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.If you try tochange the direction of the brush in the barrel, the brush will stick.6.Repeat steps three and four above.7.Clean the chamber and bolt using a small toothbrush.8.Using gun oil, lightly moisten a flannel patch and pass it once through the barrel, leaving a thin film of oil onthe interior of the barrel.Leave this film of oil on this interior surface if the rifle is to be stored, or, if you areremoving it from storage, pass a dry flannel patch through the barrel, removing as much oil as possible.9.Check the barrel to insure that flannel or brush bristles have not become lodged in any part of the barrel or inany other part of the rifle.Wipe all external surfaces with a flannel patch, moistened with oil.(Except asnoted for below freezing weather.)10.Reassemble the rifle as described above.11.Remove any gun cleaning solution and oil from the recoil pad.STORAGECAUTION: ALWAYS UNLOAD YOUR RIFLE FOR STORAGE AND ALWAYS STORE THE AMMUNITIONSEPARATELY.Store your Big Boar Rifle and ammunition in separate locations and securely locked, out of reach andout of sight of children.This is especially important since some children do not understand the potential danger forguns and are naturally curious.Note: Do not store the rifle in an airtight container.Do not seal or try to seal the barrel to keep out dust, since thismakes the internal surfaces more likely to corrode.(13)SERVICE AND REPAIRSIf your Big Boar Rifle should need repair or adjustment, (after MAKING SURE IT IS UNLOADED) take it or send it tothe L.A.R.Authorized Warranty Service Center, 4133 West Farm Road, West Jordan, Utah 84088.IMPORTANT: If you make any unauthorized adjustments or use unauthorized parts, L.A.R.will not assumeresponsibility for the proper functioning of your G50BB rifle.NOTE: There are various Federal and State laws, and local ordinances, which regulate the Dealer in your area orstate on how to send or transport your firearm to the L.A.R.Authorized Service Center.Before you ship your rifle, takenote of the following important points:1.CAUTION: MAKE SURE THAT THE RIFLE IS UNLOADED!2.Write a letter, explaining the problem or requests, with as much detail as possible.Be sure to include in theletter the model name and serial number of your G50BB, along with your address and phone number.Enclose this with the rifle in a well-padded package.3.Do not list or label the contents, or gun name on the package or in the address.This prevents curiousthieves from becoming interested in your package from that information.4.Insure the contents of your package against loss or theft.5.Do not send ammunition, accessories or presentation boxes.(14)OWNER S FIREARM RECORDGrizzly Big Bore Model:& & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & &Serial No: _____________________ Purchase Date: _______/________/_______Purchased From: & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & &Purchase Price: & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & &.WARRANTY STATEMENTThe Grizzly Big Boar Rifle was manufactured using high quality materials and precise methods togive accurate, dependable performance.We warrant the exercise of reasonable care inmanufacturing, but make no other warranties, either expressed or implied.The manufacturer will, atits option, either repair or replace any rifle or component deemed by the manufacturer to be defectivethrough faulty workmanship or materials.L.A.R.Manufacturing, Inc.will not be liable for anyaccident or injury as a result of any unsafe practice caused by the user, nor by any condition overwhich we have no control.No liability is expressed or implied for damage, failure or injury which mayresult from improper installation of authorized or unauthorized parts, from any alterations performedon any part, nor from the use of hand-loaded ammunition.Use of this firearm may violate variouslocal, state or federal statutes.The user is responsible for compliance with all applicable laws andregulations.L.A.R.Manufacturing reserves the right to change or improve our products as deemednecessary or desirable.NOTE: This instruction manual should remain with the G50BB rifle and be transferred with it if there is a change inownership.NOTE: A copy of this page, or the information on it, should be filed in a safe place other than with this manual.If thisinstruction manual is lost or destroyed, you may get a replacement by writing to L.A.R.Manufacturing, Inc.Whenmaking such a request, include the rifle s serial number, model and this manual s part number (#8394)(15)(16) [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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.If