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.Conserve all mental energy.Utilise it for higher spiritual purposes indivine contemplation, Brahma-Chintana and Brahma-Vichara.Conserve all thought-energy andutilise it for meditation and helpful service to humanity.Do not store in your brain useless information.Learn to unmind the mind.Unlearn whateveryou have learnt.They are now useless for you.Then only you can fill your mind with divinethoughts.You will gain new mental strength as all the dissipated mental rays are collected now.In physics you have the term  power of orientation.Though the mass of energy is there, thecurrent will not flow.It must be connected to the magnet and then the electric current will flowthrough the power of orientation.Even so, the mental energy which is dissipated and misdirected invarious worthless worldly concerns should be well-directed in proper spiritual channels.NEGATIVE THOUGHTSDrive away from your mind all unnecessary, useless and obnoxious thoughts.Uselessthoughts impede your spiritual growth; obnoxious thoughts are stumbling blocks to spiritualadvancement.You are away from God when you entertain useless thoughts.Substitute thoughts ofGod.Entertain only thoughts that are helpful and useful.Useful thoughts are the stepping-stones tospiritual growth and progress.Do not allow the mind to run into the old grooves and to have its ownways and habits.Be on the careful watch.You must eradicate through introspection all sorts of mean thoughts, useless thoughts,unworthy thoughts, impure thoughts, all sexual thoughts, thoughts of jealousy, hatred andselfishness.You must annihilate all destructive thoughts of disharmony and discord.You mustdevelop thought-culture of good, loving, sublime thoughts, divine thoughts.Every thought must beof a constructive nature.It must be strong, positive and definite.The mental image must be of aclear-cut and well-defined nature.You must develop right thinking.Every thought must bringpeace and solace to others.It should not bring even the least pain and unhappiness to anyone.Thenyou are a blessed soul on the earth.You are a mighty power on the earth.You can help many, healthousands, spiritualise and elevate a large number of persons as did Jesus and Buddha.Just as you grow jasmine, rose, lily, honolulu flowers in a garden, so also you shouldcultivate the flowers of peaceful thoughts of love, mercy, kindness, purity in the vast garden ofAntahkarana.Through introspection, you have to water this garden of mind with meditation andsublime thinking and remove the weeds of vain, useless discordant thoughts.INCONSISTENT THOUGHTSGenerally, in untrained persons, four or five kinds of thoughts occupy the mind at a time.Household thoughts, business thoughts, thoughts of office, thoughts of body, thoughts of food and78 MIND ITS MYSTERIES AND CONTROLdrink, hope and anticipation, some kind of planning to get money, some kinds of thoughts ofrevenge, some habitual thoughts of answering calls of nature, bathing, etc., occupy the mind at atime.When you are studying a book with interest at 3.30 p.m., the idea of pleasure of witnessing acricket match at 4 p.m.disturbs your study every now and then.It is only a Yogin with Ekagra mind,who can have only one thought at a time and can keep it as long as he likes.If you watch the mind carefully, you will find that many thoughts are inconsistent.The mindwanders at random aimlessly.There will be some thoughts of the body and its wants, some thoughtsof friends, some thoughts of acquiring money, some thoughts of eating and drinking, some thoughtsof your boyhood, etc.If you can study the mind and if you have consistent thoughts of one subject orone kind only to the exclusion of all other thoughts, this itself is a very great achievement, is a greatstep in advancement in thought-control.Do not be discouraged.HAUNTING THOUGHTS OF SINThoughts of sin haunt the minds of some persons.One man always thinks,  I havecommitted a very heinous sin.I do not know what to do. Again and again, this one idea haunts hismind.This is a bad habit.These people do not know how to divert their minds.They become prey tothese  haunting thoughts [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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