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.“Abandon you here? Are you out of your pregnant, emotional mind, Saleeya? Don’t you know anything about me after all of our time together? I will never willingly leave you.You’re mine,” Kael growled out.“You’re mine, too, and I know that you would never hurt me.I can’t help that I was surprised last night when you demonstrated wilder side.It did surprise me.I enjoyed it.I love my wild beast.” Saleeya kissed him fully on his lips.“In the future, though, if you decide to go burn off energy while I’m sleeping—leave a note or I’ll have your head on a platter.Understand?”“Yes, my love,” Kael whispered.“It’s as clear as crystal.”EpilogueSaleeya and Kael cuddled on the reclining chairs, pillows all around, in the relaxation house.They watched out the windows into the beauty of their jungle.It was the rainy season on Xihirah.Torrents of rain fell down and beat on the windows and roof.It never stopped.The Xihirian sky darkened preparing for the coming moonrise.Kael and Saleeya spent much of their free time at this house.His father instructed Kael to have another house built closer to the Palace where they could primarily live and commute daily.Saleeya enjoyed being in a single-family house more than in the huge Palace all of the time.Although she did enjoy the company of their extended family and her parents when they stayed at the Palace, it was nice to be alone with Kael and their son.Saleeya decided to enjoy that certain freedom while it could last.This time Kael and Saleeya had slipped away for a few days leaving Steval, their eight-month-old baby boy, an Alpha Prime male, with grandmother Sandria at the Palace.All the children played all day long in the wonderful nursery that Kliven had renovated.Now there were five children around the Palace keeping the staff on their toes.Mariel was almost ready to pop with twins.Saleeya’s parents had relocated to Xihirah.Her father worked for the Braeden Labs, and her mother taught at the Ferileson University.Vitalion had been tried by the elected Council’s Tribunal and found guilty of many crimes, the worst being treason to Kriton and espionage.Vitalion was sentenced and released into the Zicox jungle as his punishment.According to his newly implanted med scan, Vitalion lasted for about three hours after his release.A covert Xihirian security force commanded by Admoncor Braeden had located and arrested Clitax Tomron along with his closest followers.Currently they were being held in a Xihirian prison outside the Zicox Jungle, far from the Palace, awaiting trial by the Council of Planet’s Tribunal.Saleeya believed that there was a political justice in Tomron and his cohorts’ imprisoned fate.To be imprisoned on a world with the ones the Realmist hated and feared the most, a variety of Xihirian shifters, was truly poetic.Tomron would be lucky to live long enough to stand trial.Tomron’s imprisonment, for a time, granted the populated universe peace from the prejudice-driven hate crimes.Evil often lurks within the shadows.Within a year of Clitax’s imprisonment, his son Felix Tomron started his rise to power.Often, his face twisted with hatred, Felix publicly vowed vengeance against the animals and their lovers for his father’s capture.The Realmist reorganized, declaring war on the races they considered abominations.Each passing month brought more and more vicious hate crimes, their severity increasing.Felix proclaimed the abominations would be wiped from existence no matter the cost.Like a tidal wave, the warning rippled through the universe, causing unrest and fear like never before.A great war, like none had ever known, shadowed every world, every race.THE ENDWWW.CIARALAKEROMANCEAUTHOR.COMABOUT THE AUTHORReading and writing is a wonderful diversion from an often difficult world.I love to create my own stories and have control over how things will end.It’s exciting to create brand-new worlds and characters.My imagination can come alive.In sci-fi, fantasy, and paranormal stories, I can invent wonderful places and people.Anything’s possible in these genres and that’s limitless.I’m able to create an escape into a special world filled with unique and fantastic things, and there’s always a happy ending.Author Karen Harper, my high school English teacher, inspired me to write.A tribute to how a good teacher can plant seeds of learning and interest in their students.However, instead of initially pursuing my writing career, I became a lawyer.I work in divorce court, so erotic romance is a great escape.There can be true love and happy-endings, at least on my pages.Also by Ciara LakeSiren Allure: The TriaxenAvailable atBOOKSTRAND.COMSiren Publishing, Inc.www.SirenPublishing.com [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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