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. James looked down, not sure what else tosay. Yes, so I just heard, Seth replied, his voicesour. But, baby, don t worry.I m sure Mother andFather will adore you. He raised his head andsniffed. What are you making, by the way? Itsmells wonderful. You are not going to distract me that easily,sir.Seth smirked and drew James into his arms. Are you sure I can t distract you, baby? Sethasked as he slid his hands around James s waistand pulled him closer. Well A man cleared his throat, drawing both men sattention.James went to step back, but Seth heldhim a little tighter.When he looked over Seth sshoulder James saw a man that could only beSeth s father, or maybe older brother.He was anolder version of his lover at the least.He had blueeyes instead of the sparking hazel of his lover s,with silver at his temples, but Seth was still thespitting image of the man taking up his doorway.Seth turned without releasing James, andfaced the man. Hello, Father. Hello, the man said, a small smile on hisface.Seth s father stumbled forward a step or two,and suddenly there was a luminous, petite womanstanding beside him.She was maybe five-one if in a white pantsuit with low heels and pearls,and a huge grin. Seth, sweetheart! she squealedand launched herself at her son.Chapter 18 MOTHER.Father.What brings you by? Sethasked, his arms now full of his petite mother. If Ihad known you were visiting, I would have hadthings prepared for you. Oh, shush.We wanted to surprise you.James had to fight to hold back the chucklethreatening to fall from his lips as he watched hisstrong, confident boyfriend be scolded by his mom. We waited a little while to give you time withDanni before we came to visit, but we wanted tomeet your new man and see how you and ourgrandbaby are doing, she gushed, pulling himdown to give him a proper hug.Once she released Seth, she turned herattention to him.James had no choice but to pullhis hand from Seth s when his mother flung herselfinto his arms.James knew better than to try toescape.She looked him up and down. Introductions, please, pet, she demanded, hervoice calm yet firm. Just a minute, Mother, Seth replied as hisfather stepped in to give a hug of his own. Mother, Father, this is my partner, JamesBryant.James, this is Terra and Scott Burns. And I m Danni Christine Burns, Dannichimed in as she barreled into the room andcurtsied. Sweetheart, Terra said. We know who youare, it s your&. She drew the word out,seemingly unsure what to say, and glanced to Sethwith earnest eyes. Danni, you know Mimi and Pop already.They ve never met your Uncle James before. So, they didn t come to see me too? sheasked.She batted her eyes and twisted back andforth where she stood as she peered up at Seththrough her long curled lashes. Of course we did, baby girl, Scott boomed.He moved over and scooped her up. Welcome to our home, Mrs.Burns, Mr.Burns.I wasn t expecting company.I m sorry,James added as he looked down at his jeans withthe tattered knees and his lack of footwear. Oh, pish.We didn t fly all the way fromDublin just to inspect your clothes, James. Thank you.Please, come in. He motionedthem all into the great room.Though still nervous,he liked Terra already her accent charming himalmost as much as her warm smile and anyonewho could make Danni happy was good with him.After James served drinks and Seth walkedBritt and Danni out, Scott spoke up. I know wecaught you just before dinner but I have to ask,what is that you made? It smells wonderful.James beamed at the compliment. Thank you,sir.It s shrimp with rice and veggies.That s all.Ijust finished the sauce when Danni came in. James, stop being modest.James felt his face heat at Seth s words. Yes, sir.Um, it s shrimp and veggie kabobs withan herbed red pepper and portabello sauce withdilled rice and roasted asparagus.I have enoughfor everyone, if you d like to join us, he added. Sounds wonderful, Terra answered. You are so cute when you blush, baby, Sethwhispered.Before long they d finished the meal.Jamesfound Seth s parents to be pleasant and, thankfully,open-minded.He started to clear the table when hefelt Seth s hand on his shoulder. Let me, James.You try to do too much.James turned to Seth, uncertain of sittingwhile he worked. But Seth massaged James s shoulders for a minuteand pecked his cheek as he passed and begancollecting dishes.James leaned his elbows on thenow