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.In the back room, bathed in clean fluorescent light, was the bleeding body of Gerard Micheaux.He was a tall, thin man, his feet hanging off the backlit work table displaying long, curled toes.Thick white rope had been wrapped around his neck, his torso, and his knees.He was held tightly in place, able to move only in millimeters each time he was sliced with the out-of-the-package razor.Nicky was using one of his favorite interrogation methods and was narcissistic enough to think he had invented it.He walked around the fifty-five-year-old man’s naked body, dragging the box cutter’s dull, cold backside across Gerard’s skin, satisfied as he saw each segment of the body act independently, cringing, as if it just wanted the cutter to spare it and move onto the next limb or organ.“Tell me the rest, Gerard.Leave nothing out or I’m going to go carving on your man-piercing cock next.”Gerard’s body shuddered with silent sobs.His eyes were clenched shut, unable to see the forty-two cuts, independently struggling to coagulate enough to keep his body from slipping farther into shock than it already had.He swallowed thickly.“Sir, I have told you everything I know.Absolutely everything.Anything else I tell you I will have to make up, and I have no reason whatsoever to lie.Please!”Marcel stood at the rear of the back room, smoking a cigarette, exhausted and thoroughly disgusted.The cuts were completely unnecessary.This man would have told them everything simply by being threatened.Having seen enough, he dropped the cigarette in his empty coffee cup and stepped to Nicky, his voice a whisper in the boss’s ear.“Is this necessary? You’re leaving too much of a trail.”Nicky cut his eyes to Marcel.“There will be no trail.”“Okay, fine.But this didn’t have to happen.He would’ve told us what we wanted.”“Perhaps, Marcel.Perhaps.” Nicky studied him for a moment, finally leaning close again and whispering only for him to hear.“Watch me finish him.”He walked back to the table and leaned over Gerard, telling him to open his eyes.“So you say Michel’s cousin brought an American man here? But my men say the man with her spoke German.So which is he?”Gerard’s answer was lightning quick.“He is American.I’m sure of it.He just lives in Germany.” Gerard squeezed his eyes shut again.Nicky patted him again, stifling his laughter as the gay Frenchman flinched each time he was touched or heard any sort of sound.“Stay with me, Gerard.We’re almost done.” He leaned closer.“The man, his name is Gregory, and the girl’s name is Monika? And she is from Saarbrücken? You are certain of this?”“Yes.”“One hundred percent?”“Oui,” Gerard answered, shuddering violently.“Again, who were they?”“She is Michel’s cousin—that’s all.They were just trying to sell a book…some rare diary…and Michel saw it as an opportunity to repay you.” Gerard began to quiver.Nicky stepped backward, expecting vomit at any moment.“And what was this book, this rare diary?”Gerard coughed as phlegm was beginning to clog his throat.“Michel wouldn’t tell me.All I know is he thought it was worth a great deal and that there were more.And then he made me leave.”“When you say ‘a great deal’?” Nicky asked, using a tone one might for their best friend.“I don’t really know,” Gerard answered, stifling his sobs.“But the way he was acting, running around, calling people, doing research, it could have been incredibly valuable, at least to him.”“How much?”“I’ve no idea.”“Millions?” Nicky asked in high tenor.“Very doubtful, sir,” Gerard managed.“Books are rarely worth more than thousands.If it was very rare, perhaps a hundred thousand euro.”Nicky looked up at Marcel.“C’mon, that’s enough, Nicky.Let’s leave him.He won’t ever speak of this, will you Gerard?”Gerard, full of hope, insisted he would take it to the grave.Marcel believed him.Nicky stared at Marcel with sheer contempt.“Mercy? For a faggot?” He flipped the blade over and gritted his teeth, touching Gerard’s upper chest.“Do you know how much I hate homos?” He pulled the blade back, preparing to gash Gerard’s throat.“Nicky, wait!” Marcel yelled.Nicky stopped with the blade in mid-air.Gerard was on the verge of screaming, but he choked it back, hoping for some sort of eleventh-hour reprieve.Marcel held both palms up to Nicky.