[ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
.txt (148 of 171) [2/5/2004 12:22:43 AM]file:///G|/rah/Fred%20Saberhagen/Fred%20Saberhagen%20-%20Swords%2003%20-%20The%20Third%20Book%20Of%20Swords.txtThe magicians pulled long faces when their lord mentioned the Emperor's name to them.But they had to admit that there might be some truth to the claim of driving demons away by such a means.Vilkata demanded, "Then why cannot we use it too?""We are none of us the Emperor's children, Sire.""His children? I should hope not.Are you mad?"The term "Emperor's child" was commonly used in a proverbial way, to describe the poor, the orphaned, the unfortunate.Before the subject could be pursued any farther, there arrived a distraction.It was welcomed heart-ily, at least at first, by the magicians; and it came in the form of the morning's first flying messenger, bearing news that the Master of the Beasts thought too important to be delayed.It told Vilkata that the Silver Queen's host had now actually been sighted, marching against his rear.This time, Vilkata was assured, the report was genuine.The observed strength of the army of the Silver Queen was not enough in itself to give the Dark King much real concern.But there was the dread Sword that he knew she carried; and, perhaps equally disquieting, the thought that her timely presence here might well mean that his enemies had worked out some effective plan of co-operation against him.This last suspicion was strengthened when the Tasavaltan army was also reported to be now on the march, and also approaching Tashigang.Rostov would make a formidable opponent.But it would be a day or two yet, according to report, before his army would be on the scene.And there was Vulcan-Vulcan was now almost at hand.It struck Vilkata more forcefully now than ever before, that the gods were often stupid, or at least behaved as if they were, which in practice of course came to the same thing.Holding the Mindsword drawn and ready in his hand, the Dark King rode out to confront this deity who said that he had come to do him honor.Riding a little ahead of a little group of trembling human aides, his vision Page 126ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.htmlprovided by a demon now equally tremulous with fear, Vilkata flashed the Mindsword over his head.At the same time he cried out in a loud voice, demanding the Smith's obedience.Vulcan's first answer was a knowing grin, shattering in its implications.Then the god laughed at the human he had once been forced to worship.With a wicked gleam in his huge eyes, Vulcan brandished the smoldering tree-trunk that once had been a torch, and announced that he meant to have revenge for that earlier humiliation."Did your scouts and spies, little man, take seriously what I shouted to them about my coming here to do you honor? Good! For as soon as I have time, I mean to do you honor in an unprecedented way.Ah, yes."I am a god, little man.Remember? And file:///G|/rah/Fred%20Saberhagen/Fred%20Sa.20-%20The%20Third%20Book%20Of%20Swords.txt (149 of 171) [2/5/2004 12:22:43 AM]file:///G|/rah/Fred%20Saberhagen/Fred%20Saberhagen%20-%20Swords%2003%20-%20The%20Third%20Book%20Of%20Swords.txtShieldbreaker is now in my hand! Can you understand what that means? I, who forged it, know.It means Iam immune to all other weapons, including your Mindsword.There is no power on earth that can oppose me now."The Dark King, as usual at his bravest when things seemed most desperate, glared right back at the god, and nursed a silent hope that Doomgiver in some human hand might still bring this proud being down.Or Farslayer.then he saw another' sheath at Vulcan's belt, another black hilt, and he knew a sinking moment of despair.Vulcan, taking his time, had yet a little more to say.He was going to have his revenge on Vilkata, but not just yet."First of all, little man, there are more Swords that I must gather.Just to be sure.therefore I claim this city and all its contents for my own.And all.its people.They will wish that Mars still lived, when my rule begins among them."And the god turned his back on the King, and marched off to claim his city.However many companions the Smith had had when he came over the horizon, he was now down to just one, a four-armed male god that Vilkata was unable to identify offhand.Not, he supposed, that it much mattered.As long as Vilkata was actually in Vulcan's presence, he had been able to confront the Smith bravely enough.But when the confrontation was over, the man was left physically shaking.Still, in a way he was almost glad that Vulcan was now openly his enemy.Always, in the past, it had taken a supreme challenge of some kind to rouse Vilkata to his greatest efforts and achievements.When he knew a crisis was approaching, fear gnawed at him maddeningly, and sometimes came near to disabling him.But when the crisis arrived, then he was at his best.As was the case now.Rejoining the main body of his army, he called his staff together and issued orders firmly.In a new, bold voice, the Dark King commanded them to abandon the siege that they had scarcely yet begun.Once more he set his whole vast host in motion, turning it to meet the Silver Queen andSoulcutter.Vulcan's turn would come, and soon.There were still certain weapons to which even a god armed with the Sword of Force would not be immune, the tools of boldness and intelligence.Meanwhile, for the time being, Vilkata would abandon the city of Tashigang to the gods.CHAPTER 17In the hour before dawn, at a time when two hundred of the loyal defenders of Tashigang were fighting outside the walls, there was treachery in the Lord Mayor's palace.Money changed hands, and weapons flashed, in a corridor on an upper floor, where one room had been made into a cell for holding an Page 127ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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