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."I just said jumping up anddown and screaming 'Save' over and over doesn't mean anything.You're notsaving people by dying, any more than you're saving people by screaming.""That's singing," said Debbie."Whatever," said Remo."Do you always use wires that stick?"Debbie shrugged.She hired people for that.She honestly didn't know how alightbulb worked, but when you made enough money, things just were supposed towork or you fired people."That's the difference between singers and nobodies," said Debbie.Remo noticed that Rizzuto, who was standing at the front of the stage, hadescaped the collapse of its center by simply jumping off.Being a good triallawyer, he had the presence of mind to look for an open microphone.Findingone, he gave a last message to the people."Do not let them die in vain.Do not let them bleed in vain, everyone, youhere and across the world, support change of venue for negligence.Please, Ibeg you in the name of humanity, the suffering humanity you see here, and thesuffering you don't see which is even worse, write your congressmen.March inthe streets.Barricade your courtrooms, Americans, because if the venue isn'tchanged to America, if it stays in Gupta where human life routinely suffersextermination by the powerful, then, friends, no humanity is safe.No motheris safe.No child is safe.No one is safe.You are not safe."A stagehand wanted to borrow the microphone for a minute to get people in therear to open a way for an ambulance.Rizzuto put his hand over themicrophone."In a minute.In a minute, all right?""People are dying here, buddy.We got to get the ambulance.""I said in a minute," said Rizzuto, and made one more appeal for the change ofvenue, this time telling the people in so many words that if they helped theclass-action suit against International Carborundum , they would be savingtheir own air, their own water and, as Rizzuto put it with a trembling voice,"your own green, green grass of home."Debbie Pattie saw Remo start to break away from her to get to Rizzuto."Hey, you're the luckiest man in the world.I'm ready to ball you.Let's go.""Later," said Remo."Hey, I'm the most sexually desirable female in America," said Debbie."Sorry.""Then I'll ball the old man, and he'll tell you what you missed.Everyone saysI'm great in bed, everyone lucky enough.""Fine," said Remo, easing his way through the stretchers and wounded.He knewthat Debbie had as much chance of getting Chiun into bed as the pope.No, thepope would be easier.But if he told her that, she would keep bothering Chiunall night.Debbie Pattie wanted only one thing in life, it seemed.Whateversomeone told her she couldn't have.The thing that struck Remo about Rizzuto was that the man was only pressingthe Gupta case.If each of those rock stars earned millions, and many of themwould not be able to perform again, the size of the negligence suit would beawesome.And yet when Rizzuto dusted himself off, he went happily looking forwhat he called "action."In Gupta, according to what Chiun found out, Rizzuto was right on the scenewith a well-prepared case.Here, he walked past millions of dollars inliability, telling Remo that he thought he might know of a crap game in thehotel.Remo followed him, and that was exactly where Rizzuto went.There was abigger negligence case on that one stage that evening than in all of Gupta,but Rizzuto ignored it.And Palmer, Rizzuto with a man already on the scene, made no move to get anypart of it.In fact, it was one of the few really major cases that year thatthe firm didn't get.Page 59ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.htmlRemo contacted Smith on a public phone.Somehow, and of course Remo did notknow how, the line was secure the moment contact was made."Smitty.I don't know that this detective thing is getting anywhere.I can'tfigure out a lot of this.A lot of things don't make sense.What if we justgently hang Rizzuto out of a window somewhere and find out what really makesthem tick, and then you move the evidence somewhere?""Holding someone out a window, Remo, is not evidence.Just find out howthey're doing this, how they're causing these accidents, and I can get theevidence worked up from here for some prosecutor.We've got to destroy theseguys in a courtroom [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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."I just said jumping up anddown and screaming 'Save' over and over doesn't mean anything.You're notsaving people by dying, any more than you're saving people by screaming.""That's singing," said Debbie."Whatever," said Remo."Do you always use wires that stick?"Debbie shrugged.She hired people for that.She honestly didn't know how alightbulb worked, but when you made enough money, things just were supposed towork or you fired people."That's the difference between singers and nobodies," said Debbie.Remo noticed that Rizzuto, who was standing at the front of the stage, hadescaped the collapse of its center by simply jumping off.Being a good triallawyer, he had the presence of mind to look for an open microphone.Findingone, he gave a last message to the people."Do not let them die in vain.Do not let them bleed in vain, everyone, youhere and across the world, support change of venue for negligence.Please, Ibeg you in the name of humanity, the suffering humanity you see here, and thesuffering you don't see which is even worse, write your congressmen.March inthe streets.Barricade your courtrooms, Americans, because if the venue isn'tchanged to America, if it stays in Gupta where human life routinely suffersextermination by the powerful, then, friends, no humanity is safe.No motheris safe.No child is safe.No one is safe.You are not safe."A stagehand wanted to borrow the microphone for a minute to get people in therear to open a way for an ambulance.Rizzuto put his hand over themicrophone."In a minute.In a minute, all right?""People are dying here, buddy.We got to get the ambulance.""I said in a minute," said Rizzuto, and made one more appeal for the change ofvenue, this time telling the people in so many words that if they helped theclass-action suit against International Carborundum , they would be savingtheir own air, their own water and, as Rizzuto put it with a trembling voice,"your own green, green grass of home."Debbie Pattie saw Remo start to break away from her to get to Rizzuto."Hey, you're the luckiest man in the world.I'm ready to ball you.Let's go.""Later," said Remo."Hey, I'm the most sexually desirable female in America," said Debbie."Sorry.""Then I'll ball the old man, and he'll tell you what you missed.Everyone saysI'm great in bed, everyone lucky enough.""Fine," said Remo, easing his way through the stretchers and wounded.He knewthat Debbie had as much chance of getting Chiun into bed as the pope.No, thepope would be easier.But if he told her that, she would keep bothering Chiunall night.Debbie Pattie wanted only one thing in life, it seemed.Whateversomeone told her she couldn't have.The thing that struck Remo about Rizzuto was that the man was only pressingthe Gupta case.If each of those rock stars earned millions, and many of themwould not be able to perform again, the size of the negligence suit would beawesome.And yet when Rizzuto dusted himself off, he went happily looking forwhat he called "action."In Gupta, according to what Chiun found out, Rizzuto was right on the scenewith a well-prepared case.Here, he walked past millions of dollars inliability, telling Remo that he thought he might know of a crap game in thehotel.Remo followed him, and that was exactly where Rizzuto went.There was abigger negligence case on that one stage that evening than in all of Gupta,but Rizzuto ignored it.And Palmer, Rizzuto with a man already on the scene, made no move to get anypart of it.In fact, it was one of the few really major cases that year thatthe firm didn't get.Page 59ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.htmlRemo contacted Smith on a public phone.Somehow, and of course Remo did notknow how, the line was secure the moment contact was made."Smitty.I don't know that this detective thing is getting anywhere.I can'tfigure out a lot of this.A lot of things don't make sense.What if we justgently hang Rizzuto out of a window somewhere and find out what really makesthem tick, and then you move the evidence somewhere?""Holding someone out a window, Remo, is not evidence.Just find out howthey're doing this, how they're causing these accidents, and I can get theevidence worked up from here for some prosecutor.We've got to destroy theseguys in a courtroom [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]