forth in their deep sockets. Hurry, Cricket said and dashed over to the Lady.Nick jumped over, andtogether they hefted the Lady to her feet.The Lady looked at them with dazed,faraway eyes. C mon, Danny, Cricket said harshly. Help us! But Danny just stood there,seemed incapable of doing anything but staring on in wide-eyed terror.Nick gave the rope a hard yank, pulling Danny toward them. Danny, move yourass! This is her sorcery! Ox said, then bellowed:  WE MUST KILL HER.KILL HERHERE AND NOW.KILL HER BEFORE SHE BEWITCHES US ALL! He raised his sword andcharged the Lady.The Captain fired, managed to hit Ox twice before his revolver clicked on aspent round.The shots barely even slowed the giant.The Captain made tointercept Ox, when two men rushed him.The night erupted with the shouts ofmen and the clang of steel on steel.Cricket tugged both the Lady and Danny toward the pond.The Lady saw the waterand her eyes came alive.The three of them stumbled down the bank.Page 214 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.htmlOx came for them, eyes blazing.He brought his sword about in a terrific arch,aimed at the Lady s neck.There was no time for Nick to do anything but act.He lunged forward, swinging Maldiriel upward with all he had.The bladesclashed [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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