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. Beyond that, we do not know.CHAPTER 8IDENTITY CRISISDerec hurried into the apartment to buzzing activity.Arion was there, andEuler, plus Eve and several utility robots.There was also a rather frail-looking machine with multiple appendages that Derec surmised to be a med-bot.The living room seemed different, much squatter, but he really wasn t payingattention. Friend Derec.Euler began, hurrying to intercept Derec as he crossed theliving room floor. Where is she? he asked, still moving. The bedroom, Euler said. She has regained consciousness and is resting.Ido not think you should try and see her just yet. Nonsense, Derec said, hurrying past him. I ve got to see her. But you don t underst. Later, Derec said, moving down the hallway.There were now two bedroomdoors.He opened one to an empty room, then turned to the other, pushing thestud.It slid open.Katherine was sitting up in bed, her face drained of allcolor, her eyes red. Are you all right? he asked.Her eyes focused on him, then grew wide in horror. Noooo! she screamed, hands going to her straining face.Derec ran to her and took her by the shoulders.She kept screaming, loudly,hysterically, her body vibrating madly on the bed. You re dead! she yelled. Dead! Dead! No! he yelled. I m here.It s all right.It s all.Euler was pulling him away from her, robots filling the room. What are youdoing? he yelled. Let go, I. You must leave now, Euler said, lifting him bodily in the air and carryinghim, Katherine s screams still filling the apartment. Katherine! he called to her as Euler carried him out the door. Katherine!Euler carried him all the way to the living room, then simply held him there,the med-bot slipping into her bedroom and sliding the door closed, mufflingthe screams somewhat. Put me down! Derec yelled. Would you put me down? You must not go in there, Euler said. It is dangerous for Katherine if yougo in there.He felt the anger draining out of him. What s going on? he asked sheepishly. What s happened to her? She s suffered some sort of emotional trauma, the supervisor said. May Iput you down? Believe me, Derec said,  at this point, I don t want to go back in.Euler set him gently on the floor.Derec rubbed his arms to get thecirculation back into them. I am sorry if I caused you any discomfort, Euler said. Truly. It s all right, Derec replied. Tell me what happened.Thunder crashed loudly outside, both Derec and Euler turning to look at thebuilding thunderheads through the open patio door.They were in for anotherbad one.From the bedroom, the sounds of screaming had died to occasionalwhimpers. Katherine found the body of David, Euler said,  and had a utility robot cutinto the sealed room that contained it. The robot swiveled its head to takein the rest of the room. Perhaps it is better to have Arion witness thePage 49 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.htmlstory.He was present for it. He motioned for the human-like machine to jointhe discussion. Friend Derec, Arion said as he moved up close. I had no idea that seeingthe body would have this kind of effect on Friend Katherine.I would neverhave allowed her to come close to it had I known. I understand, Derec said. Just tell me what happened. She was examining the deceased, Arion said,  when she called me in to helpher roll the body over.I, of course, complied.She screamed when she saw theface, then lapsed into a state of unconsciousness. She s been disconsolate ever since, Euler said. Most peculiar.Shepersisted in the belief that the dead man was you. Why would she do that? he asked, moving to sit at the table.Arion s CRT wasbusily finding the cube roots of ten-digit numbers. I don t know, Euler said. Perhaps because the body looked like yours.Derec sat up straight, staring hard. You mean.just like me?The robots looked at one another. Perfectly, Arion said. Doesn t that strike you as odd? Derec said, dumbfounded, still not believingthe information. No, Euler said. I don t understand, Derec said. When you first saw me, didn t you take noteof the similarity of our appearances? Yes, Euler said,  but it didn t mean anything to us. Why not?Arion spoke up. Why should it? We ve only seen three human beings.Robotscertainly can look exactly alike, why not humans? We knew you and Katherinewere different, but that didn t mean that you and David couldn t be the same.Besides, we knew that David was dead; so, consequently, we knew that youcouldn t be David.Simple.The med-bot came gliding down the hall, moving quickly up to Derec. She scalm now, the robot said. She s lightly sedated with her own pituitaryendorphins, and wants to see you.Derec stood, uneasy after the last time. It ll be all right? he asked themed-bot. I believe she understands the situation now, the med-bot responded in agentle, fatherly voice. I d like to see her alone, he told the others.Euler nodded. We ll wait out here.He moved down the hall, unsure of his feelings.It had hurt him to see her insuch pain, hurt him emotionally.She could get on his nerves so badly, yetseemed such an integral part of him.He knocked lightly on her door, then opened it.She sat up in bed, her facestill sad.She held her arms out to him. Oh, Derec.He hurried to the bed, sitting next to her, holding her.She began to sobgently into his shoulder. I was so afraid, she said. I thought.thought [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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