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.He flicked something out before wiping his hands on his pants.“Why is that?”Smith already knew the answer, so Ash stared at him, trying to figure out why he had asked the question.“I’m a Muslim, so I don’t eat pork.You know that.”“But you drink.”Eddie Alvarez started to say something, but Ash held up a hand to stop him.He didn’t keep his faith a secret, but he didn’t try to flaunt it, either.Over the years, he had become accustomed to the questions, though, some of which were hostile.“If you’re worried about my ability to handle this case, I haven’t had a drink in over eight months.If you genuinely have questions about Islam, I’ll give you the name of the Imam at my mosque.If you’re wasting my time, please stop.”Smith crossed his arms.“I just have one question, and I’d like you to answer it.About a year and a half ago, you broke my window.Were you drunk then?”Ash lowered his eyebrows, confused.“I don’t know what you’re talking about, and even if I did, we’ve got other matters to focus on.”“I’m not taking orders from you until you answer my question.Do you remember when Rachel Haddad died?”“That’s enough, Tim,” growled Doran.Ash should have let Doran stop it there, but his mouth and his common sense didn’t always communicate well.“Rachel was my niece.Of course I remember.”“Captain Bowers ordered us to follow you after she died.When we did, you broke a window on my wife’s car and stuck a gun in my face.I want to know if you were drunk.”The story jogged a memory, causing Ash to grip the end of the table hard enough that his fingers hurt.“For the record, I never stuck a gun in your face.I pressed it to the back of your head.If you had been even halfway decent at your job, that wouldn’t have happened.”“And if you had been—” began Smith.“Shut up,” growled Doran again, drowning out his partner.“This isn’t the time or the place.”“No,” said Smith.“This is exactly the time and place.This guy’s a washed-out drunk.You can’t tell me you’re okay taking orders from him.”“Yes, I can,” said Doran.“That’s what we’ve been ordered to do, so that’s our job.”Doran stared at his partner with hard, green eyes.Eventually, Smith shook his head and muttered that Ash was guilty of doing something quite inappropriate with his mother.Ash counted to five, breathing deeply, before speaking.“Would you like to be reassigned, Detective?”Smith looked at Doran and then Alvarez, both of whom glared at him.“No.I’m fine.”“Good,” said Ash.“And I suppose for your own edification, Detective, I was sober.” Smith scowled but didn’t say anything.Ash panned his gaze to the other men in the room.“With that out of the way, let’s try to focus on Rebecca Cook.Do we have anything on her car yet?”Doran leaned forward and opened his notebook.“Forensic services had it towed back to their garage, and they’re working on it now.Like I told you earlier, we found seven sets of prints on the car’s exterior.At least three of those sets were so small that they probably came from kids.The techs are cataloging everything now.Do we have prints from the vic’s family to eliminate them?”“Not yet,” said Ash.“But I’ll have someone swing by tonight to get them.How’s the inside look?”“Hair, fibers, fingernail clippings.It’s a family car, so until we get samples from Rebecca’s family, we’re not going to know if something’s from our perp or from one of her kids.”“And still no witnesses, right?”“None that have come forward.”Ash wrote the pertinent facts in his notebook before turning to Eddie Alvarez.“How about the scene by the fairgrounds?”Alvarez shifted on his seat and cleared his throat.“After you called about the trunk release, I had my men look around.They found it in the grass beside the road.We didn’t see it earlier because it blended into the weeds.We’ve got a smudge and a partial on it.The lab is running it through our databases right now.”It wasn’t much, but he’d take any good news he could get [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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