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.”“What happened to your Dad?” Lachlan had never asked Heath, and his lover had never volunteered the information.To be perfectly honest, however, Lachlan had never thought about the question until right now.“Heart attack.Jenny says he worked too hard.Priscilla says he played too hard, whatever that means.” Clay abandoned the tile on the table and just stared at it as if lost.“I just know that he must have over done something to make his heart quit working right.I don’t want that to happen to Heath.”“It won’t,” Lachlan promised right then and there.“How do you know?” With a gaze now hopeful for reassurance, Clay asked a very good question.Again, Lachlan didn’t hesitate.“Because I won’t let that happen.” He knew it was a damn egotistical vow, one that assumed things neither of the lovers had dared speak of yet.Despite the risk of forever alienating this young man, Lachlan felt confident in making the promise.He explained his reasoning with a smile, “Your Dad didn’t have anybody looking out for him.Jenny and Priscilla had their own separate lives to lead, but Heath’s got you and me to watch his back.”The beginnings of a smile twitched the eleven year old’s lips.“Do you think that will work?”“We’ll make it work,” Lachlan assured with a wink.Clay leaned forward and looked the screenwriter dead in the eyes.“Is that a promise?”Hell, Lachlan knew he shouldn’t be promising the kid anything like that, but he couldn’t help it.“Yeah, Clay, I promise.”* * * *“Are you trying to scandalize my neighborhood, Isles?”Heath had heard the gentle footsteps crossing the sand toward his back but hadn’t turned around.Honestly, he was curious how Lachlan Hayes was going to deal with finding a naked man sitting on his beach.Huffing out a light breath, Heath tilted his head upward to find his lover towering above him, an odd look doing funny but fabulous things to the handsome face.“You’ve got zero visibility here from any of your neighbor’s houses.The only one I’m scandalizing is you.And since you just got done nailing my ass across your writing desk, I’m not thinking that you really have a leg to stand on there either.”Ignoring the nailing across the writing desk remark altogether, Lachlan immediately perked up.“Really? Zero visibility, huh?” Even in the dark his cornflower blue eyes took on a naughty bent that Heath couldn’t help but noticing and snickering on.“Fodder for next time, ok?” Heath reluctantly begged out of any of Lachlan’s blooming naughtiness.He was tired, bone tired, and he just wanted to sleep.So why when there was a perfectly outstanding California king waiting for him just upstairs was he down with his ass planted on the beach? Good question.A damned good question.Heath had taken Clay back to Jenny’s this morning.It stung.It stung worse than it ever had.Suddenly there were thighs hugging his hips.There was a warm chest bracing his naked back.There were feet nuzzled up to his feet.He should have felt uncomfortable at the ease in which he allowed his frame to nestle back against Lachlan’s.He was trying so damned hard to maintain some kind of independence through this, but Lachlan wasn’t letting him.Heath loved him a little bit more for that.Giving up on the independence crap, he fell back into Lachlan’s embrace and snuggled himself in there like he’d always belonged.There was a brief kiss to the nape of his neck before the question came haltingly into the back of his hair, “Is this ok?”Heath couldn’t help but smile.“It’s ok.It’s good,” he muttered softly into the moonless night.Reaching behind him, Heath found Lachlan’s left wrist and gently maneuvered the arm around his front and tightly against his waist.Heath held the arm there, unconsciously fearing that Lachlan would retreat from the intimacy if given the chance.“You can let go now,” Lachlan whispered into Heath’s ear, curling and down into it like a lover’s tongue enslaved by a lover’s need.Heat rose up in his cheeks at being caught, but he slowly relinquished his steel-like grip on Lachlan’s arm.After a brief run of his thumb across the pulse point of his lover’s wrist, Heath let go altogether.Lachlan held him tighter.Heath’s bones seemed to melt away.He laid his head back heavily on Lachlan’s shoulder and stared up into the star streaked night.A few minutes of silence followed before Lachlan asked gently, “What’s wrong?”“Nothing,” Heath huffed out a tired laugh as he weaved his fingers into his lover’s.“Right now, there’s absolutely nothing wrong.”There was another kiss bestowed to his nape.This time it was longer and warmer and promised all sorts of crazy ass things.“Then why aren’t you asleep, babe?”Heath smiled lazily at the endearment, too tired to rebuke it or encourage it.Instead, all that came was an admission he rarely made even to himself.