you try tochange the direction of the brush in the barrel, the brush will stick.6.Repeat steps three and four above.7.Clean the chamber and bolt using a small toothbrush.8.Using gun oil, lightly moisten a flannel patch and pass it once through the barrel, leaving a thin film of oil onthe interior of the barrel.Leave this film of oil on this interior surface if the rifle is to be stored, or, if you areremoving it from storage, pass a dry flannel patch through the barrel, removing as much oil as possible.9.Check the barrel to insure that flannel or brush bristles have not become lodged in any part of the barrel or inany other part of the rifle.Wipe all external surfaces with a flannel patch, moistened with oil.(Except asnoted for below freezing weather.)10.Reassemble the rifle as described above.11.Remove any gun cleaning solution and oil from the recoil pad.STORAGECAUTION: ALWAYS UNLOAD YOUR RIFLE FOR STORAGE AND ALWAYS STORE THE AMMUNITIONSEPARATELY.Store your Big Boar Rifle and ammunition in separate locations and securely locked, out of reach andout of sight of children.This is especially important since some children do not understand the potential danger forguns and are naturally curious.Note: Do not store the rifle in an airtight container.Do not seal or try to seal the barrel to keep out dust, since thismakes the internal surfaces more likely to corrode.(13)SERVICE AND REPAIRSIf your Big Boar Rifle should need repair or adjustment, (after MAKING SURE IT IS UNLOADED) take it or send it tothe L.A.R.Authorized Warranty Service Center, 4133 West Farm Road, West Jordan, Utah 84088.IMPORTANT: If you make any unauthorized adjustments or use unauthorized parts, L.A.R.will not assumeresponsibility for the proper functioning of your G50BB rifle.NOTE: There are various Federal and State laws, and local ordinances, which regulate the Dealer in your area orstate on how to send or transport your firearm to the L.A.R.Authorized Service Center.Before you ship your rifle, takenote of the following important points:1.CAUTION: MAKE SURE THAT THE RIFLE IS UNLOADED!2.Write a letter, explaining the problem or requests, with as much detail as possible.Be sure to include in theletter the model name and serial number of your G50BB, along with your address and phone number.Enclose this with the rifle in a well-padded package.3.Do not list or label the contents, or gun name on the package or in the address.This prevents curiousthieves from becoming interested in your package from that information.4.Insure the contents of your package against loss or theft.5.Do not send ammunition, accessories or presentation boxes.(14)OWNER S FIREARM RECORDGrizzly Big Bore Model:& & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & &Serial No: _____________________ Purchase Date: _______/________/_______Purchased From: & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & &Purchase Price: & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & &.WARRANTY STATEMENTThe Grizzly Big Boar Rifle was manufactured using high quality materials and precise methods togive accurate, dependable performance.We warrant the exercise of reasonable care inmanufacturing, but make no other warranties, either expressed or implied.The manufacturer will, atits option, either repair or replace any rifle or component deemed by the manufacturer to be defectivethrough faulty workmanship or materials.L.A.R.Manufacturing, Inc.will not be liable for anyaccident or injury as a result of any unsafe practice caused by the user, nor by any condition overwhich we have no control.No liability is expressed or implied for damage, failure or injury which mayresult from improper installation of authorized or unauthorized parts, from any alterations performedon any part, nor from the use of hand-loaded ammunition.Use of this firearm may violate variouslocal, state or federal statutes.The user is responsible for compliance with all applicable laws andregulations.L.A.R.Manufacturing reserves the right to change or improve our products as deemednecessary or desirable.NOTE: This instruction manual should remain with the G50BB rifle and be transferred with it if there is a change inownership.NOTE: A copy of this page, or the information on it, should be filed in a safe place other than with this manual.If thisinstruction manual is lost or destroyed, you may get a replacement by writing to L.A.R.Manufacturing, Inc.Whenmaking such a request, include the rifle s serial number, model and this manual s part number (#8394)(15)(16) [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]