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.They were asleep in moments.Neither saw the tall, black-robed figure who stood in the shadow of the pines just beyond the fire s light.When they awoke the following morning, Allanon was there.He was seated only a few yards away fromthem on a hollow log, his tall, spare form wraithlike in the gray light of early dawn.He watched silently asthey rose, washed, and ate a light breakfast, offering no explanation as to where he had been.More thanonce the Valegirl and the highlander glanced openly in his direction, but he seemed to take no notice.Itwas not until they had packed their bedrolls and cooking gear and brought the horses in to be saddledthat he finally rose and came over to them. There has been a change of plans, he announced.They stared at him silently. We are no longer goingeast.We are going north into the Dragon s Teeth. The Dragon s Teeth? Rone s jaw tightened. Why? Because it is necessary. Necessary for whom? Rone snapped. It will only be for a day or so. Allanon turned his attention to Brin now, ignoring the angry highlander. I have a visit to make.When it is finished, we will turn east again and complete our journey. Allanon. Brin spoke his name softly. Tell us why we must go north.The Druid hesitated, his face darkening.Then he nodded. Very well.Last night I received a summonsfrom my father.He bids me come to him, and I am bound to do so.In life, he was the Druid Bremen.Now his shade surfaces from the netherworld through the waters of the Hadeshorn in the Valley of Shale.In three days time, before daybreak, he will speak with me there.Bremen-the Druid who had escaped the massacre of the Council at Paranor, when the Warlock Lordswept down out of the Northland in the Second War of the Races, and who had forged the Sword ofShannara.So long ago, Brin though, the legendary tale recalling itself in her memory.Then, seventy-oddyears ago, Shea Ohmsford had gone with Allanon into the Valley of Shale and seen the shade of Bremenrise from the Hadeshorn to converse with his son, to warn of what lay ahead, to prophesy. Generated by ABC Amber LIT Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abclit.html He can see the future, can t he? Brin asked suddenly, remembering now how the shade had warned ofShea s fate. Will he speak of that?Allanon shook his head doubtfully. Perhaps.Even so, he would reveal only fragments of what is to be,for the future is not yet formed in its entirety and must of necessity remain in doubt.Only certain thingscan be known.Even they are not always clear to our understanding. He shrugged. In any case, he calls.He would not do so if it were not of grave importance. I don t like it, Rone announced. It s another three days or more gone-time that could be spent gettinginto and out of the Anar.The Wraiths are already searching for you.You told us that much yourself.We re just giving them that much more time to find you-and Brin.The Druid s eyes fixed on him, cold and hard. I take no unnecessary risks with the girl s safety, Princeof Leah.Nor with your own.Rone flushed angrily, and Brin stepped forward, seizing his hand. Wait, Rone.Perhaps going to theHadeshorn is a good idea.Perhaps we will learn something of what the future holds that will aid us.The highlander kept his gaze locked on Allanon. What would aid us most is a bit more of the truth ofwhat we re about! he snapped. So. The word was a soft, quick whisper, and Allanon s tall form seemed to suddenly grow taller. What part of the truth would you have me reveal, Prince of Leah?Rone held his ground. This much, Druid.You tell Brin that she must come with you into the Eastlandbecause you lack the power necessary to penetrate the barrier that protects the book of dark magic-you,who are the keeper of the secrets of the Druids, who possess power enough to destroy Skull Bearersand Demons alike! Yet you need her.And what does she have that you don t? The wishsong.Nothingmore, just that.It lacks even the power of the Elfstones! It is a magic toy that changes the colors ofleaves and causes flowers to bloom! What kind of protection is that?Allanon stared at him silently for a moment and then smiled, a faint, sad smile. What kind of power,indeed? he murmured.He looked suddenly at Brin. Do you, too, harbor these doubts the highlandervoices? Do you seek a better understanding of the wishsong? Shall I show you something of its use?It was cold the way he said it, but Brin nodded. Yes.The Druid strode past her, seized the reins of his horse and mounted. Come then, and I will show you,Valegirl, he said.They rode north in silence along the Mermidon, winding their way through the rocky forestland, the lightof the sunrise breaking through the trees on their left, the shadow of the Runne Mountains a dark wall ontheir right.They rode for more than an hour, a grim, voiceless procession.Then at last the Druid signaleda halt, and they dismounted. Leave the horses, he instructed.They walked west into the forest, the Druid leading the Valegirl and the highlander across a ridge anddown into a heavily wooded hollow.After several minutes of fighting their way through the tangledundergrowth, Allanon stopped and turned. Generated by ABC Amber LIT Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abclit.html Now then, Brin. He pointed ahead into the brush. Pretend that this hollow is the barrier of dark magicthrough which you must pass.How would you use the wishsong to gain passage?She glanced about uncertainly. I m not sure. Not sure? He shook his head. Think of the uses to which you have put the magic.Have you used it asthe Prince of Leah suggests to bring autumn color to the leaves of a tree? Have you used it to bringflowers to bloom, leaves to bud, plants to grow? She nodded. You have used it, then, to change colorand shape and behavior.Do so here.Make the brush part for you.She looked at him a moment and then nodded.This was more than she had ever asked of herself, andshe was not convinced she had the power.Moreover, it had been a long time since she had used themagic.But she would try.Softly, she began to sing.Her voice was low and even, the song blending withthe sounds of the forest.Then slowly she changed its pitch, and it rose until all else had faded intostillness.Words came, unrehearsed, spontaneous and somehow intuitively felt as she reached out.to thebrush that blocked her passage.Slowly the tangle drew back, leaves and branches withdrawing inwinding ribbons of sleek green.A moment later, the way forward lay open to the center of the hollow. Simple enough, don t you agree? But the Druid wasn t really asking. Let s see where your path takesus.He started ahead again, black robes drawn close.Brin glanced quickly at Rone, who shrugged his lackof understanding.They followed after the Druid.Seconds later he stopped again, this time pointing to anelm, its trunk bent and stunted within the shadow of a taller, broader oak.The elm s limbs had grown intothose of the oak, twisting upward in a futile effort to reach the sunlight. A bit harder task this time, Brin, Allanon said suddenly. That elm would be much better off if the suncould reach it.I want you to straighten it, bring it upright, and disentangle it from the oak [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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