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.Then without warning, a hologram materialized in front of their breakfast table, facingDALILA S CHOICE Evanne Lorraine 38the three of them.The opaque image was of an ancient warrior, bent, and frail from great age.But, thevoice was strong and thunderous. The Earth woman s craft is confiscated by the council ofEnyo s Elders.The woman has one week to choose which of you she claims as mate.The otherwarrior will pay the prescribed penalty for contact with an unattached female.That is all.Thecouncil has spoken.He had not yet fully absorbed the announcement when Dalila s ship rose in a steadyclimb to the clouds, picking up speed as it ascended, the vessel vanished within seconds.Dalila spoke first, visibly paler.She sliced right to the heart of the matter. Did he say Ihave one week to make a choice?Standing, Dexon began to clear the remains of their meal. Yes, that is what he said andon Enyo the week is only three days long. Three days? Dalila started to rise, and then sank back down.The hand she d laid on the table trembled before she tucked it out of sight.Kelvar couldn t ignore her distress.He gathered her into his lap enfolding her with hisstrength, and then he rocked her like a babe.Meeting Dexon s eyes over her head hetelegraphed a silent message to stop any further discussion.One of them would be her mate.The other would pay for their happiness with his life.As much as he wanted her, Kelvar s chest ached.Of the two of them, Dexon had alwaysbeen much more tender-hearted.If Dalila chose him, would his twin be able to bear the guilt?Would he? Shutting his eyes, he tried to ignore the question.But, the edict remained whether ornot he wanted to think about it.Fairness demanded that he and Dexon allow her to make her choice without the addedpressure of knowing that the loser would die. I will take today with Dalila.You take tomorrow, he said.Turning to her, he addedfirmly. And the third day you must choose.* * * *Though, she couldn t read Kelvar s well-hidden feelings, he issued his orders in the richvoice that made her yearn for his touch even when he was acting like a complete warrior.Dexon continued repacking the food pod, his shoulders as bent as if he were beingscourged. I guess.Pushing off Kelvar s lap, Dalila stiffened her spine in order to stretch to her full height.She compelled their attention with her gaze and her voice. You both forget yourselves.I makethe rules and I don t want either of you, she lied with conviction, knowing that it should be thetruth. I came to Enyo with a sacred mission for the Society of Belle Amity of which, I am anunworthy disciple.Your council s ruling changes nothing.I need sperm and a spacecraftcapable of intergalactic travel to make the journey home. Your ship is confiscated, little breeder.You will never leave Enyo, Kelvar said withmore gentleness than she d ever heard from him.Dexon met her gaze, his eyes bright with unshed tears. He speaks the truth, Dalila.I msorry for your people.She shook off the sadness that welled inside her at their conviction. I have to try.Without any further warning, she sprinted for the hovercraft.They were big and strong but she was much quicker, sliding into their ship a few pacesahead of Kelvar.Closing the hatch behind her, she moved fast.Determined to leave before hercourage failed, she strapped herself into the pilot s seat.DALILA S CHOICE Evanne Lorraine 39As she committed her first act of piracy, she instructed the ship s computer. Startengines and plot a course for the nearest city.Nothing happened.She tried again, and then again.Releasing her safety harness, she prowled through the vessel s cabin, looking for a wayto override the computer s lockdown.Finally, pounding on the helm s console until her fiststhrobbed.And then, she surrendered to the deep sobs that racked her.She should ve abandonedthem when she d had the chance and made her way to the population center to negotiate withtheir government.Instead, she d chosen to nurse Dexon responding to his need, and then she d allowedherself to be distracted by Kelvar s drugging kisses.Even more unforgivable, she d beenseduced by the hunger she heard in their voices, saw in their gazes, and felt in their touches.She d failed the sisterhood.Worse, she d failed herself.Even worse than that, a tiny part of her was glad that shecouldn t leave the warriors.She cried harder, letting the tears wash away her shame and guiltwhile she sought for some way out of her dilemma.At last, she conceded defeat.Trembling with fatigue, she stood.Cowering in the hovercraft did nothing to repair her tattered honor or solve her currentproblem.She stretched her backbone to its full length.Their council had given her anultimatum.Now, it was up to her to make the best possible choice.A new wave of despair threatened to engulf her.How could she choose between the twowarriors when both men had already captured her heart?She opened the hatch, and then stepped out of the craft.Right into the seductive trap ofKelvar s waiting arms.