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.Of course CNN went on to acknowledge that the The current Bush 43 Administration is also loadedFederalist Society does not have a secret handshake, with Federalist Society members, including current andand its meetings are generally open to the public.But former Cabinet members John Ashcroft, Spencerbeyond that caveat, the Federalist Society, from its Abraham, Gail Norton, and Michael Chertoff; and seniorinception, has been, at its essence, a political appointees Larry Thompson, John Bolton, C.Schmittlerian/Straussian conspiratorial association, Boyden Gray, Timothy Flanigan, and Theodore Olson.aimed at overturning the Constitutional order.The current U.S.Supreme Court includes prominentAccording to a wide range of public accounts, the Federalist Society members and patrons, includingFederalist Society was launched by three Yale University Justices Scalia, Clarence Thomas, and the newlyundergraduates, who went on to study law at Yale or at installed Chief Justice John Roberts.Nominee Samuelthe University of Chicago.The three were: Steven Alito is another Federalist Society member.Calabresi, Lee Liberman, and David McIntosh.At YaleThe Funding CabalLaw, Calabresi was a protégé of two law school profes-sors who would both be appointed to the Federal bench The same tightly knit collection of right-wing tax-by Ronald Reagan: Robert H.Bork and Ralph K.exempt foundations that have bankrolled the revival ofWinter.At the University of Chicago Law School, Carl Schmitt at American law schools, has been behind16the Federalist Society, from day one.The first substantial Society leader, runs the Center for Individual Rights;grant to the Society was a $25,000 payout, in 1983, from Federalist Society figure James Bopp was a long-timethe Institute for Educational Affairs, to sponsor the first top official of the National Right to Life Committee andnational symposium.IEA was then headed by William the Christian Coalition; Roger Clegg runs the Center forSimon, head of the Olin Foundation, and Irving Kristol, Equal Opportunity; Donald Hodel, a leading Federalistthe godfather of the neo-conservative movement.Society figure and former Reagan Cabinet secretary, wasBy 1998, the Federalist Society was directly raking in the long-time President of the Christian Coalition.$2.6 million, and that figure has steadily increased since Pat Robertson s Regent University Law School is athen.Major foundation donors include: Olin, the Mellon major recruiting ground for the Society, and Ave MariaScaife foundations, the Bradley Foundation, the Eli Lilly School of Law, founded by Domino s Pizza magnateEndowment, the Richard and Helen DeVos Foundation, Thomas Monaghan, lists Society co-chairman Robertthe Charles Koch foundations, and the Deer Creek Bork on its faculty.Foundation.Corporate donors include Holland Coors, Other Federalist Society affiliates include: theVerizon, Microsoft, and Daimler-Chrysler.Institute for Justice, the Washington Legal Foundation,The Federalist Society, in turn, has spawned an exten- the Pacific Legal Foundation, the American Center forsive network of religious and secular fronts, all working Law and Justice at Robertson s Regent University Lawin concert, to further the Schmittlerian march through School, the Christian Legal Society, the Rutherfordthe institutions: Federalist Society trustee C.Boyden Institute, and the Alliance Defense Fund.The AllianceGray has his Citizens for a Sound Economy; Federalist Defense Fund is a coalition of religious groups, involvedSociety member Manuel Klausner runs the Individual in a series of court cases challenging the separation ofRights Foundation; Michael Rosner, an early Federalist church and state.What s a Rohatyn ?Tony Papert reveals that the Americans have ever know-Synarchist financial interests ingly encountered.Not onlywho sought to turn France fas- does he belong to a speciescist in the 1930s, are trying to the European Synarchistdo the same to the U.S.today.with which they have not the(Researched by a team coordi- slightest acquaintance.nated by Pierre Beaudry.) Worse, their ignorance ofEuropean history, or, what ishen a proposal of Felix the same thing, the dumbed-WRohatyn s appeared in down, flat-earth versions ofthe Washington Post of Dec.history which they have swal-13, 2005, counterposing his lowed, leave no room for theown plan, to Lyndon even possible existence ofLaRouche s well-known pro- such a species as Rohatyn s.posals for national economic What is the Europeanrecovery through long-term, Synarchist? A definition willlow-interest Federal credits for be provided, but first, givenvital infrastructure-building, the cults of stupidity whichleading Congressional Demo- pervade our society, first it iscrats tended at once to realize necessary to demonstrate thatFelix Rohatyn is no American; he was groomed by topthat there was something something exists out thereEuropean Synarchist bankers at France s Lazard fishy in what Rohatyn was to be defined.Frères bank, to work for the international fascistsuggesting, but many were The U.S [ Pobierz caÅ‚ość w formacie PDF ]
