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. Watch them, he demanded in her ear. He has her wanting him already.47 48 Pharaoh s Warrior Jaden SinclairSabu, still kissing Tia, picked her up, carrying her with her legs wrapped aroundhim to the bed.He laid them both down, pulling his pants down as he went.Zafar touched Aneksi's pussy the same moment that Sabu touched Tia betweenher legs.Both girls moaned at the same time. Stop this, Aneksi moaned as he flicked her clit with his thumb. Why? It isn t right.Only my husband can touch me like this.Zafar pushed two fingers deep inside her heat. Who s to say that man won t beme? He started a slow in and out motion with his hand. You won t beat me.Aneksi watched Sabu positioned himself better between her sister s legs.She sawthat he was starting to push inside of her, seeing the look of pure shock and pleasure onTia s face.When he moved her hips suddenly hard, he kissed her the same time. Let s see about that, shall we? Zafar said.He removed his hand from her body and just walked about.Aneksi pulled herdress back up and turned around to glare at him.He was at the door before he turnedback and looked at her. Let s have our own fight, Zafar said. For what?He smiled at her. If I win, you must suck me. And if I win, you have to stay the hell away from me.He walked back towards her, pulling her roughly back into his arms.He pulled onher hair, and then kissed her hard and long. I won t lose.48 49 Pharaoh s Warrior Jaden SinclairChapter 6Aneksi was kneeling in front of Isis deep in thought.Hakem watched her fromthe doorway, knowing what things were troubling her.He always did.He looked at herbare back, and the scars that lined it.The one she got for him. If you don t do your work, boy, I won t feed you! the merchant yelled. Let me die! I won t let you die.One way or another, your fine face will make me money. Leave him alone!Hakem looked up at a young girl.She was the prettiest thing he had ever seen,thinking that she must be a Goddess that had come to take him home at last.Her hand onhis hot face was a comfort he would never forget. He s sick, she said. Men do not care if he is sick or not.Just as long as he can wash their boots andsuck their cocks. Don t let him do that to me.I won t be able to see again.Aneksi looked at the young boy.She saw so much pain in his eyes, along withloneliness. How much you want for him?The man laughed at her. All he is good for, girl, is to suck cocks.Aneksi stood up, glaring at the man. If you don t want to make a profit, thenlose one; he is coming with me.49 50 Pharaoh s Warrior Jaden SinclairShe started to pick him up when all of a sudden the man cracked his whip, slicingher back wide open.Aneksi cried out in pain as she fell to the ground.Hakem was inshock at what his master had done. She wears the mark of the royal family, Hakem said.Aneksi pulled her Sais out from her hip.Using the boy s help she stood up on herown feet.With all of her might she threw her weapon at the man's chest, killing him.Meryre stood to the side, watching the scene, doing absolutely nothing to help her.Whenthe man slumped down to the ground, he walked over to Aneksi. Never turn your back on an enemy. He slung her over his shoulder. Comeon, boy! She s praying again. Tia walked up to Hakem. What troubles her so much? She is upset over the passing of the tests. Hakem continued his watching ofAneksi.He could feel her pain as if it was his own. I ve never asked you for anything, Hakem.But tell me something, please.Hakem looked at Tia and smiled. Anything you want to know. Will she find the one to make her complete?Hakem touched her cheek looking back at Aneksi. She already has.Tia looked at him, quizzing."Who would that be?" she asked, trying to think ofwho would be able to make Aneksi complete.She came up blank, looking to Hakemwaiting for his answer.Hakem smiled at her secretively."You will find out.It is best to leave them tofate."Aneksi stood up, smoothed her skirt out and straightened the knots on her top.She walked out of the temple and stopped in front of Hakem.She saw in his eyes whathe was trying to hide from her.She placed her hand on his face and Hakem leaned intothe touch with eyes closed. Please, stop thinking of that day, she told him.Aneksi then looked at Tia. You are good this day?Tia smiled. Very good.50 51 Pharaoh s Warrior Jaden Sinclair I m glad you found someone that will make you happy. Aneksi started to walktowards the fighting arena.Tia and Hakem followed. I want to thank you again, Aneksi.Aneksi stopped suddenly and hugged Tia. Never thank me for protecting you.Iwill always be there for you. She let go of her and walked into the fighting arena.Tiajust stood there, stunned.Hakem walked calmly into the arena.He walked over to sit next to Sabu to watchthe private fighting that was to take place.Tia came also and sat down next to Sabu. What are they fighting for? Tia asked.Sabu smiled. He wouldn t tell me. Hakem, you know, Tia said. Yes I do.But I won t tell. How does he know? Sabu asked Tia. I see things, Hakem replied. I see things my mistress doesn t even know, aswell as the future.Zafar walked into the arena.He was carrying two staffs like the ones that Sabuused when he fought Tia.Zafar threw one at Aneksi, who caught it. If I pin you down, I win, Zafar said. If you knock me down you win.Aneksi smiled at him [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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