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.They came to a small clearing where the sunpenetrated the forest canopy.Bast turned around andtold him, "John Hamdon is dead.""What?" John Hamdon said."John Hamdon died on Bellus Road on the nineteenthof April.You are a shadow.""And you are a dick," John said back."I was chasing a shadow when I got hit by a car.Icouldn't pick the trail back up again.I couldn'tunderstand how it could get that far ahead of me.Itdidn't.I left it back on the road.It hit me with its car."Chasing Shadows 98 "Are you sniffing something from the evidencelocker?""A shadow entered John Hamdon.He hit me with hiscar.Then the shadow killed him."John pressed his finger to the bridge of his own nose."Look at me.Focus here, Bast.I'm not dead.""You've been looking for a traitor in our section whois leaking secrets to Krieg's organization.If you'velooked everywhere and you're coming up empty handed,look inside yourself.You're it.""Where the wild fuck are you getting this from?""That's why Krieg laughed when I asked him who hehad in our organization.The guy Krieg has was standingright next to me.I brought Krieg's own snitch with me totalk to him!""Bast, this is nuts even for you.Please drop it now.""Remember when I e-mailed you about a shipmentyesterday? You turned around and passed thatinformation to Krieg.""I didn't.If he found out, it wasn't from me.Someoneelse had to tell him.""Who else? I made it up! It was all shit!" Bast's voicecracked.He sounded near crying."I told it to you andonly to you.But the information got to Krieg and heswallowed it -- because it came from his trusty shadow-infested snitch.""I didn't tell him squat!""You drove to Krieg's place last night.Krieg acted onthe crap you told him.There will be people seriouslyupset with Krieg today.He's going to need to find a newhouse.I need to catch him on moving day."John knew Bast wasn't talking about a house house.He was talking about a living human body as a place fora shadow to live.John's anger caved into doubt, then into a deep ohshit, wondering if it was true.A tremor started in hishands.He dropped his coffee cup.He was tired as if hehadn't slept at all.Because he hadn't slept.I didn't do that.I couldn't.Chasing Shadows 99 Anytime he'd heard information on how the Bureauwas going to catch Krieg, John was dragging the nextday.I've been walking.Bast said, "And then there's you.""What are you going to do to me?""Like to fuck you blind.But you're not John.This is areal problem.""You THINK?""I'm afraid I need to kill you, but you're not reallyJohn.John is dead.You're so like John.This is hard.I'msorry." Bast drew a weapon, not police issue.And Lordalmighty, Bast had a silencer.John forced his voice into a congenial tone, liketalking to a hop head, "Bast, get back in your lane.You're drifting over the double yellows.""You won't feel much." Bast leveled the gun at hishead."Steady."Screw congeniality."Are you fucking insane!""Stay still.Face me.You can close your eyes, butopen your mouth.You shouldn't feel much."John saw black.Between rage and fear, he yelled,"Get fucking fucked!" And he dropped to the ground,drawing his 9 mil.He emptied the clip into Bast -- likeshooting himself in the gut.Bast recoiled from the impacts but kept hold of hisown pistol, stumbling once, and advanced like a moviezombie.John threw his gun at Bast, missed, and scrambled toturn and run.Something -- two paws of a wolf --hammered down on his back and he was thrownforward.He landed face down in the leaf litter and acorns.Hespat dirt and ants -- still alive, with a wolf on top of him,its heavy paws finding footing on his back, gathering itscenter and launching off him.Air left John's pressedlungs with an ooof.The exhalation from his mouth wasblack.From one eye he barely glimpsed the gray-black wolfflying over his head, lunging after the darkness.Chasing Shadows 100 The darkness was real.It was a moving black mass,weirdly flat and twisting, changing shape, expandingand contracting like a diseased lung.And Bast, the wolf,was still alive with a load of metal in his chest and gut.The wolf inhaled the writhing darkness.The shadowconvulsed, snapping like a black flag.Its ragged edgesclawed at the air, fighting, tearing.The wolf stoodstraight up, still trying to draw it all in.He totteredbackwards.Bast, a man again, fell to the ground, swearing outlight ash-gray smoke.He crawled back to his coat andfumbled for a pocket.He flipped something at John."Keep this on you in case it comes back."This was a cigarette lighter.John wasn't sure whichquestion to ask first [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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