* * * *Petting her gently, Kelvar forced her chin up, and then examined her face. You cried.She met his gaze squarely. I never cry.I tried to steal your ship.You should beangry. You don t understand, little breeder.All that I possess, I would lay at your feet. The ship wouldn t start, she admitted wearily.So she had tried to leave.He d known it.But, hearing it from her lips still hurt.He tucked the tiny warrior closer to his body, inhaling her special womanly scent. Thenthe council must have put a lock on the engines.I swear to you it was nothing Dexon or I did.Dalila burrowed into his chest. I believe you.But, I m still unable to fulfill my missionand now I have to pick one of you for my mate.Her words stung.And yet, she sounded so forlorn, he longed to comfort her [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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.Then without warning, a hologram materialized in front of their breakfast table, facingDALILA S CHOICE Evanne Lorraine 38the three of them.The opaque image was of an ancient warrior, bent, and frail from great age.But, thevoice was strong and thunderous. The Earth woman s craft is confiscated by the council ofEnyo s Elders.The woman has one week to choose which of you she claims as mate.The otherwarrior will pay the prescribed penalty for contact with an unattached female.That is all.Thecouncil has spoken.He had not yet fully absorbed the announcement when Dalila s ship rose in a steadyclimb to the clouds, picking up speed as it ascended, the vessel vanished within seconds.Dalila spoke first, visibly paler.She sliced right to the heart of the matter. Did he say Ihave one week to make a choice?Standing, Dexon began to clear the remains of their meal. Yes, that is what he said andon Enyo the week is only three days long. Three days? Dalila started to rise, and then sank back down.The hand she d laid on the table trembled before she tucked it out of sight.Kelvar couldn t ignore her distress.He gathered her into his lap enfolding her with hisstrength, and then he rocked her like a babe.Meeting Dexon s eyes over her head hetelegraphed a silent message to stop any further discussion.One of them would be her mate.The other would pay for their happiness with his life.As much as he wanted her, Kelvar s chest ached.Of the two of them, Dexon had alwaysbeen much more tender-hearted.If Dalila chose him, would his twin be able to bear the guilt?Would he? Shutting his eyes, he tried to ignore the question.But, the edict remained whether ornot he wanted to think about it.Fairness demanded that he and Dexon allow her to make her choice without the addedpressure of knowing that the loser would die. I will take today with Dalila.You take tomorrow, he said.Turning to her, he addedfirmly. And the third day you must choose.* * * *Though, she couldn t read Kelvar s well-hidden feelings, he issued his orders in the richvoice that made her yearn for his touch even when he was acting like a complete warrior.Dexon continued repacking the food pod, his shoulders as bent as if he were beingscourged. I guess.Pushing off Kelvar s lap, Dalila stiffened her spine in order to stretch to her full height.She compelled their attention with her gaze and her voice. You both forget yourselves.I makethe rules and I don t want either of you, she lied with conviction, knowing that it should be thetruth. I came to Enyo with a sacred mission for the Society of Belle Amity of which, I am anunworthy disciple.Your council s ruling changes nothing.I need sperm and a spacecraftcapable of intergalactic travel to make the journey home. Your ship is confiscated, little breeder.You will never leave Enyo, Kelvar said withmore gentleness than she d ever heard from him.Dexon met her gaze, his eyes bright with unshed tears. He speaks the truth, Dalila.I msorry for your people.She shook off the sadness that welled inside her at their conviction. I have to try.Without any further warning, she sprinted for the hovercraft.They were big and strong but she was much quicker, sliding into their ship a few pacesahead of Kelvar.Closing the hatch behind her, she moved fast.Determined to leave before hercourage failed, she strapped herself into the pilot s seat.DALILA S CHOICE Evanne Lorraine 39As she committed her first act of piracy, she instructed the ship s computer. Startengines and plot a course for the nearest city.Nothing happened.She tried again, and then again.Releasing her safety harness, she prowled through the vessel s cabin, looking for a wayto override the computer s lockdown.Finally, pounding on the helm s console until her fiststhrobbed.And then, she surrendered to the deep sobs that racked her.She should ve abandonedthem when she d had the chance and made her way to the population center to negotiate withtheir government.Instead, she d chosen to nurse Dexon responding to his need, and then she d allowedherself to be distracted by Kelvar s drugging kisses.Even more unforgivable, she d beenseduced by the hunger she heard in their voices, saw in their gazes, and felt in their touches.She d failed the sisterhood.Worse, she d failed herself.Even worse than that, a tiny part of her was glad that shecouldn t leave the warriors.She cried harder, letting the tears wash away her shame and guiltwhile she sought for some way out of her dilemma.At last, she conceded defeat.Trembling with fatigue, she stood.Cowering in the hovercraft did nothing to repair her tattered honor or solve her currentproblem.She stretched her backbone to its full length.Their council had given her anultimatum.Now, it was up to her to make the best possible choice.A new wave of despair threatened to engulf her.How could she choose between the twowarriors when both men had already captured her heart?She opened the hatch, and then stepped out of the craft.Right into the seductive trap ofKelvar s waiting arms.* * * *Petting her gently, Kelvar forced her chin up, and then examined her face. You cried.She met his gaze squarely. I never cry.I tried to steal your ship.You should beangry. You don t understand, little breeder.All that I possess, I would lay at your feet. The ship wouldn t start, she admitted wearily.So she had tried to leave.He d known it.But, hearing it from her lips still hurt.He tucked the tiny warrior closer to his body, inhaling her special womanly scent. Thenthe council must have put a lock on the engines.I swear to you it was nothing Dexon or I did.Dalila burrowed into his chest. I believe you.But, I m still unable to fulfill my missionand now I have to pick one of you for my mate.Her words stung.And yet, she sounded so forlorn, he longed to comfort her [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]