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.How I grievethat yourmother died so soon and never knew you.She would have been proud of you. Proud of me? Heather asked forlornly, looking down at her stomach. I've brought disgrace to you all,she said tearfully.Lady Hampton smiled at her gently. Nonsense, my dear.Sometimes a girl cannot help thethings thathappen to her.She's just a victim of circumstances. Or of Yankees, Heather murmured.Her ladyship laughed softly. Yes, or of Yankees, but at least he's young and handsome andclean.Whenmy husband first told me of your predicament and said a Yankee seaman was to blame, I wassick withworry.I thought he would be old and lecherous.Even your aunt confided that she expectedthe man tobe so.It was probably a great disappointment to her that he was not, considering what you'vesuffered inher hands.But he's so magnificent.Truly all your babies will be fine and beautiful and I sup-pose you'llhave many.Lady Hampton's voice dwindled off to barely a whisper as she remembered the passionateembraceCaptain Birmingham had given his young bride and the rock hard expression that had beenon his faceafterward. Yes, Heather breathed silently.She swallowed hard and said aloud,  Yes, I suppose we'll behavingmany.She was thinking of the ease with which Brandon had planted his seed in her.She would nodoubt begiving birth to many.Lady Hampton rose to go and Heather looked up pleadingly. Must you go now? she asked in a quavery voice.The woman nodded her head slowly. Yes, my dear.We've held him at bay long enough.Wecannot anylonger.But if you should need us, we will be near.The woman's meaning was not lost upon Heather.She knew if she called out for assistancethey wouldABC Amber Text Converter Trial version, http://www.processtext.com/abctxt.html come, despite the fact that they had no right to interfere.Again she was alone and frightened.But after she had tasted bitterly her husband's mockery,she wasdetermined now not to cringe and cower from him. Let him see that I am willing, she thought cunningly. He will not choose to hurt me then.Her waiting came to an abrupt end, startling her when the sound of his footfalls came in thehall.Her faceflamed as she saw the door open, and then she found herself staring across the width of theroom into hisgreen eyes.His gaze lowered and a fire was kindled as he raked her body with his stare.Heather sat awkwardly, her heart beating wildly.The bedcovers had been drawn to the end ofthe bedout of her reach and she longed to pull them to her.The gown she wore was like a soft blueveil over herbody, more alluring and revealing than bare flesh.It was tied with soft ribbons at the waist oneach side,but from the waist up and the waist down it was slit with no further ornament to hold it togeth-er.As aresult the sides of her breasts were exposed and the long, slender limbs were laid bare to hisgaze.Thehardest thing she ever had to do in her life was to sit calmly before him and let him look at heras he wasdoing. You're very beautiful, my love, he said hoarsely, coming forward to the bed.His eyes werelike flamesof fire, scorching her.He reached out and pulled her to her knees. You're even more lovelythan Iremembered.Still on her knees, she came reluctantly to him as he drew her into his embrace.His handsslid carelesslyunder her gown and over her buttocks as he bent his head slowly to her, and trembling,Heather waitedfor his kiss.But before his lips pressed upon hers, he drew away the slightest degree andlaughed softly inhis mocking way. You are more willing now, my love, than you were before.Does marriage make it so differ- ent? Was thatthe price you were selling your body for? And here I thought at last was a woman pure inheart whowould willingly give her body to no man for a price, only for love. Oh, you horrible wretch! she cried angrily, trying to snatch free. What do I have to say in thematter?You will rape me as you did before, whether I struggle or not [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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