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.And when thou dost send my son to me, givehim my ring, and let him wear it on his own hand, and I shallknow that in very truth he is my son, and I will make him kingand send him back to thee. And she accepted from Solomonthis just covenant, and he and the Queen took farewell of eachother, and she set out with her retinue to go to her owncountry, surrounded by the peace of God.And behold, on her arrival in her own country the Queenfulfilled the number of her days, and she brought forth a manchild, and she rejoiced with an exceedingly great joy, and shecalled him David, according to the name of his grandfather,and she had him reared in great state and splendour.Andwhen he had arrived at manhood s estate, he was hale, andstrong, and wise, and understanding like his father.And it fellout on a day that he spake unto his mother and said unto her, O my mother, who is my father? Did he, peradventure, dieduring my childhood? Then the Queen answered and saidunto him,  My son, thy father is alive, and he is Solomon, theson of David, the Prophet of God and King of Israel, and hisKingdom is in Jerusalem.And behold, the seal of the kingdomof thy father is in my possession, and it is laid up ready for theeso that thou mayest become thereby king over the country ofAbyssinia.And this is God s Will, and it is not due to me; thekingdom is no longer mine but thine, and thou, the King s son,art King. And this pleased the young man greatly, and he gavethanks to the Queen.And the Queen said unto him,  O mydarling son, gather together for thy use gifts and soldiers, andget thee to Jerusalem that thou mayest pray there, and see thyfather and his kingdom, [and hear] his great wisdom, and thathe may make thee king according to the covenant that existethxli Këbra Nagastbetween him and me, the Governor of the Universe beingwitness between us. And thus saying, straightway she put hisfather s ring on his right hand.And by the Will of God praisebe unto Him! he gathered together soldiers, and with themand the royal gifts he set out on his journey, and in due coursehe arrived in Jerusalem.And when Solomon knew that a kingwas coming to him he commanded soldiers to meet him.Andwhen the young man arrived at the gate of the palace of hisfather Solomon, the king was not certain that he was his son.And behold, when the young man came closer and saw theriding beast of his father standing there with his saddle on hisback and his bridle in his mouth, straightway he leaped up andmounted him and pranced about, and unsheathed his swordwith his hand.And when Solomon saw this the matter wasgrievous to him, but he hid his displeasure.And when they met[later] Solomon spoke openly what he had in his mind aboutthe matter of the riding beast, and how the young man hadmounted him and snatched the sword with his hand.And theyoung man said unto him,  The owner of this ring made meking of his kingdom when I was in my mother s womb, andthis hath happened by the Will of God. And when Solomonhad looked at the ring, and was certain about the mattersconnected with it, he was overcome with joy, and he stood upby his throne and threw his arms round the young man s neck,and he cried out, saying,  Welcome, my darling boy, [thou] sonof David. And straightway he put the crown of his fatherDavid on his head, and made him to sit upon the throne ofDavid his father, and the trumpeters sounded their horns, andthe proclaimers of tidings cried out, saying,  This is David, theson of Solomon, the son of David, the King of Israel. And thematter was noised abroad, and the rumour spread aboutamong all the tribes of the children of Israel that the son ofSolomon, the son of the Queen of the South, had come to hisfather Solomon, and that Solomon had made him ruler over thexlii Introductionkingdom of his father David, and had crowned him king, andhad seated him upon his throne [ Pobierz caÅ‚ość w formacie PDF ]
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