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.Fear can lead you to become less respon-tential, therefore, are the lack of belief in your authentic self, and yoursive and less adaptive.You may also freeze in high-pressure situations.reliance on the internal conversations or interpretations you have aboutAwareness of the helplessness associated with fear sometimes leads to anyourself.intensification of helplessness, a lack of energy, and an impulse to endA trader I introduced earlier, Bob, is a case in point.Bob is afraid ofthe trade.success.He is reluctant to outdo his father, who was an unsuccessfulTrading in terms of past images makes it difficult to adapt to changingpart-time trader and who, over time, has come to rely on handoutsconditions.Because you are frozen in a fixed intellectual and emotionalfrom his son.Bob is convinced he is like his father and that he will neverposition, you are unable to adjust your course around obstacles.This insucceed.Even when he succeeds he has problems, because he is afraidturn makes it hard to trade in terms of a long-range financial objective. TRADI NG TO WI N230 The Power to Change 231Governed by the concept of minimizing stress while looking com- Denial is not the same as the willingness to persevere or remainpetent, you may establish conflicting goals that are unrealistically high committed in the face of failure.The most creative people are willing toor unnecessarily low.Concerned with your image, you may take on too admit to their fears, acknowledge their failures, and keep going untilmany goals at once, establish goals unsuited to your abilities or tem- they have achieved their objectives, never ceasing to give anything butperament, or let others set goals for you.maximum effort, despite the odds.The critical thing is to recognize andSounds like a terrible set of circumstances, doesn't it? What's more, admit to failure and to keep going.A case in point is Thomas Edison,once you begin to take action toward your goal, your fears may go into who did 2999 experiments before he invented the electric lightbulb.high gear in sabotaging your efforts.An outmoded, defensive life prin- His insistence on all-out effort, even in what seemed to be a hopelessciple governs the choice of goals as well as the approach to them.Often cause, reflected his ability to approach failures unflinchingly and to keepit prevents the realization of a goal and imprisons you in a model of self- going even when the odds seemed insuperable.defeat.When you get absorbed in fantasies of disaster, you can lose This land of focused effort in the face of intense stress is what makessight of your goals and become thoroughly confused.Alternatively, you for outstanding performance in all fields.Creative people are able tomay create too many solutions, thereby becoming paralyzed with plans keep going no matter how insufficient the results.They tap great re-and procedures.Or, you may focus too much attention on ultimate, serves of mental strength when they are faced with seemingly impossi-distant goals and ignore what can be done in the present.ble odds.This is as true in business as it is in the creative arts.In short, fear is the most common, and most debilitating, effect ofA master trader does not deny the presence of uncertainty, anxiety,the life principle that unconsciously manipulates your emotional core.or fear, or waste energy covering up such responses or avoiding maxi-You can see the results all around you.The avoidance of failure at any mum effort in order to appear to be more relaxed.Rather, he or she ac-cost is obvious among people who are preoccupied with results and be- cepts the distress as part and parcel of the experience, but soldiers on,lieve that the results reflect who they are.engrossed in the task at hand.Master traders have learned to distinguish conscious commitmentto a financial goal from the natural inclination to be comfortable and toDenial and Fear of Success withdraw or retreat to the more familiar terrain of habits and attitudesconditioned earlier in life.They have learned to make this distinctionFear of being isolated and rejected by peers as a result of success can and to keep living out of their vision.lead traders to do less than their best.If you are uncomfortable withsuccess, you may unwittingly invite failure as you approach success.Oryou may function at less than your capacity, avoiding the possibility ofGoal-Setting: The Beginning of Changesuccess or failure.Here, fear of failure and fear of success coalesce.Theprospect of success intensifies fear of failing.That idea leads to a reduc-How do you set change in motion? One way is by considering what yoution in effort, increased distractibility, and the acceptance of a mentalare doing now that you really don't want to do.How much of each day"ceiling" on your effort, which serves as the rationalization for notdo you spend on tasks that you are doing out of a sense of obligation ormaximizing your potential.tradition, or to meet the expectations of others? Eliminate those tasks toOnly by coming face to face with your own self-doubts can youfree up time and brainpower for things that you do naturally and whichfree up the enormous energy that has been devoted to denial.You can you may have taken for granted until now.This is more difficult to doaccept your anxiety and begin to trade in terms of your commitmentthan it seems.You like the rest of us probably have been taught toand vision, independently of the self-criticizing voices and fearful lifethink in terms of accomplishing goals or acquiring abilities that you doprinciple.not have, rather than cultivating undeveloped abilities that you do have. 232 TRADI NG TO WI NThe Power to 233Use as much of your talent as possible on activities that are mean-into your self-doubts and rationalizations, it is important to notice theingful to you.If most of what you have accomplished already resultedpatterns of withdrawal you employ to take yourself out of the action.from using only a portion of your abilities, think of how much moreDon't assume things will be taken care of.You must produce the re-fulfilled you will feel once you begin to use all of your faculties.sults.You must be clear with those who are assisting you about whatFacing adversity in the form of crises is another good path towardyou want and must review this with them.Don't assume things will gochange.Whenever you deal with obstacles and challenges, you discoverthe way you want them to go unless you outline your regimens and es-new potential within yourself and may actually increase the gifts thattablish a structure to ensure the outcome.Don't expect someone elseyou can bring to bear on nurturing new dimensions within yourself.will do it for you.There are no shortcuts or easy results.CommitmentTo begin to change, you must commit to a larger and more con-is about being fully engaged in your trading, not about getting the re-crete financial goal.This will give you a standard about which trades tosults.You play to win.But the game is not about winning.It is aboutpursue and which to avoid.playing wholeheartedly.Even if you produce the result you must beA goal functions like a mantra [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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