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.The light MG section consisted of two squads, each with its own.30-caliber air-cooledlight machine gun, and a small HQ.A Light MG section HQ consisted of the followingpersonnel:Section Leader: Sergeant, armed with an M1 Garand;Messenger, armed with an M1 Garand;Two privates, each armed with an M1 Garand.Each squad in the light MG section consisted of the following personnel:Squad Leader: Corporal, armed with an M1 Carbine;#1 Gunner, armed with a Colt Automatic Pistol;Assistant Machine Gunner, armed with a Colt automatic pistol;Two Ammunition Bearers, each armed with an M1 Carbine.Heavy Weapons Company.The heavy weapons company was equipped with 81mmmortars and water-cooled.30-caliber machine guns.The chief duty of a heavy weaponscompany was to provide support to the three rifle companies in the battalion.There werethree platoons in a heavy weapons company and a HQ.The heavy weapons company wasalso equipped with two jeeps, one with a mounted.50-caliber machine gun.The companywas also provided with a weapons carrier.A Heavy weapons company HQ consisted ofthe following personnel:Company Commander: Captain, armed with an M1 Carbine;Executive Officer: 1st Lieutenant, armed with an M1 Carbine;First Sergeant: Sergeant, armed with an M1 Carbine;Staff Sergeant: Sergeant, armed with an M1 Carbine;Supply Sergeant: Sergeant, armed with an M1 Carbine;Communications Sergeant: Sergeant, armed with an M1 Carbine;Recon Sergeant: Sergeant, armed with an M1 Carbine;Transport Sergeant: Sergeant, armed with an M1 Garand;Company Clerk: Corporal, armed with an M1 Garand;Three Cooks, armed with an M1 Garand;Two Cook s Helpers, armed with an M1 Garand;Armorer, armed with an M1 Garand;Auto Mechanic, Truck Driver, armed with an M1 Garand;Bugler, armed with an M1 Carbine;Two Messengers, jeep drivers, armed with an M1 Carbine;Messenger, armed with an M1 Carbine;Fourteen Privates, armed with M1 Garands.The 81mm mortar platoon consisted of a small HQ and three sections of two squadseach.The 81mm mortar platoon was also equipped with a jeep carrying two bazookas.The 81mm mortar platoon HQ consisted of the following personnel:Platoon Commander: 1st Lieutenant, armed with an M1 Carbine;Platoon Sergeant: Technical Sergeant, armed with an M1 Carbine;Instrument: Corporal, armed with an M1 Garand;Transport: Corporal, armed with an M1 Carbine;Messenger, Jeep Driver, armed with M1 Carbines;Messenger, armed with an M1 Carbine.Each Squad in the 81mm mortar platoon was equipped with an 81mm mortar andconsisted of the following personnel:Squad Leader: Staff Sergeant, armed with an M1 Garand;#1 Gunner: Corporal, armed with a Colt automatic pistol;Assistant Gunner, armed with a Colt automatic pistol;Ammunition Bearer, Jeep Driver, armed with M1 Carbines;Four Ammunition Bearers, armed with M1 Carbines.The machine gun (MG) platoon consisted of a small HQ and two sections of two squadseach.The MG platoon was also equipped with a jeep carrying two bazookas.The MGplatoon provided heavier sustained fire capability than the light MGs in the riflecompanies weapons platoons.Being water-cooled and having stronger crews, the heavyMGs could maintain sustained fire for long periods of time, denying an area to the enemyor supressing the defense before an attack.The MG platoon HQ consisted of the followingpersonnel:Platoon Commander: 1st Lieutenant, armed with an M1 Carbine;Platoon Sergeant: Technical Sergeant, armed with an M1 Carbine;Instrument: Corporal, armed with an M1 Garand;Transportation: Corporal, armed with an M1 Garand;Messenger, Jeep Driver, armed with M1 Carbines.Each section of a MG platoon consisted of two squads each.The MG platoon sectionleader was a staff sergeant armed with an M1 Garand.Each squad of a MG Section handled one.30-caliber water-cooled machine gun.Thesquad was also equipped with a jeep and a 1/4-ton trailer.The squad consisted of thefollowing personnel:Squad Leader: Sergeant, armed with an M1 Garand;#1 Machine Gunner, armed with a Colt automatic pistol;Assistant Machine Gunner, armed with a Colt automatic pistol;Ammunition Bearer, Jeep Driver, armed with M1 Carbines;Three Ammunition Bearers, armed with M1 Carbines.The World War II PlatoonThe platoon was (and still is) the smallest military unit led by an officer in the U.S.Army.Platoons are found in most types of military organizations and are normally acomponent of companies.They consist of three squads.Infantry platoons had some fortyto forty-five men and were normally commanded by lieutenants.The infantry platoon was composed of three rifle squads, as well as an HQ section.TheHQ consisted of a platoon leader, usually a lieutenant, a platoon sergeant, a tech sergeant,a platoon guide, usually a staff sergeant, and two messengers [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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.The light MG section consisted of two squads, each with its own.30-caliber air-cooledlight machine gun, and a small HQ.A Light MG section HQ consisted of the followingpersonnel:Section Leader: Sergeant, armed with an M1 Garand;Messenger, armed with an M1 Garand;Two privates, each armed with an M1 Garand.Each squad in the light MG section consisted of the following personnel:Squad Leader: Corporal, armed with an M1 Carbine;#1 Gunner, armed with a Colt Automatic Pistol;Assistant Machine Gunner, armed with a Colt automatic pistol;Two Ammunition Bearers, each armed with an M1 Carbine.Heavy Weapons Company.The heavy weapons company was equipped with 81mmmortars and water-cooled.30-caliber machine guns.The chief duty of a heavy weaponscompany was to provide support to the three rifle companies in the battalion.There werethree platoons in a heavy weapons company and a HQ.The heavy weapons company wasalso equipped with two jeeps, one with a mounted.50-caliber machine gun.The companywas also provided with a weapons carrier.A Heavy weapons company HQ consisted ofthe following personnel:Company Commander: Captain, armed with an M1 Carbine;Executive Officer: 1st Lieutenant, armed with an M1 Carbine;First Sergeant: Sergeant, armed with an M1 Carbine;Staff Sergeant: Sergeant, armed with an M1 Carbine;Supply Sergeant: Sergeant, armed with an M1 Carbine;Communications Sergeant: Sergeant, armed with an M1 Carbine;Recon Sergeant: Sergeant, armed with an M1 Carbine;Transport Sergeant: Sergeant, armed with an M1 Garand;Company Clerk: Corporal, armed with an M1 Garand;Three Cooks, armed with an M1 Garand;Two Cook s Helpers, armed with an M1 Garand;Armorer, armed with an M1 Garand;Auto Mechanic, Truck Driver, armed with an M1 Garand;Bugler, armed with an M1 Carbine;Two Messengers, jeep drivers, armed with an M1 Carbine;Messenger, armed with an M1 Carbine;Fourteen Privates, armed with M1 Garands.The 81mm mortar platoon consisted of a small HQ and three sections of two squadseach.The 81mm mortar platoon was also equipped with a jeep carrying two bazookas.The 81mm mortar platoon HQ consisted of the following personnel:Platoon Commander: 1st Lieutenant, armed with an M1 Carbine;Platoon Sergeant: Technical Sergeant, armed with an M1 Carbine;Instrument: Corporal, armed with an M1 Garand;Transport: Corporal, armed with an M1 Carbine;Messenger, Jeep Driver, armed with M1 Carbines;Messenger, armed with an M1 Carbine.Each Squad in the 81mm mortar platoon was equipped with an 81mm mortar andconsisted of the following personnel:Squad Leader: Staff Sergeant, armed with an M1 Garand;#1 Gunner: Corporal, armed with a Colt automatic pistol;Assistant Gunner, armed with a Colt automatic pistol;Ammunition Bearer, Jeep Driver, armed with M1 Carbines;Four Ammunition Bearers, armed with M1 Carbines.The machine gun (MG) platoon consisted of a small HQ and two sections of two squadseach.The MG platoon was also equipped with a jeep carrying two bazookas.The MGplatoon provided heavier sustained fire capability than the light MGs in the riflecompanies weapons platoons.Being water-cooled and having stronger crews, the heavyMGs could maintain sustained fire for long periods of time, denying an area to the enemyor supressing the defense before an attack.The MG platoon HQ consisted of the followingpersonnel:Platoon Commander: 1st Lieutenant, armed with an M1 Carbine;Platoon Sergeant: Technical Sergeant, armed with an M1 Carbine;Instrument: Corporal, armed with an M1 Garand;Transportation: Corporal, armed with an M1 Garand;Messenger, Jeep Driver, armed with M1 Carbines.Each section of a MG platoon consisted of two squads each.The MG platoon sectionleader was a staff sergeant armed with an M1 Garand.Each squad of a MG Section handled one.30-caliber water-cooled machine gun.Thesquad was also equipped with a jeep and a 1/4-ton trailer.The squad consisted of thefollowing personnel:Squad Leader: Sergeant, armed with an M1 Garand;#1 Machine Gunner, armed with a Colt automatic pistol;Assistant Machine Gunner, armed with a Colt automatic pistol;Ammunition Bearer, Jeep Driver, armed with M1 Carbines;Three Ammunition Bearers, armed with M1 Carbines.The World War II PlatoonThe platoon was (and still is) the smallest military unit led by an officer in the U.S.Army.Platoons are found in most types of military organizations and are normally acomponent of companies.They consist of three squads.Infantry platoons had some fortyto forty-five men and were normally commanded by lieutenants.The infantry platoon was composed of three rifle squads, as well as an HQ section.TheHQ consisted of a platoon leader, usually a lieutenant, a platoon sergeant, a tech sergeant,a platoon guide, usually a staff sergeant, and two messengers [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]