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.Any spellbeing used within the shield's radius, passing throughthe shield, or directed toward anyone within the Greater Spell Shieldshield, has its effective MAGE reduced by 1.If this Time: 1 minute (5 Rounds)reduction puts the caster below the required mage to Energy: 16 MPcast the spell, the spell has no effect on those inside Requirements: MAGE 4the shield.The spell is still cast, and may effect Difficulty: 24those outside the shield as normal, but those inside This spell is much like Lesser Spell Shield, only moreare treated as if the caster's MAGE were one less.powerful.Any spell being used within the shield'sThis spell last for a time equal to the casters MAGE radius, passing through the shield, or directed towardin Phases, and has an effective radius equal to the anyone within the shield, has its effective MAGEhalf the caster's MAGE, in meters (� MAGE).reduced by 3.If this reduction puts the caster belowthe required mage to cast the spell, the spell has noeffect on those inside the shield.The spell is still cast, and may effect those outside the shield as pentagram and the summoner had better startnormal, but those inside are treated as if the caster's running.MAGE were three less.This spell lasts for a time A failed attempt to cast a pentagram willequal to the casters MAGE in Phases.usually go unnoticed, and the caster may believe thepentagram will work when it actually is not enchantedat all.Dispel MagicTime: 1 minute (5 Rounds)Energy: 12 MP HexagramRequirements: MAGE 5 Time: 5 minutesDifficulty: 25 Energy: 15 MPDispel Magic is a powerful spell which negates all Requirements: MAGE 6magical energy within a give radius.For as long as Difficulty: 26the spell lasts, no one can cast magic in or into the Sometimes confused with a pentagram, a hexagramdispelled magic field.Enchanted items are is a six-pointed star (called a Magen Star) which callsunaffected, but their magical effects are temporarily upon positive magical energy.A magical Hexagramnegated, until they are brought out of the area, and can help focus and accumulate magical energy.alchemical potions will work as normal.This spell The first part of any Hexagram spell islasts for a time equal to the casters MAGE in Phases, drawing the actual hexagram.This must be done onand has an effective radius equal to the caster's the floor with chalk, paint or anything else that canMAGE, in meters.leave a strongly visible mark.This hexagram has nomagical power until the Hexagram spell is cast uponit.Once a hexagram has thus been fashioned, itPentagrambecomes a focus of magical energy.Time: 1 minute (5 Rounds)After it has been fashioned, a magicalEnergy: 12 MPHexagram will begin to accumulate magical energy,Requirements: MAGE 6forming a Magic Pool, similar to the Magic Pool of allDifficulty: 26spell casters.A Hexagram can store MP up to fiveA magical Pentagram has several highly importanttimes the MAGE of the caster who fashioned it.Thatproperties.Because of its geometrical design andis, if a wizard with a MAGE of 6 created a Hexagram,energy focusing properties, a pentagram can be usedit could store up to 30 MP.The Hexagram will beginto contain or ward against a demon (or demonicto charge and build its MP pool at a rate of 1 MPentity).And so they are commonly used byevery 5 minutes (or 12 MP per hour).MP cannot bedemonolaters when summoning demons.dumped or transferred into a Hexagram, it must buildThe first part of any Pentagram spell isthe energy on its own.Once it has reached itsdrawing the actual pentagram.This must be done onmaximum, it will stop.A Hexagram will only last for athe floor with chalk, paint, blood, or anything else thatday (24 hours) before it collapses and loses all thecan leave a strongly visible mark.This pentagramMP it generated.Once all this energy is used up, thehas no magical power until the Pentagram spell isHexagram is empty and will not recharge.It must becast upon it, charging its demonic warding powers.recast.Once a pentagram has thus been fashioned, itAny mage can step into the Hexagram andbecomes an effective barrier against demons.Ause it's Magic Pool to augment his own.This is verydemon cannot cross into (or out of) a magicaluseful for creating big spells or making magic items.pentagram, nor can he attack anyone inside,It is not at all uncommon for a mage to draw (or tilephysically or with magical powers.in) a hexagram on the floor of his workplace.ThoughAlthough sometimes a demonolater will placethe magical Hexagram dispels in 24 hours, thehimself inside the pentagram and summon theoutline remains, and all the mage has to do is castdemon outside, the usually protocol is to standHexagram each day before he beings his work.Moreoutside the pentagram and summon a demon into thepowerful mages can create more powerfulpentagram.This keeps the demon safely contained.Hexagrams, and blankets with such Hexagrams canBecause the demon cannot leave, the summoneroften be purchased (at a high price) from a Mage'soften uses this as a bargaining tool, promising toGuild (with just a 23 hour guarantee, of course).Ifrelease the demon once he has answered ayou attempt to make a hexagram within a hexagram,question, or until they have cut a deal.both will collapse and be destroyed.The reason forA demon can attempt to break through athis is unknown.pentagram.This requires the demon to make a WILLA Hexagram can be used to help recharageroll against a DV of 32 (if the roll to create themanastones.Placed in a Hexagram, a manastonepentagram was higher then 32, use that number).Ifwill recharge a twice its normal rate.This isthe demon succeeds, he has broken through thesomething which should always be kept in mind. Siphon ManaBurn Mana Time: 5 minutesTime: 3 minutes Energy: 15 MPEnergy: 10 MP Requirements: MAGE 8Requirements: MAGE 7 Difficulty: 28Difficulty: 28 Siphon Mana is often used to counterbalance the badCasting this spell creates a magical reaction in the effects of Burn Mana.Siphon Mana basically createsflow of mana around where the spell was cast.The a river, or stream, of mana that flows through a targetmana of the surrounding area is burned up, creating area.By itself, this is completely useless.But if thepoints of magical energy (MP) which any nearby target area has Burn Mana spell active within it (or ismage can use to cast spells.On the down side, an item that is burning mana), the end effect is thathowever, the effective MAGE of all spells drops by -2, there is no -2 MAGE penalty incurred (for everyas much of the magical energy has been destroyed casting of Burn Mana, you must have one casting of(or burned) to create the MP energy.This means the Siphon Mana to cover the penalty).The flowspells will be less effective, and some spells may not distributes enough fresh mana to the area so that anywork at all.The area of effect is equal to the MP damaged mana is quickly replenished.generated, in meters.Magic items are effected by On the bad side, the usage of Siphon Manathis, but not alchemy.is very apparent to anyone sensitive to magicA mana burning area can generate a (basically, anyone who has a MAGE of 1 or more) [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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