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.132"Why?""I—" She pushed him away from her."I have done a terrible thing," she said."Tell me," Remo said."Whatever it is, tell me.""My master understands that you are an extraordinary man," she began, trying to compose herself."Difficult to kill.I was sent to weaken you, so that you may be taken.The guards are outside now.Come with me.I will shield you with my body, for I am the sheik's concubine and may not be killed unless Vadass himself orders it.""Chiun," Remo said, pulling on his clothes."What about Chiun?""The old man has been poisoned.It was the tea.He drank, but you did not.He is dead by now."Remo swallowed hard.He clenched his jaw as he thought of the frail old Oriental lying poisoned somewhere in the palace, out of Remo's reach."Where is he?" he demanded, shaking the girl by the shoulders."I do not know," she sobbed."I cannot be forgiven for this.I cannot forgive myself."Suddenly the door burst open and the light outside the room silhouetted four archers like ghostly shadows, their bows trembling in a wake of arrows shooting blindly across the room.Page 53ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.htmlThe girl gasped.Remo saw the arrow enter her chest beneath her throat.With a noise that sickened Remo, she staggered under the impact of the arrow, then fell, blood streaming from her mouth in black strings, darkened by the candlelight.Remo's attention wavered for a split second when he saw her.It was long enough for another arrow to pierce his right shoulder.He recoiled with the pain, but it brought him 133back to alertness.He forced his mind away from the girl and focused on the hail of arrows, which he fended off easily using only his left arm and his legs.He formulated a plan.Following Chain's example with the spear warriors outside the palace, he would wait until the archers ran out of arrows, then charge them.He would kill all but one, and would force that one to lead him to Chiun.But before the arrows were depleted, an eerie crackling electronic noise filled the room, and a woman's voice said, "Stop."Immediately the bows were still and the archers slipped silently out the door.When it closed behind them, Remo was left again in the shadowy firelit room, which already had begun to smell of death.There was laughter in the room, familiar laughter, and soon Remo recognized the woman's voice as Randy Nooner's."All the girls love you, don't they, Remo?" she asked from four different points in the room, her voice amplified painfully."The last one betrayed her master for you.That's quite an honor, you know.The sheik's concubine," she sneered."She was so sure she could protect you, the little ditz.""Where is Chiun?" Remo demanded."Sleeping peacefully.I wouldn't disturb him if I' were you.He'll be sleeping for a long, long time."He squinted through the darkness to locate the loudspeakers, which were hidden behind the sheets of silk on the walls.He blinked, trying to ease a growing pain in his eyes.Even the dim candlelight of the room began to burn with a terrible intensity.And the crackling of the speakers.Convulsively, Remo covered his ears to block out the sound.134The movement jolted through his shoulder, reminding him of the arrow wound.It had entered cleanly and gone out the other side—a small wound, insignificant compared with many he had taken—but the pain was worsening fast."Uncomfortable, Remo?" Randy's voice crooned."It's a native poison.Works like strychnine but it's undetectable.No smell, no taste.Sharpens the senses to the breaking point.The old man drank his dose with his afternoon tea.Yours was more direct."Remo pinched his ears shut to block out some of the booming sound from the loudspeakers."This is just the beginning, Remo.It gets worse.Much worse.Listen." Through the crackling of the speakers, Remo heard the amplified shuffling and clanking of gadgets as Randy readied herself.Then his eardrums nearly burst.The ring of a large bell clanged through the room, growing louder with each echo as Randy pumped up the volume on her controls [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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