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.” Pierce chattered away, relieved that at least one person in the room seemed to be glad about his presence.“Does she have her own garden?”“No, it’s my garden.But she gets to play in it during the day.”“Can we have a dog too, Daddy?”Noah smothered a sigh and shot Pierce a slightly accusing glance.“I’m afraid not, Pheebs.”“Why not?” She went to him and, hugging his leg, stuck out her bottom lip in a little-girl pout.Noah picked her up and pressed his forehead to hers.“Because, pumpkin,” he explained patiently, “we don’t have the space and nobody’s at home during the day, so the poor thing would just end up getting bored.Besides, a dog needs to be walked at least twice a day, even if you have a garden, which we don’t.Sorry, love, but it’s not possible.” He kissed the tip of her nose and put her back on the ground.www.total-e-bound.comSUB-MISSIONSage Marlowe36“Time for dinner, everybody,” Judith announced brightly.“Mr Hollister, would you care to join us? You must be hungry and there’s certainly enough.” She was completely oblivious to the sideways glance Noah aimed at her.“Thank you, but I think I’ll…”“No, please stay,” Noah said, quietly but firmly.“In fact, I think we could do with your help.I’m sure Judith has prepared way too much food.As always.” A tiny smile lit up his face.“Just trying to get a bit of meat on you, my dear,” Judith replied, swatting his butt in passing as she moved to lay the table.“You’re way too skinny.”“I’m not!” Noah rolled his eyes and carried the small stack of plates after her.Obviously it wasn’t the first time they had had this conversation.Dinner passed quickly, with most of the time being taken up by Phoebe’s lengthy description of her afternoon at playgroup.The rest of the conversation revolved around everyday trivialities and the news.Pierce was surprised to find that he was enjoying himself a lot.He never would have guessed that dinner at a small, crowded kitchen table, listening to a child talk about her day, could be fun, but it was.Maybe it had something to do with the way Noah’s handsome face lit up while he watched his daughter.He doted on her, that much was clear.“Anything I can do?” Pierce offered, when dinner was officially over.Noah looked at the big clock on the wall.“Well, it’s a bit late already, so I’d appreciate if you could help Judith with the dishes, if you don’t mind.Then I can take Pheebs up to bed.”“Sure.” Pierce gave him a warm smile.“Goodnight, Phoebe.Sweet dreams.”“Goodnight.” Yawning widely, she let Noah drag her into the hallway and up the stairs.“I don’t think I’ve ever met a child that age who doesn’t protest when it’s time to turn in—not that I’ve met many children that age at all, but I’ve got a nephew who’s just turned eight.He kicks a fuss about going to bed almost always.” Pierce smiled.“She gets tired fast,” Judith explained, running water into the sink.“Besides, Noah’s got a pretty good hold over her.”“Must be tough for him to raise a child on his own,” Pierce said carefully.www.total-e-bound.comSUB-MISSIONSage Marlowe37“It is.Ever since Phoebe’s been in nursery school, it’s got easier.He’s got a decent job with pretty regular times and the money’s okay now, too.”“What does he do?”“Something with computers.Don’t ask me what that means exactly, I’ve never got the hang of those awful machines.”“That doesn’t sound so bad.”“Oh, it’s definitely much better than all the part-time jobs as a waiter and what-not he did when Phoebe was just a toddler.That was really tough for him.Sometimes he’d work two jobs and try to look after her most of the time himself.And all that while putting himself through university.”“He’s been to university?” Pierce asked, surprised.“You sound like you didn’t expect that.” She smiled.“Um, I haven’t really thought about it [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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