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.Even the middle-aged men acting without masks tried not to movetheir faces.Page 50 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.htmlEach gesture on the stage, each statement and reaction was a conscious choice.Lawrence had just joined a fraternity that had drinking parties and elaboratehazing rituals.Whenever he glanced at his reflection, he saw insecurity andconfusion: a young man who wasn't going to fit in.A living mask solved theproblem.Standing in front of the mirror in his bathroom, he practiced masksof happiness, admiration, and enthusiasm.By his senior year of college he wasvoted president of his fraternity and his professors gave him strongrecommendations for graduate school.***###THE PHONE ON his desk buzzed softly and Lawrence turned away from the computerscreen."How's our new guest reacting?" Boone asked."He seems agitated and somewhat frightened.""There's nothing wrong with that," Boone said."General Nash just arrived.GetRichardson and put him in the Truth Room."Lawrence took the elevator down to the third floor.Like Boone, he had aProtectiveLink inserted beneath his skin.He waved his hand at the door sensor.The lockclicked open and he walked into the suite.Dr.Richardson spun around and approached Lawrence.He jabbed at the air withhis index finger."This is outrageous! Mr.Boone said that I was going to meetwith your staff.Instead, I've been kept locked in here like a prisoner.""I apologize for the delay," Lawrence said."General Nash just arrived andhe's eager to talk to you.""You mean Kennard Nash? Your executive director?""That's right.I'm sure you've seen him on television.""Not for several years." Richardson lowered his voice and relaxed slightly."But Iremember when he was a presidential adviser.""The general has always been involved in public service.So it was a naturaltransition for him to join the Evergreen Foundation." Lawrence reached intohis suit-coat pocket and took out a handheld metal detector the sort of thingthat security guards use in airports."For security reasons, we'd like you toleave all metal objects in the room.That includes your wristwatch, coins, andbelt.It's standard procedure at our research facility"If Lawrence had given him a direct order, Richardson might have refused.Instead, he had to deal with the bland assumption that taking off hiswristwatch was the normal thing to do when meeting an important person.Heplaced his possessions on the table and then Lawrence passed the detector overthe neurologist's body.The men left the room and walked down the hallway tothe elevator."Did you read all the materials last night?""Yes.""I hope you found them interesting.""It's incredible.Why haven't these recent studies been published? I've neverread anything about the Travelers.""At this time, the Evergreen Foundation wants to keep this informationsecret.""That's not how science works, Mr.Takawa.Major discoveries occur becausescientists all over the world have access to the same data."They took the elevator to the basement and walked down a corridor to a whitedoor without handles or knobs.When Lawrence waved his hand, the door glidedopen.He motioned Dr.Richardson forward and the scientist entered awindowless room where there was no furniture except for a wooden table and twowooden chairs."This is a special security room," Lawrence explained."Everything said herePage 51 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.htmlis confidential.""So where's General Nash?""Don't worry.He'll be here in a few minutes."***###LAWRENCE WAVED HIS right hand and the door closed, locking Richardson insidethe Truth Room.For the last six years, the Evergreen Foundation had funded asecret research effort to find out when someone was lying.This wasn't donewith a voice analyzer or a polygraph machine that recorded a person'sbreathing rate and blood pressure.Fear could distort the results of such tests and a good actor could suppressthese secondhand signs of deceit.Ignoring outward physical changes, the Evergreen Foundation scientists lookeddirectly inside the brain using magnetic resonance imaging.The Truth Room wassimply a large MRI chamber in which a person could talk, eat, and move about.The man or womanbeing questioned didn't have to know what was going on, which allowed for awider range of reactions.While watching a person's brain as he answered questions, it was possible tosee how different sectors of tissue reacted to what was being said.Thefoundation scientists discovered that it was easier for the brain to tell thetruth.When a person was lying, his left prefrontal cortex and the anteriorcingulate gyrus lit up like red patches of molten lava.***###LAWRENCE CONTINUED DOWN the corridor to another unmarked door.Alock clicked open and he entered a shadowy room.Four television monitors wereset in a wall opposite a bank of computers and a long table that contained thecontrol panel.Aplump, bearded man sat at the table and typed instructions on a computerkeyboard [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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