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.Where was that woman, anyway?"Dors Venabili was not human, " Sinter asserted with a slight sputter."Yes, well Seldon is.You've shown me his X rays.""Subverted by ""Oh, for Sky's sake, Farad, shut up! I order you to let Linge Chen carry outhis little charade.We'll all watch closely and see what happens.Then we'lltake some action or another.Now leave me alone.I'm tired."He blocked the image and sat back on the edge of the lower field.It took himseveral minutes to restore his calm, then he thought of the woman.Where hadshe gotten to?"Hello?" he called out to the empty chamber.The door to this chamber'spersonal was open, and a bright light shone through.Emperor Klayus, now eighteen standard years of age, wearing only a Sericiannightgown that hung loose from his shoulders and draped around his ankles,rolled out of the bed and walked toward the personal.He yawned and gave awide, bored stretch, then waved his arms like a slow semaphore to limber up."Hello?" He couldn't remember her name."Deela, or Deena? I'm sorry, darling,are you in there?"Page 117 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.htmlHe pushed the door open.The woman stood naked justbeyond the door's reach.She had been here all along.She looked unhappy.Headmired her lovely pubic region and stomach, lifted his eyes to her flawlessbreasts, and saw the trembling arms held out, clutching a tiny blaster, of asize often concealed in sheer clothes or purses.Little more than a flexiblelead with a bulb on one end, very rare these days, quite expensive.She seemedfrightened to be pointing it.Klayas was about to scream when something whistled by his ear and a small redspot appeared in the woman's pale, swanlike neck.He screamed anyway, even asthe lovely green eyes rose up and fluttered in that perfect face, and the headtilted as if she were listening to birdsong somewhere.His scream grew louderand more shrill as the body twisted as if she would screw herself into thefloor.With a horrible and unutterably final slackness, the woman collapsed onthe tile of the personal.Only then did she come to squeeze the bulb.Theblast took out part of the ceiling and a mirror, and sprayed him with chips ofstone and glass.Stunned, Klayus crouched and flinched, arms drawn up against the noise anddust.A hand grabbed him roughly and pulled him out of the personal.A voicehissed in his ear, "Highness, she may be carrying a bomb!"Klayus looked at his rescuer.He gaped.Farad Sinter tugged him a few additional meters.In the advisor's small handslay a kinetic-energy pistol that fired neuro-toxin pellets.Klayus knew thetype well; he himself carried one in his daily wear.It was standard issue forthe royals and nobles."Farad " he grunted.Sinter pushed him to the floor as if to humiliate him.Then, with a sigh, as if this was all too much, Sinter threw himself overKlayus to protect him.Thus did the palace guards find them a few seconds later."N-no-not yours?" Klayus asked tremulously as Sinter stormed and berated thecommander of the Emperor's Private Specials.Sinter, in his rage, ignored the Emperor's question."You should all be taken out and disintegrated! You must find the other womanimmediately."The commander, Gerad Mint by name, was having none of this.He motioned fortwo adjutants to come forward, one on each side of the Imperial councilor.Heregarded Sinter with cold fury, held back by centuries of military disciplinesteeped into his very genes.The effrontery of this lowborn lackey! "We haveher papers, the ones you issued to her.They are in her clothes in the.theseventh sleep chamber.""She is an impostor!""Sinter, you are the one who brings these women in at all hours and withoutadequate security checks, " Commander Mint said."None of our guard can hopeto recognize them all, or even to keep track of them!""They are very thoroughly checked by my office, and this is not one of thewomen I brought to him!" Sinter pointed a finger at the Emperor, realized thishideous breach of conduct, and withdrew his hand just before the EmperorPage 118 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.htmlturned and would have noticed [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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