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."Well, it's definitely not in his favor.I mean, we're unsure how that human got past the guards.And Adrian has the power to move unseen; he could've brought the guy into my room.Pretty suspicious, if you ask me.""Luna, are you well? I heard of your escape," Adrian thought to me, barging into my mind."Shit! Why'd you guys go and mention him.Now he's invaded my head!""I'm, uh, I'm sorry," Amelia stammered."I didn't realize talking about him would enable a connection with you.""Yeah, the creep can insert himself into my mind whenever I think of him." I balled my hands into fists, contemplating how good it'd feel to punch the frigid metal of the culvert."Luna, stop ignoring me.I'm offering help," Adrian thought to me again."My safe house is in Salina, a half-hour from high court.Only my most trusted guards are aware of it.You'll be protected there until I can make arrangements for you to join me.""Do you think I'm an idiot? I'd be a sitting duck, ready for the kill.Sorry to say it, but I trust you about as much as I trust Tsedaka.And I just escaped his ass! I'm not gonna let another man lock me in a room and hold me prisoner.Piss on that!""You'll have the ability to leave at any time.And, to be frank, my resources can safeguard you against whoever sent the assassin as well as Tsedaka.This is important because, if the king finds you, he'll insist on some form of punishment.In short, he must redress challenges to his authority publicly, otherwise, he'll look weak among the vampire community.""It doesn't make sense.Why do you wanna help me so badly?""Our futures are inextricably intertwined.Understandably, you're not ready to accept this at the present time.Nonetheless, you will in the near future.I merely hope to keep you alive until then.""If that's true, why'd you poof the psycho killer into my room?""I did nothing of the sort.In fact, I ensured that you were surrounded by specially educated slaves.I provided Lucien with additional guard training and college to prepare him for your service.Furthermore, they both were raised in my private household to give them practice maneuvering in vampire social circles.I tried my best.Believe me, if I could've predicted the assassination attempt, I would've remained to protect you.I assumed you were safe.""Whatever, just get out of my head.And I don't want your help.""Please, at least permit me to wire you money.You're in desperate need.""No.I'm not giving you a chance to meet up with me at the western union.Seriously, how can I put this any more clearly? LEAVE ME ALONE.""But, Luna.""I've said no.NOW LEAVE ME THE HELL ALONE.""I won't force your hand, darling.Still, remember that my door is always open."And with that, he left me to the disharmony of my own psyche.Lucien and Amelia were gawking at me with big eyes, apparently wondering what'd transpired.Clamming up with the knowledge that I'd gotten us into this mess, I silently prayed escaping was the right course of action.We were all run ragged.Starving.Freezing.And I'd done this.If we'd stayed at Tsedaka's stupid missile base, we'd be fatcats sleeping in a plush environment.Damn."Look, let's get some sleep," I demanded, hastily realizing that if I confronted their questioning faces an instant longer I'd be likely to snap."I'll have everything figured out by tomorrow night.For the moment, though, we need to rest.""Agreed," Lucien replied, sensing my agitation."I think we all could use a little shuteye prior to making any firm decisions.""A nap sounds divine," Amelia murmured, turning onto her side with a yawn.Automatically, her breathing deepened, signaling the beginnings of sleep a few minutes later.I mean, she must've been severely exhausted in order to drift off so easily under these horrendous conditions.Stressed, scared, uncomfortable.Perceiving my unease, Lucien reached over and stroked my face affectionately.Shortly thereafter, a picture perfect scene consisting of the two of us snuggling in front of a warm fire permeated my consciousness, immersing me in the pureness of his love and respect.I leaned into his hand, reveling in the comfort of his physical and mental caress.Yep, telepathy was good for some things.Sigh.Feeling his smile at my offhanded thought, I slowly began to forget about the cold nipping at my nose and the hunger pains racking my stomach.And, with happiness filling my heart, I finally relaxed into a dreamless sleep.Safe and content [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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."Well, it's definitely not in his favor.I mean, we're unsure how that human got past the guards.And Adrian has the power to move unseen; he could've brought the guy into my room.Pretty suspicious, if you ask me.""Luna, are you well? I heard of your escape," Adrian thought to me, barging into my mind."Shit! Why'd you guys go and mention him.Now he's invaded my head!""I'm, uh, I'm sorry," Amelia stammered."I didn't realize talking about him would enable a connection with you.""Yeah, the creep can insert himself into my mind whenever I think of him." I balled my hands into fists, contemplating how good it'd feel to punch the frigid metal of the culvert."Luna, stop ignoring me.I'm offering help," Adrian thought to me again."My safe house is in Salina, a half-hour from high court.Only my most trusted guards are aware of it.You'll be protected there until I can make arrangements for you to join me.""Do you think I'm an idiot? I'd be a sitting duck, ready for the kill.Sorry to say it, but I trust you about as much as I trust Tsedaka.And I just escaped his ass! I'm not gonna let another man lock me in a room and hold me prisoner.Piss on that!""You'll have the ability to leave at any time.And, to be frank, my resources can safeguard you against whoever sent the assassin as well as Tsedaka.This is important because, if the king finds you, he'll insist on some form of punishment.In short, he must redress challenges to his authority publicly, otherwise, he'll look weak among the vampire community.""It doesn't make sense.Why do you wanna help me so badly?""Our futures are inextricably intertwined.Understandably, you're not ready to accept this at the present time.Nonetheless, you will in the near future.I merely hope to keep you alive until then.""If that's true, why'd you poof the psycho killer into my room?""I did nothing of the sort.In fact, I ensured that you were surrounded by specially educated slaves.I provided Lucien with additional guard training and college to prepare him for your service.Furthermore, they both were raised in my private household to give them practice maneuvering in vampire social circles.I tried my best.Believe me, if I could've predicted the assassination attempt, I would've remained to protect you.I assumed you were safe.""Whatever, just get out of my head.And I don't want your help.""Please, at least permit me to wire you money.You're in desperate need.""No.I'm not giving you a chance to meet up with me at the western union.Seriously, how can I put this any more clearly? LEAVE ME ALONE.""But, Luna.""I've said no.NOW LEAVE ME THE HELL ALONE.""I won't force your hand, darling.Still, remember that my door is always open."And with that, he left me to the disharmony of my own psyche.Lucien and Amelia were gawking at me with big eyes, apparently wondering what'd transpired.Clamming up with the knowledge that I'd gotten us into this mess, I silently prayed escaping was the right course of action.We were all run ragged.Starving.Freezing.And I'd done this.If we'd stayed at Tsedaka's stupid missile base, we'd be fatcats sleeping in a plush environment.Damn."Look, let's get some sleep," I demanded, hastily realizing that if I confronted their questioning faces an instant longer I'd be likely to snap."I'll have everything figured out by tomorrow night.For the moment, though, we need to rest.""Agreed," Lucien replied, sensing my agitation."I think we all could use a little shuteye prior to making any firm decisions.""A nap sounds divine," Amelia murmured, turning onto her side with a yawn.Automatically, her breathing deepened, signaling the beginnings of sleep a few minutes later.I mean, she must've been severely exhausted in order to drift off so easily under these horrendous conditions.Stressed, scared, uncomfortable.Perceiving my unease, Lucien reached over and stroked my face affectionately.Shortly thereafter, a picture perfect scene consisting of the two of us snuggling in front of a warm fire permeated my consciousness, immersing me in the pureness of his love and respect.I leaned into his hand, reveling in the comfort of his physical and mental caress.Yep, telepathy was good for some things.Sigh.Feeling his smile at my offhanded thought, I slowly began to forget about the cold nipping at my nose and the hunger pains racking my stomach.And, with happiness filling my heart, I finally relaxed into a dreamless sleep.Safe and content [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]