“I don’t do sleep well.Never have.” Even as a child when his body was konked out from too many hours of soccer and football, his mind would never surrender easily to sleep.It would fight the exhaustion hard and dirty.Heath had to learn how to get by on only four or five hours of sleep a night.By the time college rolled around, it was down to three hours.Now, with his fight for Clay in full swing, Heath knew he was wearing himself thin.He knew that if he didn’t let himself go, his body would take the choice of voluntary sleep away from him.He knew he was treading a very thin line.Apparently, so did Lachlan.Fingertips gentle but firm suddenly fell upon Heath’s temples.Before Heath could even find his mouth to question, Lachlan was already shushing him.The fingers then began to dance in a tiny little circles that pressed down deep into his skin, feeling so damned good that Heath caught himself moaning into the touch.Lachlan’s voice joined the slow, lazy waltz of his fingers.“I used to have migraines in college.One of my roommates would help me out when it got really bad.Being pre-med, he waxed all scientific about it.I ignored him like all good lit majors ignore science geeks.”“I was a science geek,” Heath somehow managed to mumble out in weak defense.All the muscles in his body seemed to be curling up for a long winter’s sleep.As the massage continued he was increasingly surprised that his tongue wasn’t lolling out of his mouth like a lab on a blistering hot day.“You, Isles, were never a geek,” Lachlan assured in a low voice from somewhere far, far away.“You’re fucking gorgeous and I could spend my whole day just watching you breathe.What kind of crazy shit is that, huh?”For a moment, the silence lingered, filling up the spaces between them flawlessly.When Heath did find the words to say, they were given to Lachlan in a whisper, “Don’t let go.”“Never,” Lachlan vowed as he held Heath even tighter.Chapter SevenSavory Morsels of Ecstasy“What are you doing?” Heath asked with as much restraint as a man bordering on exhaustion and a nice round of depression could.He did however raise his arms up above his head to aid in his lover’s mysterious pursuit.He had just walked in the door from another round with the judge and his merry court and was starting to believe that the damned case was never, ever going to be over.“Taking off your shirt,” Lachlan answered patiently although a bit distractedly, discarding said shirt with a toss into the next room.“Why?” Heath responded as a particularly stiff draft made him fold his arms across his bare chest [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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.”“What happened to your Dad?” Lachlan had never asked Heath, and his lover had never volunteered the information.To be perfectly honest, however, Lachlan had never thought about the question until right now.“Heart attack.Jenny says he worked too hard.Priscilla says he played too hard, whatever that means.” Clay abandoned the tile on the table and just stared at it as if lost.“I just know that he must have over done something to make his heart quit working right.I don’t want that to happen to Heath.”“It won’t,” Lachlan promised right then and there.“How do you know?” With a gaze now hopeful for reassurance, Clay asked a very good question.Again, Lachlan didn’t hesitate.“Because I won’t let that happen.” He knew it was a damn egotistical vow, one that assumed things neither of the lovers had dared speak of yet.Despite the risk of forever alienating this young man, Lachlan felt confident in making the promise.He explained his reasoning with a smile, “Your Dad didn’t have anybody looking out for him.Jenny and Priscilla had their own separate lives to lead, but Heath’s got you and me to watch his back.”The beginnings of a smile twitched the eleven year old’s lips.“Do you think that will work?”“We’ll make it work,” Lachlan assured with a wink.Clay leaned forward and looked the screenwriter dead in the eyes.“Is that a promise?”Hell, Lachlan knew he shouldn’t be promising the kid anything like that, but he couldn’t help it.“Yeah, Clay, I promise.”* * * *“Are you trying to scandalize my neighborhood, Isles?”Heath had heard the gentle footsteps crossing the sand toward his back but hadn’t turned around.Honestly, he was curious how Lachlan Hayes was going to deal with finding a naked man sitting on his beach.Huffing out a light breath, Heath tilted his head upward to find his lover towering above him, an odd look doing funny but fabulous things to the handsome face.“You’ve got zero visibility here from any of your neighbor’s houses.The only one I’m scandalizing is you.And since you just got done nailing my ass across your writing desk, I’m not thinking that you really have a leg to stand on there either.”Ignoring the nailing across the writing desk remark altogether, Lachlan immediately perked up.“Really? Zero visibility, huh?” Even in the dark his cornflower blue eyes took on a naughty bent that Heath couldn’t help but noticing and snickering on.