clear table and gazed at Seth s powerful backas he moved around the kitchen, their kitchen.His thoughts were interrupted by Terra sdainty pat on his hand. James, dear, how do youlike having Seth and Danni here?His brows scrunched up as he looked awayfrom Seth to meet her eyes. They re my familynow, ma am was his only answer. Yes, yes, of course.But Seth could get alarger place for the three of you, one with a maidmaybe, if you wanted. Mother. Seth s voice held a note of warningand annoyance. It s okay, Seth.No, ma am.I have a cleaningservice that comes in to help some and Seth helpsas you can see.Danni s not really a messy child.Besides&. James s voice trailed off for amoment.When he did speak again, it was softer butcertain. I like having them with me.I don t wishthem to move. I didn t mean without you, pet.I would nevertry to break up my son s home.We haven t seenhim this happy in ages.Have we, Scott? No, but I have to agree with the boys.Ifthey re happy, leave well enough alone, Terra.They have enough going on right now; they don tneed your nit-picking.Speaking of which Scottturned to face Seth again I d like to talk withyou about custody issues and support. Understood.We could retire to the verandawith our drinks or the great room. You don t have a den or study? Scott askedwith a raised brow. No. Th-that would be my fault, sir.If you want,you can use my office.I haven t had the time yet tohave the spare room redone for Seth. Oh, baby.Don t let dad get to you.Andyou, Seth continued as he turned to his father, need to back off a little too.James and Idiscussed it, but I don t feel right giving up ouronly spare room, simply for me to have a privateden.Now, if you want to discuss things, pick yourarea and we can head out.Will you be joining us,Mother? Actually, I wish to see if your James willshow me some of his art.Brittany simply ravesabout how wonderful his work is.James s head snapped up, his eyes wide andpleading as he stared at Seth.Friends, strangers,coworkers even, seeing his art was fine, but toshow Seth s mom? Uh&. It s okay, baby.She knows what kind of artyou do.She s seen pictures of the ones I boughtfrom you [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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. James looked down, not sure what else tosay. Yes, so I just heard, Seth replied, his voicesour. But, baby, don t worry.I m sure Mother andFather will adore you. He raised his head andsniffed. What are you making, by the way? Itsmells wonderful. You are not going to distract me that easily,sir.Seth smirked and drew James into his arms. Are you sure I can t distract you, baby? Sethasked as he slid his hands around James s waistand pulled him closer. Well A man cleared his throat, drawing both men sattention.James went to step back, but Seth heldhim a little tighter.When he looked over Seth sshoulder James saw a man that could only beSeth s father, or maybe older brother.He was anolder version of his lover at the least.He had blueeyes instead of the sparking hazel of his lover s,with silver at his temples, but Seth was still thespitting image of the man taking up his doorway.Seth turned without releasing James, andfaced the man. Hello, Father. Hello, the man said, a small smile on hisface.Seth s father stumbled forward a step or two,and suddenly there was a luminous, petite womanstanding beside him.She was maybe five-one if in a white pantsuit with low heels and pearls,and a huge grin. Seth, sweetheart! she squealedand launched herself at her son.Chapter 18 MOTHER.Father.What brings you by? Sethasked, his arms now full of his petite mother. If Ihad known you were visiting, I would have hadthings prepared for you. Oh, shush.We wanted to surprise you.James had to fight to hold back the chucklethreatening to fall from his lips as he watched hisstrong, confident boyfriend be scolded by his mom. We waited a little while to give you time withDanni before we came to visit, but we wanted tomeet your new man and see how you and ourgrandbaby are doing, she gushed, pulling himdown to give him a proper hug.Once she released Seth, she turned herattention to him.James had no choice but to pullhis hand from Seth s when his mother flung herselfinto his arms.James knew better than to try toescape.She looked him up and down. Introductions, please, pet, she demanded, hervoice calm yet firm. Just a minute, Mother, Seth replied as hisfather stepped