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.Like, now that he was invulnerable, what would happen if he got sick? Like, cancer or something? How would they be able to remove a tumor if they couldn’t cut into him? And if they tried something else, like radiation or oral chemotherapy (did they even have oral chemotherapy? Lincoln didn’t know), would the tumor prove to be as invulnerable as the rest of him?Those thoughts had been scary as hell, but realizing that his body wasn’t changing in any way anymore was somehow creepier.And what did it ultimately mean? Did other paranormals with strength and invulnerability have this same side-effect, or was it just him? He was apparently the strongest on record, so maybe his condition was unique.What if, because of this lack of change, he couldn’t get sick, ever again?What if he wouldn’t even age?What if he was immortal?“Lincoln!”Lincoln jolted out of his reverie.He called back to the kitchen, “Wh–What, Tommy?”“I said I need help with my math! C’mon, Linc, I can’t wait forever! Jeez!”Tommy’s unfortunately-timed choice of words gave Lincoln a chill, but he tried his best to shake it off as he got up to go help his little brother.his little brother and sister whom, he secretly feared, he might have to watch grow old and die.VORTEX AND SHINING STARAt dusk, Steve, a giddy grin plastered on his face, paced outside the training center where he had asked Shining Star to return; as he bounced about on the balls of his tennis shoed feet, he watched the sunset, and it occurred to him that he had gotten so used to his cybernetic eyes, he couldn’t recall anymore how sunsets had looked to his birth eyes.Had the colors been the same? More vibrant? Less so? He honestly didn’t remember.But this was merely an attempt to distract himself, to deflect his impatience for Callin’s arrival; most of his attention was on the darkening sky above, searching for any flicker of light that might indicate his potential pupil had returned.Easy, Steve.Don’t get ahead of yourself.What if you misunderstood him? He was using a translator that wasn’t exactly one hundred percent accurate.And his departure was a little abrupt.He tried not to think about that — he wanted, really wanted this to work out as he’d fantasized.He wiped his sweaty palms across the thighs of his jeans and paced some more.The training center’s nearest door opened, and Alan emerged just as he ended a cell phone call.Although his attitude wasn’t exactly dripping with enthusiasm, Alan assured Steve, “Okay, I’ve passed the word around one more time, so we should be covered for tonight.”It had turned out that, while Shining Star’s glowing arrival the evening before had slipped by unobserved, his glowing departure had not escaped notice — after two guards called it in, they had issued a yellow alert across the grounds not one minute after Callin’s light trail faded from sight.Alan and Ardette had covered things quickly, claiming that they had been experimenting with a “promising new particle weapon,” and apologized for not informing the security staff in advance that they would be test-firing a proto-cannon with such a bright backwash.This afternoon, Alan had made a special point of informing the head of security that they would most likely be testing it again this evening, so they should not be overly concerned with any “flashes of silver light” they might see in the sky tonight.“Let’s just hope,” Alan warned with a put-upon sigh, “that no glowing paranormal terrorists choose this particular night to attack us.”Steve knew that Alan was only partly kidding, but he chose to laugh it off.And it was easy to do, because he’d been close to giddy all day; he hadn’t been in this good of a mood in a long time.Alan echoed the sentiment by observing, “I see you’re still a happy camper.”Steve laughed again.“Alan, this is the sort of thing I’ve been hoping, almost praying for since I first put on my Vortex uniform: A paranormal, probably a Class One, wants to follow my example and become a superhero instead of a rogue! How can I not be in a good mood?”Alan nodded in acknowledgment, but commented, “I’m surprised you’re not wearing your costu— excuse me, your uniform tonight.Shouldn’t you approach this as Vortex?”Steve shrugged, his eyes never leaving the sky.“I thought about that, but I figured, since Shining Star’s already seen my face, what difference does it make? And if security does happen to stumble across Shining Star tonight, at least we’d only have one problem to address — Vortex has been seen on and around Davison Electronics property a little too often over the past year, so why beg any more trouble?” He snorted.“Let me tell you, ‘secret identities’ are a lot less secure than they seemed in comic books [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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