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.Of course CNN went on to acknowledge that the The current Bush 43 Administration is also loadedFederalist Society does not have a secret handshake, with Federalist Society members, including current andand its meetings are generally open to the public.But former Cabinet members John Ashcroft, Spencerbeyond that caveat, the Federalist Society, from its Abraham, Gail Norton, and Michael Chertoff; and seniorinception, has been, at its essence, a political appointees Larry Thompson, John Bolton, C.Schmittlerian/Straussian conspiratorial association, Boyden Gray, Timothy Flanigan, and Theodore Olson.aimed at overturning the Constitutional order.The current U.S.Supreme Court includes prominentAccording to a wide range of public accounts, the Federalist Society members and patrons, includingFederalist Society was launched by three Yale University Justices Scalia, Clarence Thomas, and the newlyundergraduates, who went on to study law at Yale or at installed Chief Justice John Roberts.Nominee Samuelthe University of Chicago.The three were: Steven Alito is another Federalist Society member.Calabresi, Lee Liberman, and David McIntosh.At YaleThe Funding CabalLaw, Calabresi was a protégé of two law school profes-sors who would both be appointed to the Federal bench The same tightly knit collection of right-wing tax-by Ronald Reagan: Robert H.Bork and Ralph K.exempt foundations that have bankrolled the revival ofWinter.At the University of Chicago Law School, Carl Schmitt at American law schools, has been behind16the Federalist Society, from day one.The first substantial Society leader, runs the Center for Individual Rights;grant to the Society was a $25,000 payout, in 1983, from Federalist Society figure James Bopp was a long-timethe Institute for Educational Affairs, to sponsor the first top official of the National Right to Life Committee andnational symposium.IEA was then headed by William the Christian Coalition; Roger Clegg runs the Center forSimon, head of the Olin Foundation, and Irving Kristol, Equal Opportunity; Donald Hodel, a leading Federalistthe godfather of the neo-conservative movement.Society figure and former Reagan Cabinet secretary, wasBy 1998, the Federalist Society was directly raking in the long-time President of the Christian Coalition.$2.6 million, and that figure has steadily increased since Pat Robertson s Regent University Law School is athen.Major foundation donors include: Olin, the Mellon major recruiting ground for the Society, and Ave MariaScaife foundations, the Bradley Foundation, the Eli Lilly School of Law, founded by Domino s Pizza magnateEndowment, the Richard and Helen DeVos Foundation, Thomas Monaghan, lists Society co-chairman Robertthe Charles Koch foundations, and the Deer Creek Bork on its faculty.Foundation.Corporate donors include Holland Coors, Other Federalist Society affiliates include: theVerizon, Microsoft, and Daimler-Chrysler.Institute for Justice, the Washington Legal Foundation,The Federalist Society, in turn, has spawned an exten- the Pacific Legal Foundation, the American Center forsive network of religious and secular fronts, all working Law and Justice at Robertson s Regent University Lawin concert, to further the Schmittlerian march through School, the Christian Legal Society, the Rutherfordthe institutions: Federalist Society trustee C.Boyden Institute, and the Alliance Defense Fund.The AllianceGray has his Citizens for a Sound Economy; Federalist Defense Fund is a coalition of religious groups, involvedSociety member Manuel Klausner runs the Individual in a series of court cases challenging the separation ofRights Foundation; Michael Rosner, an early Federalist church and state.What s a Rohatyn ?Tony Papert reveals that the Americans have ever know-Synarchist financial interests ingly encountered.Not onlywho sought to turn France fas- does he belong to a speciescist in the 1930s, are trying to the European Synarchistdo the same to the U.S.today.with which they have not the(Researched by a team coordi- slightest acquaintance.nated by Pierre Beaudry.) Worse, their ignorance ofEuropean history, or, what ishen a proposal of Felix the same thing, the dumbed-WRohatyn s appeared in down, flat-earth versions ofthe Washington Post of Dec.history which they have swal-13, 2005, counterposing his lowed, leave no room for theown plan, to Lyndon even possible existence ofLaRouche s well-known pro- such a species as Rohatyn s.posals for national economic What is the Europeanrecovery through long-term, Synarchist? A definition willlow-interest Federal credits for be provided, but first, givenvital infrastructure-building, the cults of stupidity whichleading Congressional Demo- pervade our society, first it iscrats tended at once to realize necessary to demonstrate thatFelix Rohatyn is no American; he was groomed by topthat there was something something exists out thereEuropean Synarchist bankers at France s Lazard fishy in what Rohatyn was to be defined.Frères bank, to work for the international fascistsuggesting, but many were The U.S [ Pobierz caÅ‚ość w formacie PDF ]