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., 335Wolf, Eric, 54Wordsworth, William, 338Worster, Donald, 335Yew, Lee Kuan, 172Yúdice, George, 69, 71 , 91- 92Zanussi, Krzysztof, 212Zhang, Yimo, 166Zola, Émile, 333 - 34-389-[This page intentionally left blank.]-390- file:///C|/Archivos%20de%20programa/eMule/Incoming/Stanley%20Fis.Jameson%20(Ed)%201998%20The%20Cultures%20Of%20Globalization.htmlContributorsFredric Jameson is Professor of Comparative Literature and French and Chair of theLiterature Program at Duke University.His most recent books include Postmodernism, or,The Cultural Logic of Late Capitalism ( 1990), The Geopolitical Aesthetic ( 1992), Seeds ofTime ( 1994), The Cultural Mutation: Selected Writings on the Postmodern ( 1997), andBrecht and Method (forthcoming).Masao Miyoshi is Hajime Mori Professor of Japanese, English, and Comparative Literatureat the University of California, San Diego.His coedited book Learning Places: Area Studies,Cultural Studies, Ethnic Studies, Gender Studies, and Other Disciplines is forthcoming in1999.Noam Chomsky is Institute Professor at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.Hisrecent publications include Language and Problems of Knowledge: The Managua Lectures( 1998), World Orders Old and New ( 1996), and Global Contradictions: Answers to KeyPolitical Questions of Our Time ( 1997).Ioan Davies is Professor of Sociology and Social and Political Thought at York University.Manthia Diawara is Director of African Studies at New York University and editor of BlackRenaissance.He recently directed a 58mm film, Rouce in Reverse.Enrique Dussel is from Argentina, but has been in exile in Mexico since 1975.He iscurrently Professor of Ethics in the Philosophy Department of the MetropolitanAuthonomous University in Mexico City.He is author of Philosophy of Liberation ( 2nd Ed.,1990), Ethics and Community ( 2nd Ed., 1993), The Invention of the Americas ( 1995), andThe Underside of Modernity: Apel, Ricoeur, Taylor, Rorty and the Philosophy of Liberation( 1996).David Harvey is Professor of Geography at Johns Hopkins University.He is the author ofThe Condition of Postmodernity ( 1989) and Justice, Nature, and the Geography ofDifference ( 1996).Sherif Hetata is a writer, medical doctor, and one of the prominent figures in the left-wingmovement in Egypt.He is the author of five novels, two travelogues, an extensive study ofhealth and development in Egypt, and several books on Egyptian politics.His most recentwork is an autobiography in three volumes.-391- file:///C|/Archivos%20de%20programa/eMule/Incoming/Stanley%20Fis.Jameson%20(Ed)%201998%20The%20Cultures%20Of%20Globalization.htmlGeeta Kapur is an art critic, author, and founding editor of the Journal of Art and Ideas.Shehas curated exhibitions of contemporary Indian art and has written and lectured widely onIndian and international art.Her most recent work is When Was Modernism: Essays onContemporary Cultural Practice in India ( 1998).Liu Kang is Associate Professor of Comparative Literature at Pennsylvania State University.He is the author of Marxism and Aesthetics: Chinese Marxists and Their Contemporaries(forthcoming from Duke) and Bakhtin's Cultural Theory ( 1995).He is also coeditor ofPolitics, Ideology, and Literary Discourse in Modern Chinese ( 1993).Joan Martinez-Alier is Professor of Economics and Economic History at the AutonomousUniversity of Barcelona.He is author of Ecological Economics: Energy, Society, andEnvironment ( 1987) and, with Ramchandra Guha , Varieties of Environmentalism ( 1997).Walter D.Mignolo is Professor and Chair in Romance Studies and Professor in the Programin Literature and Cultural Anthropology at Duke University.He is author of The Darker Sideof the Renaissance: Literacy, Territoriality, and Colonization ( 1995) and editor, withElizabeth Hill Boone, of Writing without Words: Alternative Literacies in Mesoamerica andthe Andes ( Duke, 1994).His new book, Local Histories/Global Designs: Essays in ColonialLegacies, Subaltern Knowledges, and Border Thinking, is forthcoming.Alberto Moreiras is Associate Professor of Romance Languages and Literature at DukeUniversity, where he also serves as Director of the Latin American Cultural Studies Program.His publications include Interpretacion y diferencia ( 1991) and two forthcoming books(from Duke), Third Space: Literary Mourning in Latin America and The Exhaustion ofDifference: Paradigms of Latinamericanism.Paik Nak-chung is Professor of English at Seoul National University and founding editor ofthe Korean literary journal, Creation and Criticism.He has published six books of literaryand social criticism in Korean and five volumes translated into Japanese.Leslie Sklair teaches Sociology at the London School of Economics.His recent publicationsinclude Sociology of the Global System ( 1995), and articles in Review of InternationalPolitical Economy, Political Power, and Social Theory, and International Journal of Urbanand Regional Research.Subramani is Professor of Literature at the University of the South Pacific.-392-He is the author of South Pacific Literature: From Myth to Fabulation and The FantasyEaters.His most recent book is Altering Imagination.Barbara Trent is an Oscar-winning filmmaker, former welfare mother, seasoned activist,and trail blazer for change.She is the Film Director/ Co-Director of the EmpowermentProject.-393- file:///C|/Archivos%20de%20programa/eMule/Incoming/Stanley%20Fis.Jameson%20(Ed)%201998%20The%20Cultures%20Of%20Globalization.html[This page intentionally left blank.]-394-Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication DataThe cultures of globalization /edited by Fredric Jameson and Masao Miyoshi.p.cm.Includes index.ISBN 0- 8223-215 7-2 (cloth : alk.paper).-- ISBN 0-8223-2169-6(pbk.: alk.paper)1.Cultural relations.2.International economic relations.I.Jameson, Fredric.II.Miyoshi, Masao.HM101.C399 1998303.48'2 -- dc21 97-44373-395-[This page intentionally left blank.]-396- [ Pobierz caÅ‚ość w formacie PDF ]
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