“Fodder for next time, ok?” Heath reluctantly begged out of any of Lachlan’s blooming naughtiness.He was tired, bone tired, and he just wanted to sleep.So why when there was a perfectly outstanding California king waiting for him just upstairs was he down with his ass planted on the beach? Good question.A damned good question.Heath had taken Clay back to Jenny’s this morning.It stung.It stung worse than it ever had.Suddenly there were thighs hugging his hips.There was a warm chest bracing his naked back.There were feet nuzzled up to his feet.He should have felt uncomfortable at the ease in which he allowed his frame to nestle back against Lachlan’s.He was trying so damned hard to maintain some kind of independence through this, but Lachlan wasn’t letting him.Heath loved him a little bit more for that.Giving up on the independence crap, he fell back into Lachlan’s embrace and snuggled himself in there like he’d always belonged.There was a brief kiss to the nape of his neck before the question came haltingly into the back of his hair, “Is this ok?”Heath couldn’t help but smile.“It’s ok.It’s good,” he muttered softly into the moonless night.Reaching behind him, Heath found Lachlan’s left wrist and gently maneuvered the arm around his front and tightly against his waist.Heath held the arm there, unconsciously fearing that Lachlan would retreat from the intimacy if given the chance.“You can let go now,” Lachlan whispered into Heath’s ear, curling and down into it like a lover’s tongue enslaved by a lover’s need.Heat rose up in his cheeks at being caught, but he slowly relinquished his steel-like grip on Lachlan’s arm.After a brief run of his thumb across the pulse point of his lover’s wrist, Heath let go altogether.Lachlan held him tighter.Heath’s bones seemed to melt away.He laid his head back heavily on Lachlan’s shoulder and stared up into the star streaked night.A few minutes of silence followed before Lachlan asked gently, “What’s wrong?”“Nothing,” Heath huffed out a tired laugh as he weaved his fingers into his lover’s.“Right now, there’s absolutely nothing wrong.”There was another kiss bestowed to his nape.This time it was longer and warmer and promised all sorts of crazy ass things.“Then why aren’t you asleep, babe?”Heath smiled lazily at the endearment, too tired to rebuke it or encourage it.Instead, all that came was an admission he rarely made even to himself.“I don’t do sleep well.Never have.” Even as a child when his body was konked out from too many hours of soccer and football, his mind would never surrender easily to sleep.It would fight the exhaustion hard and dirty.Heath had to learn how to get by on only four or five hours of sleep a night.By the time college rolled around, it was down to three hours.Now, with his fight for Clay in full swing, Heath knew he was wearing himself thin.He knew that if he didn’t let himself go, his body would take the choice of voluntary sleep away from him.He knew he was treading a very thin line.Apparently, so did Lachlan.Fingertips gentle but firm suddenly fell upon Heath’s temples.Before Heath could even find his mouth to question, Lachlan was already shushing him.The fingers then began to dance in a tiny little circles that pressed down deep into his skin, feeling so damned good that Heath caught himself moaning into the touch.Lachlan’s voice joined the slow, lazy waltz of his fingers.“I used to have migraines in college.One of my roommates would help me out when it got really bad.Being pre-med, he waxed all scientific about it.I ignored him like all good lit majors ignore science geeks.”“I was a science geek,” Heath somehow managed to mumble out in weak defense.All the muscles in his body seemed to be curling up for a long winter’s sleep.As the massage continued he was increasingly surprised that his tongue wasn’t lolling out of his mouth like a lab on a blistering hot day.“You, Isles, were never a geek,” Lachlan assured in a low voice from somewhere far, far away.“You’re fucking gorgeous and I could spend my whole day just watching you breathe.What kind of crazy shit is that, huh?”For a moment, the silence lingered, filling up the spaces between them flawlessly.When Heath did find the words to say, they were given to Lachlan in a whisper, “Don’t let go.”“Never,” Lachlan vowed as he held Heath even tighter.Chapter SevenSavory Morsels of Ecstasy“What are you doing?” Heath asked with as much restraint as a man bordering on exhaustion and a nice round of depression could.He did however raise his arms up above his head to aid in his lover’s mysterious pursuit.He had just walked in the door from another round with the judge and his merry court and was starting to believe that the damned case was never, ever going to be over.“Taking off your shirt,” Lachlan answered patiently although a bit distractedly, discarding said shirt with a toss into the next room.“Why?” Heath responded as a particularly stiff draft made him fold his arms across his bare chest [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]