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.Scott smiles up at me. Ready for a run?I shake my head, trying not to smile back. You reenjoying this torture way too much. I hold up my hand toblock the view of his feet. Could you please turn off yourshoes? They re giving me a migraine. That s just the booze talking, he says, steppingoutside ahead of me.As I walk through the front door, Ricky says,  Tarinmade you one of those nasty bubble gum drinks, didn the? Two of them actually, I said.  Damn, that ain t right, he says to Tarin. Takingadvantage of the boss like that. Hey, I didn t force her. Tarin s pretending to be allput-out when I know very well he s totally proud of himself.He s a giant, walking penis throbbing with testosteroneright now. She did everything she did last night without anyencouragement from me.I snort loudly but say nothing as we jog down thedriveway en masse.My heart-rate is already elevated now,thanks to Tarin, and I haven t even left the property.Damnhim and his casual sexy grins and attitude.I hate that thismean-boy gone nice is affecting me like this.We get to the sidewalk and Zach is in the leadfollowed by Tarin.Scott and I are last, jogging side-by-side.Leonard must have stayed at the house because Ihaven t seen him at all this morning.I m glad Tarin s in frontof me and not behind me watching my butt, or next to memaking me all hot and bothered.It s bad enough I have towatch his back, ass, and legs and know that I was underhim on his couch just a few short hours ago.The memoriesmake me blush.Guilty.So, so guilty. So, d ya like the show last night? asks Scott.He splaying it casual, but I know my answer s important to him. You were awesome.I m sorry I took off, I just couldn tlisten to that last song. The memory of the lyrics tries tobust into my conscious mind, but I beat it back. I know.Sorry about that.I tried to tell Jack not to do itbut he wouldn t listen. but he wouldn t listen. I wish he wouldn t push me into a corner like that. I mgetting stressed just thinking about it.He should haveknown better. I told him you don t react well to pressure, but he sdoing his own thing.He said &  Scott cuts off in the middleof his sentence, and all I hear now is the pounding of ourfeet on the sidewalk.Row hedges and trees go by in a blur as we eat up thepavement with our group stride.Sweat is running down myback and my heavy breathing belies the pain I m in runninghungover like I am, but this conversation is not over.Scott continues. Anyway, I m happy with how it went.We re going to do another one in a couple weeks. What did Jack say? I ask.Maybe I don t want toknow the answer, but I m not thrilled with the idea of himand Scott talking about me behind my back. I think I d like to plead the fifth on this one. Scott triesto speed up, but I grab his shirt and pull him back. Not happening, but nice try.Tell me or else. Or else what? You ll make me run before nine in themorning in the eighty-five degree heat? Oh & wait &already suffering that torture.Try again.I lower my voice so Tarin won t hear me. Just shut upand tell me or you re going to be giving His Highness anass massage after this run. Was he serious about that slave stuff? Scott asks,sounding way too happy about it.I punch him in the arm. Seriously & shut up and tellme. me. Fine.But don t shit on the messenger, okay? I wasjust there listening.I didn t contribute to the madness. Still waiting&  He said he thinks that he needs to do you a solid.Help you like you helped him.I frown, confused. What? I know, right? The guy s wishin and fishin.That swhat I told him, but he s convinced. Convinced of what? That you need him.That you need help.My brain tries to put that together. That makes nosense at all. According to him it does.And since he s helping mewrite some great stuff, I didn t argue too hard.But I swear, Idid try to get him not to play that song. He runs for a fewmore pavement squares before he finishes. You know,though, if you remove the part where he s throwing his heartout there on the street for you to run over with your car, thesong s good.I mean, the melody s solid, the lyrics are rip-your-heart-out amazing, and the crowd loved it.It was afive-panty hit.I swear, a pair of red lace ones landed righton my face after the first chorus, like it was shot from apanty cannon or something.They smelled good too, likebubble gum.Weird right? Who puts bubble gum in theirunderwear? Anyway, he s going to release it as a single.I feel like I ve been bashed in the chest with a baseballbat, the way my heart is caving in on itself. Like hell he is,I growl, taking a sharp right turn out into the road.I yell over my shoulder as the group of guys slows down, each of themlooking over their shoulders at me in confusion. Goahead! I ll meet you back at the house, keep going withoutme!Scott takes off first, running on his toes.The littlewanker is more than happy not to get in the middle of theshit storm he just conjured up for me.Tarin is the last tocontinue on, but he does it, turning around to jogbackwards.He lifts his hands up, as if to ask what the hellI m doing.I just wave him off and continue back towardsthe house.I need to find my cell and call Jack right away beforehe goes too far down that road.No frigging way do I wantto see that song about my life and my issues going public.Anyone who knows him and what we went through willrealize the song s about me and my personal business.Word will spread and then the whole world will know.Heneeds to be perfectly clear about what it will mean to mebefore he makes that decision.I pray our friendship is morevaluable to him than the money. Chapter ThirtyI ROUND THE LAST BEND on the trip back and seeTarin s driveway ahead of me.There s a gate thatconnects the high fence circling the property.It should belocked up tight, but for some reason it s open.I couldswear I remember hearing it swing slowly closed as wewere leaving, but maybe I m just thinking about another timethat happened or another gate from my past.There havebeen so many.I slow down to a jog and go through, stopping only topress in a code on the keypad that will shut the gate behindme.Once I m sure it s closed all the way and not openingback up, I run up the driveway to the front of the house andgo to the front door.I try the front handle, even though I malmost positive it will be locked.It swings open easily.Frowning in confusion, I hesitate before going inside.That s weird.Why didn t Ricky or Zach lock it up behindus? This door has a keypad too, but when I glance over atit, the light is green [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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