in to give a hug of his own. Mother, Father, this is my partner, JamesBryant.James, this is Terra and Scott Burns. And I m Danni Christine Burns, Dannichimed in as she barreled into the room andcurtsied. Sweetheart, Terra said. We know who youare, it s your&. She drew the word out,seemingly unsure what to say, and glanced to Sethwith earnest eyes. Danni, you know Mimi and Pop already.They ve never met your Uncle James before. So, they didn t come to see me too? sheasked.She batted her eyes and twisted back andforth where she stood as she peered up at Seththrough her long curled lashes. Of course we did, baby girl, Scott boomed.He moved over and scooped her up. Welcome to our home, Mrs.Burns, Mr.Burns.I wasn t expecting company.I m sorry,James added as he looked down at his jeans withthe tattered knees and his lack of footwear. Oh, pish.We didn t fly all the way fromDublin just to inspect your clothes, James. Thank you.Please, come in. He motionedthem all into the great room.Though still nervous,he liked Terra already her accent charming himalmost as much as her warm smile and anyonewho could make Danni happy was good with him.After James served drinks and Seth walkedBritt and Danni out, Scott spoke up. I know wecaught you just before dinner but I have to ask,what is that you made? It smells wonderful.James beamed at the compliment. Thank you,sir.It s shrimp with rice and veggies.That s all.Ijust finished the sauce when Danni came in. James, stop being modest.James felt his face heat at Seth s words. Yes, sir.Um, it s shrimp and veggie kabobs withan herbed red pepper and portabello sauce withdilled rice and roasted asparagus.I have enoughfor everyone, if you d like to join us, he added. Sounds wonderful, Terra answered. You are so cute when you blush, baby, Sethwhispered.Before long they d finished the meal.Jamesfound Seth s parents to be pleasant and, thankfully,open-minded.He started to clear the table when hefelt Seth s hand on his shoulder. Let me, James.You try to do too much.James turned to Seth, uncertain of sittingwhile he worked. But Seth massaged James s shoulders for a minuteand pecked his cheek as he passed and begancollecting dishes.James leaned his elbows on thenow clear table and gazed at Seth s powerful backas he moved around the kitchen, their kitchen.His thoughts were interrupted by Terra sdainty pat on his hand. James, dear, how do youlike having Seth and Danni here?His brows scrunched up as he looked awayfrom Seth to meet her eyes. They re my familynow, ma am was his only answer. Yes, yes, of course.But Seth could get alarger place for the three of you, one with a maidmaybe, if you wanted. Mother. Seth s voice held a note of warningand annoyance. It s okay, Seth.No, ma am.I have a cleaningservice that comes in to help some and Seth helpsas you can see.Danni s not really a messy child.Besides&. James s voice trailed off for amoment.When he did speak again, it was softer butcertain. I like having them with me.I don t wishthem to move. I didn t mean without you, pet.I would nevertry to break up my son s home.We haven t seenhim this happy in ages.Have we, Scott? No, but I have to agree with the boys.Ifthey re happy, leave well enough alone, Terra.They have enough going on right now; they don tneed your nit-picking.Speaking of which Scottturned to face Seth again I d like to talk withyou about custody issues and support. Understood.We could retire to the verandawith our drinks or the great room. You don t have a den or study? Scott askedwith a raised brow. No. Th-that would be my fault, sir.If you want,you can use my office.I haven t had the time yet tohave the spare room redone for Seth. Oh, baby.Don t let dad get to you.Andyou, Seth continued as he turned to his father, need to back off a little too.James and Idiscussed it, but I don t feel right giving up ouronly spare room, simply for me to have a privateden.Now, if you want to discuss things, pick yourarea and we can head out.Will you be joining us,Mother? Actually, I wish to see if your James willshow me some of his art.Brittany simply ravesabout how wonderful his work is.James s head snapped up, his eyes wide andpleading as he stared at Seth.Friends, strangers,coworkers even, seeing his art was fine, but toshow Seth s mom? Uh&. It s okay, baby.She knows what kind of artyou do.She s seen pictures of the ones I boughtfrom you [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]