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.Anyway, I wanted to know if I could bring him along? Well, sure, Mason.You know you can bring anyone you like.You don t have to ask. Well, Mom, the thing is, he s gay, like me.I just didn t know how you would feel about that.Mason held his breath as he waited for his mother s response.It wasn t long in coming and madehim smile. Shame on you, Mason Philips! You know that isn t an issue for us.It never has been and itnever will be.We just want you to be happy.If this young man makes you happy, then bringhim. He s not a date, Mom.Just a friend, Mason responded, rolling his eyes. That s okay, too. Um is anyone else going to be there? He asked hesitantly. No, not if you don t want them to be, Janet assured him. Not yet.I was hoping it could be just you and Dad, Cooper and me.I m just not ready to facethem yet.I need a little more time, okay? We can try the family thing on another night. Helaughed a little as he tried to break the tension.Mason couldn t keep the happiness out of hisvoice as he continued. You ll like Cooper, Mom.He s really nice.He took me dancing lastnight. Oh? And how did that go? Janet asked. It didn t start out too well, but Cooper assured me that every gay man on the planet knows howto dance.Apparently it s in our DNA.So, he taught me how to dance. I think I would have liked seeing that.So, this man of yours know how to dance, huh? MaybeI ll have to see how good he is.I ve been known to be quite the dancer in my time.I think I maybe able to whip him into shape, Janet laughed.Mason chuckled when he pictured Cooper dancing with his mother.She probably could give hima run for his money.After finalizing plans, he hung up with his mother and called Cooper to lethim know of the dinner date at his parents house.Cooper said he would be there, bringing hisdancing shoes with him.A Promise Kept - 48 Cooper was a huge hit with Mason s Mom and Dad.Cooper and Janet had danced the nightaway.Bob had even gotten out on the living room floor and shown everyone a few new moves.It had been a great evening for all of them.The next few weeks went by in a blur of activity for Mason.He went to work every day, but hisnights were reserved for getting to know Cooper better and discovering life beyond Jack.He stillloved Jack and missed him terribly, but getting out and making new friends helped a lot.Through Cooper, Mason had made several new friends, a few of them gay, a few not.Manynights they all settled at one house or another for a casual dinner or get together.Cooperintroduced Mason to them one night at the bar. I have a few friends I want you to meet, Mason, Cooper said as he sat down next to Mason andgestured to the other men with him. This is Jordan Bennett, my work partner and best friend.Despite the fact that he s as straight as they come, he s still okay.Mason smiled up at the tall, dark-haired man as he shook Jordan s hand.He wasn t bad looking.Maybe six foot two, with a thick five o clock shadow on his square jaw.He was dressed ascasually as the rest of them in a pair of faded jeans and a dark blue cotton shirt. Hello, Masonsaid. This is Patrick O Brian and Neil Bennett, Cooper said as he gestured to the other two men. Neil is Jordan s cousin and Patrick s partner. Work partner? Mason asked as he shook each of their hands.Patrick looked to be as tall asJordan, just a bit bulkier.He actually looked like a linebacker for a football team.Masonadmitted to himself that he was a little intimidated by Patrick s large size. No, Patrick said as he shook Mason s hand. Neil is the love of my life.The moment Patrick s eyes fell on Neil, Mason quickly revised his opinion of the large man.Hiseyes went all dreamy and tender as he looked at his partner.No one that looked at his lover thatway could be all bad. Oh, sorry, Mason said as he turned his gaze to Neil.Neil was a couple of inches shorter thanPatrick was and quite a bit thinner, but he seemed to carry it well.He looked very athletic with aslim but muscular body. Don t be.Many people make that mistake.Neil s an EMT and I m a firefighter with the city ofPortland.That s actually how we met, Patrick chuckled. Then you do work together? I mean, you are sort of in the same type of work, Mason said ashe sat back in his seat and stared at the two of them.A Promise Kept - 49  Actually, my apartment caught fire and Patrick saved me [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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