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. Wren? His eyes danced with delight as he recognized me. Wren! Where did youcome from? He reached both arms to enfold me in a bear hug that lifted mefree of the earth and swung me in a broad circle.He smelled of horse andsweat and leather.Not so different from my memory of him.My aching headcontinued to spin when he stopped whirling.I clung to him for balance,drawing strength from his warmth. Oh, Curyll, you are safe and hale, I blurted out.I touched his face andcaressed his beard, unable to help myself.His whiskers, as silky as a dog slong fur, tingled against my fingertips. The faeries said you needed me.Icame as quickly as I could, but Uther s illness delayed Da and me.I reallyworried about you.But you are safe! Slow down, Wren.What is all this about faeries and Uther and your Da? Helaughed, putting me down and ruffling my unruly hair as he had when I was achild.His fingers felt good as they rubbed my tender scalp. You haven tchanged a bit, Wren.You still have grass stains on your skirt and twigs inyour hair.Don t ever change. He hugged me again, laughing with joy.The topof my head barely reached his shoulder.His leather armor, reinforced withPage 78 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.htmlbits of metal, added bulk to him.Beside him, I felt like a child, a verymuddy and ragged urchin.But my life s pattern looked right for the first timesince Da exorcised Uther s demon.Only the habitual pack of dogs hanging aboutCuryll s heels was missing from the picture. I have to talk to you, Curyll.Da and I came across Saxons in the Deeestuary.They ve been raiding and pillaging for miles inland.That s when thefaeries said you needed me. This is serious, Wren.Where is your father? He needs to report to the ArdhRhi.We have fought only minor skirmishes along the Southern coast thisyear just enough to keep us here.We wondered if the Saxons grew tired offeeling the bite of our swords and moved on to weaker prey. I stared at him,eyes wide and mouth slightly open. Is there someplace we can talk inprivate? I looked askance at the hundreds of men and servitors that made upthis army.Most of them seemed to be loitering within an arm s reach of us.The kings had no right to keep the united warbands in attendance for onlyminor skirmishes.The men should havegone home to defend their own lands months ago.But the kings needed theirarmies close by when Uther died and a new Ardh Rhi was decided by combat.Onlythey didn t know Uther had a son who could replace him, if he could gatherenough support from a majority of the kings.Da had to name the heir soon.I wondered again which of the young men we knew was truly Uther s son andwhich my father would bring forth.Curyll could be the one.I hoped not.As a respected warrior, he could marryme.The Ardh Rhi needed to marry a princess with political allies.Curyll grabbedmy hand and walked rapidly down an alley lined with middlesized shelters.Combinations of stone, timber, and sturdy cloth making up the tents created anaura of permanence that bothered me.An army should be mobile, to meet theenemy wherever necessary.A lord brought his warband to the Ardh Rhi only foremergencies that threatened everyone. My tent.That is&  He stopped short and I nearly bumped into him. You can tbe seen going into my tent alone with me.Brenhines Ygraina is quite strictabout her ladies. Britain is more important than my reputation. Without further ado he hauledme in his wake toward an officer s shelter sporting a small banner of a bear.He d clung to that emblem rather than revert to the hawk of his name. No one will disturb us here.I ll leave the door open for your sake, Wren.He pushed inward a wooden door set into a haphazard frame. Curyll, wherehave you been? Oh! a feminine voice greeted our arrival. Morgaine? Curyll froze in midstep beside me.High color spread from his cheekbones to his ears and down into his thickneck.I torc my eyes from his embarrassment to stare at Morgaine.She stoodin the center of the small room holding her undertunic in front of her.Above her clasping hands, her naked shoulders and the rounded fullness of herbreasts gleamed milky smooth in the flickering light of a single oil lamp.Thebreeze from the open door fluttered in the folds of her garment, revealing along leg, naked to the enticing roundness of her bum.Chapter 17The Merlin settled Uther back into his bed for a well deserved nap.The ArdhRhi had made a remarkable recovery but still lacked essential strength tohandle much more than feeding himself and using the chamber pot. Sleep now,Highness, he whispered, holding his palm over Uther s eyes.The Ardh Rhididn t need help in falling into deep, healing sleep.In moments he snoredlightly [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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