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.I think love is much the same thing.Arasima, I don’t have many illusions left.”Pida picked at a blue cuticle, the color from the dye that had come off the nails far easier.“What do you make of what he was saying about dominance?”Laurel Hickeywww.2morrow.bc.caEye of the Ocean – Book 1: Ri“I don’t.Sarkalt’s been spinning Zimmer since before we left Palace.Add tothat his being a very old, very powerful Priest, and.”“Arasima sees him,” Pida interrupted flatly as he looked up at the Warder.“Amirror, like you said.”She looked from Quin’tat to Pida and back.A new look showed on Quin’tat’sface.Surprise? That the tass’altin had been pulling Command level ship’s Net to hear what happened on the bridge?And also knew that he had responded as though challenged by the tass’altinwhere he hadn’t with her.Another kind of mirror, she decided, but didn’t darelaugh at him.But Pida did, the rich sound at odds with his slight frame.“I’ve been spinningZimmer too.Ever since I found out whom I’d be rooming with.I prefer floating,most tass’altin do some right after training, especially with a Tass’Holding aslarge as at Palace and with so many Temple sites in a compact area, but I like the variety.That was part of why Vo’ti selected me.” He shrugged.“You don’t have to be a Priest to get to know what to look for in the spins when you change species.Sarkalt’s setting her up for gin’tala.”She thought he might have seen the form in the burning joss stick, but hereyes saw only a simple line over the curved pebbles from the ash and an evensimpler line in the smoke.Pida saw her looking and made a sign she didn’trecognize.But she thought Quin’tat did.“She’d end up Clan a’Genn.From what Iunderstand, even in the rare instances when they bed freeborn females, ClanZimmer dominant males wrap the spurs to prohibit transferal.” He blinked.“Iseriously doubt Gennady or Simitta would accommodate her in any case.”“It wouldn’t simply be the gin’tala,” Pida said with another long look to her.“You’re frightening her,” Quin’tat protested although she hadn’t moved.Arasima hissed, her tongue pushing against her flat edged teeth.Freeborn flat,they didn’t file them to mimic juvenile feeding teeth as the Clan did.“Pida iscorrect,” she said, then shook her head as she realized where the conversationhad gone while her mind had raced in another direction with what had been saidearlier.“Sarkalt.I do see him even if not much.I do see Zimmer-pattern.”Quin’tat frowned and opened his mouth.“No,” she said quickly.“You’re from Temple, you deny anything that doesn’t fityour reality.Merchant ships like to have a true web-pilot to add pattern to jumps and they’ll take the rest of the family on as crew.Some Gates respond easier to any sort of pattern, sometimes even allowing priority.”She pushed at the unburned end of the joss stick and the pattern changed.Notso simple, but then it never had been.“The Clan Zimmer will do this if Sarkaltasks.” She looked at Quin’tat.“They must agree, or Sarkalt wouldn’t think to ask.The Overpriest wants a better mirror, and the Clan Zimmer, a more sure hand inLaurel Hickeywww.2morrow.bc.caEye of the Ocean – Book 1: Rideciding the future.Another mirror.” She did laugh at him, then.Her mountain --he shed illusions as poorly as sand does rain.Pida sat upright and crossed his legs.“I don’t know about the Zimmer, butSarkalt is looking past the Opening.well past.It’s part of his loosing the center.I’ve seen it before in dying Priests, not personally, but as part of advancedtraining.To their senses, the structure of time breaks down, swinging them very far back into their life or pushed towards their death.” He looked at her, butagain, she didn’t understand his expression.Then to Quin’tat, he said, “Have you examined the spins on the people around the Opening site?”“I don’t see what that has to do with Arasima or the Clan Zimmer.”Pida patted the cover of the book he had been reading.“I’ve been taking notesfrom the spins we have on this world, you might want to have a look.LadyUlanda is woven into the religious prophesies of at least one of the people there.For any of what the Xintan nomads believe to come true, she has to survive theOpening, despite Anga.”“I agree with her survival but only because Sarkalt insists.But the rest.it’s only one interpretation and only one people, besides being very out of date.”Picking up the book, Pida fanned the pages.“Taken in the context of what weknow, the legends start to make sense.This doesn’t end with the Opening anymore than it did at Cam’lt Temple.And Arasima.in addition to what she said, I think that he means her as a link to the a’Genn Clan Zimmer and their connection with the Empress.She’ll take his image with her through the gin’tala.It’s theother side of what he said to Lord Gennady, that he gets a chance at influencing the outcome.”Quin’tat turned to her.“Would you?”Which? The gin’tala or taking the Overpriest’s image? She stood and went tothe curtain and held it open.The tiles knew her better than they knew Sarkaltand she made the world grow until she could have touched the ocean thatcovered much the globe, or sifted the sand of the coast through her fingers [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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