“Don’t do it, Nicky.The blood from these small cuts can be wiped from the table, but if you go to his neck we’ll have to start all over.We don’t have to kill this guy.”Nicky hesitated a moment before nodding.He lowered the blade and nicked Gerard on his nipple.Then he leaned to his ear and whispered, “Your lucky day.”Thinking he was about to be spared, Gerard exhaled loudly, unaware that it would be his last breath [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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.In the back room, bathed in clean fluorescent light, was the bleeding body of Gerard Micheaux.He was a tall, thin man, his feet hanging off the backlit work table displaying long, curled toes.Thick white rope had been wrapped around his neck, his torso, and his knees.He was held tightly in place, able to move only in millimeters each time he was sliced with the out-of-the-package razor.Nicky was using one of his favorite interrogation methods and was narcissistic enough to think he had invented it.He walked around the fifty-five-year-old man’s naked body, dragging the box cutter’s dull, cold backside across Gerard’s skin, satisfied as he saw each segment of the body act independently, cringing, as if it just wanted the cutter to spare it and move onto the next limb or organ.“Tell me the rest, Gerard.Leave nothing out or I’m going to go carving on your man-piercing cock next.”Gerard’s body shuddered with silent sobs.His eyes were clenched shut, unable to see the forty-two cuts, independently struggling to coagulate enough to keep his body from slipping farther into shock than it already had.He swallowed thickly.“Sir, I have told you everything I know.Absolutely everything.Anything else I tell you I will have to make up, and I have no reason whatsoever to lie.Please!”Marcel stood at the rear of the back room, smoking a cigarette, exhausted and thoroughly disgusted.The cuts were completely unnecessary.This man would have told them everything simply by being threatened.Having seen enough, he dropped the cigarette in his empty coffee cup and stepped to Nicky, his voice a whisper in the boss’s ear.“Is this necessary? You’re leaving too much of a trail.”Nicky cut his eyes to Marcel.“There will be no trail.”“Okay, fine.But this didn’t have to happen.He would’ve told us what we wanted.”“Perhaps, Marcel.Perhaps.” Nicky studied him for a moment, finally leaning close again and whispering only for him to hear.“Watch me finish him.”He walked back to the table and leaned over Gerard, telling him to open his eyes.“So you say Michel’s cousin brought an American man here? But my men say the man with her spoke German.So which is he?”Gerard’s answer was lightning quick.“He is American.I’m sure of it.He just lives in Germany.” Gerard squeezed his eyes shut again.Nicky patted him again, stifling his laughter as the gay Frenchman flinched each time he was touched or heard any sort of sound.“Stay with me, Gerard.We’re almost done.” He leaned closer.“The man, his name is Gregory, and the girl’s name is Monika? And she is from Saarbrücken? You are certain of this?”“Yes.”“One hundred percent?”“Oui,” Gerard answered, shuddering violently.“Again, who were they?”“She is Michel’s cousin—that’s all.They were just trying to sell a book…some rare diary…and Michel saw it as an opportunity to repay you.” Gerard began to quiver.Nicky stepped backward, expecting vomit at any moment.“And what was this book, this rare diary?”Gerard coughed as phlegm was beginning to clog his throat.“Michel wouldn’t tell me.All I know is he thought it was worth a great deal and that there were more.And then he made me leave.”“When you say ‘a great deal’?” Nicky asked, using a tone one might for their best friend.“I don’t really know,” Gerard answered, stifling his sobs.“But the way he was acting, running around, calling people, doing research, it could have been incredibly valuable, at least to him.”“How much?”“I’ve no idea.”“Millions?” Nicky asked in high tenor.“Very doubtful, sir,” Gerard managed.“Books are rarely worth more than thousands.If it was very rare, perhaps a hundred thousand euro.”Nicky looked up at Marcel.“C’mon, that’s enough, Nicky.Let’s leave him.He won’t ever speak of this, will you Gerard?”Gerard, full of hope, insisted he would take it to the grave.Marcel believed him.Nicky stared at Marcel with sheer contempt.“Mercy? For a faggot?” He flipped the blade over and gritted his teeth, touching Gerard’s upper chest.“Do you know how much I hate homos?” He pulled the blade back, preparing to gash Gerard’s throat.“Nicky, wait!” Marcel yelled.Nicky stopped with the blade in mid-air.Gerard was on the verge of screaming, but he choked it back, hoping for some sort of eleventh-hour reprieve.Marcel held both palms up to Nicky.“Don’t do it, Nicky.The blood from these small cuts can be wiped from the table, but if you go to his neck we’ll have to start all over.We don’t have to kill this guy.”Nicky hesitated a moment before nodding.He lowered the blade and nicked Gerard on his nipple.Then he leaned to his ear and whispered, “Your lucky day.”Thinking he was about to be spared, Gerard exhaled loudly, unaware that it would be his last breath [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]