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.A part of him hatedhimself for sleeping so well when Harte was& not there.He knew,though, that the procedure of getting him back had begun whileEllis had been giving his statement to Newcastle.William hadbeen on the phone until late at night trying to get emergencycustody of Harte. Wake up, sweetheart.  m awake. Ellis opened his eyes.William blocked out therest of the world quite nicely. Time to go. Go where? He shook himself alert and sat up, slipping fromthe bed and into his sheath.He ran his fingers through his hair inlieu of brushing it. We re going to get him back, of course. William s smile, so,so rare, was brilliant.Ellis threw himself at William, knocking the taller, broaderman back a few steps. Oh, thank you, he said, not sure if hisgratitude was for William or something even larger, even moreprofound. Come on. William grabbed Ellis s hand and took him downthe stairs.He got into the driver s side of the car this was toourgent to call on Previs.The energy between them was palpable, but there was notalking.Ellis wanted to bounce, he wanted to cheer, he wanted tobrag he had done this! Thanks to him, Harte would come homeand everything would be right again.He felt okay with taking realpride in that.He d never seen himself as the proactive type notthat he d been content letting other people fight his battles.He djust been comfortable on the sidelines he d never had anything really worth fighting for.Worth sacrificing himself for.Still, something was plaguing him. Master& what happens if Develyn gets off? I mean, it s apossibility. Despite Newcastle s assertion to the contrary, Elliswasn t willing to believe that the case was as good as won. Whathappens if Harte has to go back?William had that smile again.It was warm like the sun againstEllis s skin, and he basked in it like a kitten internally, of course. He won t ever be going back.This isn t just temporarycustody due to an absent master. His excitement was evident inthe way his hands twisted on the steering wheel. When Develynwas arrested, any charges he d filed against other masters wereoverturned.Which means that there was no longer any evidencethat Harte and I had an inappropriate relationship. He paused. Well, there were other witnesses, but they withdrew theirstatements once Develyn s grudge against me became publicknowledge.Ellis hated the fact that slaves, that Gabriel, had died whileunder the care of that man.Yet nothing had been done until he dactually gone against the instructions of another master.Develynhad punished one girl to the point where she d died from exposureto the elements, and he d driven Gabriel to take his own life, yetnothing had happened.The wheels of justice, however, spuninfinitely faster when another master was involved.Slaves were nothing.That had to change. So Harte s really ours yours again.He can t be taken away,no matter what. Ellis closed his eyes, tilting his head back to restagainst the seat.Was this how Harte had felt when he and Williamhad come to Fen s to take him home after his brief stint in the Facility?William s effervescent demeanour dimmed a little. As long asI remember my place as his master.Ellis didn t need clarification for that comment.He knewexactly what William meant.As long as he didn t tell Harte heloved him, there would be no complaints against their relationship.As long as their connection was no more than servant and master,student and mentor, Harte would stay.It was a sacrifice for all of them.It would be worth it.Theywere only words, anyway.Ellis looked out the window.Onlywords.The Facility was much less intimidating when he wasn t beingdumped from the back of a windowless van.He had righteousnesson his side.He belonged to someone now.He wasn t just a stray, areject, a victim.Before William could even ask if Ellis wanted to come, Ellisopened his door and got out.The gravel was rough enough that hecould feel the shape of it beneath his sandaled feet.A breezeruffled the hem of his shift, blanketing it against his thighs.They walked hand in hand toward the huge prison-likestructure.Ellis eyed the professional building off to the side.Nodoubt Veerson was within, gleefully figuring out how to makeother slaves lives miserable.In the entrance to the building where the slaves were kept, Ellisand William both had to sign in [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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