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.Tom, in the conning tower had a sight of the San Paulo as it driftednearer and nearer under the influence of the mighty wind.As one bright flashcame he saw Admiral Fanchetti and Lieutenant Drascalo leaning over the railand gazing at the Advance.A moment later the view faded from sight as the submarine sank below thesurface of the troubled sea.She was tossed about for some time until deepenough to escape the surface motion.Waiting until she was far enough down sothat her lights would not offer a mark for the guns of the warship, theelectrics were switched on."We're safe now!" cried Tom, helping his father to his cabin."They've got toomuch to attend to themselves to follow us now, even if they could.Shall we goahead, Captain Weston?""I think so, yes, if I may be allowed to express my opinion," was the mildreply, in strange contrast to the strenuous work in which the captain had justbeen engaged.Tom signaled to Mr.Sharp in the engineroom, and in a few seconds the Advancewas speeding away from the island and the hostile vessel.Nor, deep as she wasnow, was there any sign of the hurricane.In the peaceful depths she was oncemore speeding toward the sunken treasure.Tom Swift And His Submarine BoatChapter TwentyOne.The Escape69Chapter TwentyTwo.At the Wreck"Well," remarked Mr.Damon, as the submarine hurled herself forward throughthe ocean, "I guess that firing party will have something else to do tomorrowmorning besides aiming those rifles at us.""Yes, indeed," agreed Tom."They'll be lucky if they save their ship.My, howthat wind did blow!""You're right," put in Captain Weston."When they get a hurricane down in thisregion it's no cat's paw.But they were a mighty careless lot of sailors.Theidea of leaving the ladder over the side, and the boat in the water.""It was a good thing for us, though," was Tom's opinion."Indeed it was," came from the captain."But as long as we are safe now Ithink we'd better take a look about the craft to see if those chaps did anydamage.They can't have done much, though, or she wouldn't be running sosmoothly.Suppose you go take a look, Tom, and ask your father and Mr.Sharpwhat they think.I'll steer for a while, until we get well away from the island."The young inventor found his father and the balloonist busy in the engineroom.Mr.Swift had already begun an inspection of the machinery, and so far foundthat it had not been injured.A further inspection showed that no damage hadbeen done by the foreign guard that had been in temporary possession of theAdvance, though the sailors had made free in the cabins, and had broken intothe food lockers, helping themselves plentifully.But there was still enoughfor the goldseekers.Page 63ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.html"You'd never know there was a storm raging up above," observed Tom as herejoined Captain Weston in the lower pilot house, where he was managing thecraft."It's as still and peaceful here as one could wish.""Yes, the extreme depths are seldom disturbed by a surface storm.But we areover a mile deep now.I sent her down a little while you were gone, as I thinkshe rides a little more steadily."All that night they speeded forward, and the next day, rising to the surfaceto take an observation, they found no traces of the storm, which had blownitself out.They were several hundred miles away from the hostile warship, andthere was not a vessel in sight on the broad expanse of blue ocean.The air tanks were refilled, and after sailing along on the surface for anhour or two, the submarine was again sent below, as Captain Weston sightedthrough his telescope the smoke of a distant steamer."As long as it isn't the Wonder, we're all right," said Tom."Still, we don'twant to answer a lot of questions about ourselves and our object.""No.I fancy the Wonder will give up the search," remarked the captain, as theAdvance was sinking to the depths."We must be getting pretty near to the end of our search ourselves," venturedthe young inventor."We are within five hundred miles of the intersection of the fortyfifthparallel and the twentyseventh meridian, east from Washington," said thecaptain."That's as near as I could locate the wreck.Once we reach that pointwe will have to search about under water, for I don't fancy the other diversleft any buoys to mark the spot."Tom Swift And His Submarine BoatChapter TwentyTwo [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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.Tom, in the conning tower had a sight of the San Paulo as it driftednearer and nearer under the influence of the mighty wind.As one bright flashcame he saw Admiral Fanchetti and Lieutenant Drascalo leaning over the railand gazing at the Advance.A moment later the view faded from sight as the submarine sank below thesurface of the troubled sea.She was tossed about for some time until deepenough to escape the surface motion.Waiting until she was far enough down sothat her lights would not offer a mark for the guns of the warship, theelectrics were switched on."We're safe now!" cried Tom, helping his father to his cabin."They've got toomuch to attend to themselves to follow us now, even if they could.Shall we goahead, Captain Weston?""I think so, yes, if I may be allowed to express my opinion," was the mildreply, in strange contrast to the strenuous work in which the captain had justbeen engaged.Tom signaled to Mr.Sharp in the engineroom, and in a few seconds the Advancewas speeding away from the island and the hostile vessel.Nor, deep as she wasnow, was there any sign of the hurricane.In the peaceful depths she was oncemore speeding toward the sunken treasure.Tom Swift And His Submarine BoatChapter TwentyOne.The Escape69Chapter TwentyTwo.At the Wreck"Well," remarked Mr.Damon, as the submarine hurled herself forward throughthe ocean, "I guess that firing party will have something else to do tomorrowmorning besides aiming those rifles at us.""Yes, indeed," agreed Tom."They'll be lucky if they save their ship.My, howthat wind did blow!""You're right," put in Captain Weston."When they get a hurricane down in thisregion it's no cat's paw.But they were a mighty careless lot of sailors.Theidea of leaving the ladder over the side, and the boat in the water.""It was a good thing for us, though," was Tom's opinion."Indeed it was," came from the captain."But as long as we are safe now Ithink we'd better take a look about the craft to see if those chaps did anydamage.They can't have done much, though, or she wouldn't be running sosmoothly.Suppose you go take a look, Tom, and ask your father and Mr.Sharpwhat they think.I'll steer for a while, until we get well away from the island."The young inventor found his father and the balloonist busy in the engineroom.Mr.Swift had already begun an inspection of the machinery, and so far foundthat it had not been injured.A further inspection showed that no damage hadbeen done by the foreign guard that had been in temporary possession of theAdvance, though the sailors had made free in the cabins, and had broken intothe food lockers, helping themselves plentifully.But there was still enoughfor the goldseekers.Page 63ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.html"You'd never know there was a storm raging up above," observed Tom as herejoined Captain Weston in the lower pilot house, where he was managing thecraft."It's as still and peaceful here as one could wish.""Yes, the extreme depths are seldom disturbed by a surface storm.But we areover a mile deep now.I sent her down a little while you were gone, as I thinkshe rides a little more steadily."All that night they speeded forward, and the next day, rising to the surfaceto take an observation, they found no traces of the storm, which had blownitself out.They were several hundred miles away from the hostile warship, andthere was not a vessel in sight on the broad expanse of blue ocean.The air tanks were refilled, and after sailing along on the surface for anhour or two, the submarine was again sent below, as Captain Weston sightedthrough his telescope the smoke of a distant steamer."As long as it isn't the Wonder, we're all right," said Tom."Still, we don'twant to answer a lot of questions about ourselves and our object.""No.I fancy the Wonder will give up the search," remarked the captain, as theAdvance was sinking to the depths."We must be getting pretty near to the end of our search ourselves," venturedthe young inventor."We are within five hundred miles of the intersection of the fortyfifthparallel and the twentyseventh meridian, east from Washington," said thecaptain."That's as near as I could locate the wreck.Once we reach that pointwe will have to search about under water, for I don't fancy the other diversleft any buoys to mark the spot."Tom Swift And His Submarine BoatChapter TwentyTwo [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]