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.The Cataclysm left us buriedin black ice.When the dark blizzards came, people died.The world became naught but snow-chokedvalleys.Small communities huddled within ruins of once vast Imperial cities.Our world shrank until Ibegan to grow it again.Qiro thrust a trembling finger at Jorim, but his gaze included Keles. You are my eyes and ears and feetand hands.You exist to serve me, give me information, not to indulge your whims picking flowers andtrapping animals! And, worse, disgracing us here in Moriande by engaging in common street brawling.You stand there with bloody evidence on hand and face of all I have said.Jorim s hands knotted into fists and his face flushed scarlet.As veins began to rise in his neck, Kelesstepped between the two of them.He pressed his right hand flat against Jorim s breast and felt the ragetrembling through his brother. Stop it, both of you. Don t try to protect your brother, Keles.He has gone too far. Qiro snorted. I shall see to it that this isa problem no longer.From now on, he shall go nowhere.Keles held his left hand palm up toward his grandfather. Stop it.You don t mean that.You re not thatstupid.  What? Don t pretend you didn t hear what I said. You never heard it from me before, but perhaps it istime you did.Keles looked at Jorim. Back away.Calm down. This is not your fight, Keles.It s been coming for a long time. I think you ve done enough fighting for now, Jorim.A jolt ran through his younger brother.Tears began welling in his eyes as betrayal weighted his words. You, too, Keles? Nothing I do is good enough.I am lazy.I don t do my work.I am distracted.I haveno discipline.I m not like you. Jorim.The younger man hesitated, his mouth opening and closing a couple of times before the rage drained fromhim. I didn t mean that last. You should have, Jorim.You should be more like your brother.Keles felt anger beginning to burn hotly in his chest.He turned to his grandfather. No, he shouldn t be.Ishould be more like him.Qiro straightened up.His voice became a rime-edged whisper. And exactly how do you mean that,lyrkyrdin Keles?A fluttering started in his belly.Was it in a cold rage like this that you sent our father off on his lastjourney? The use of his formal title emphasized how much he had yet to learn, and reinforced just howangry his grandfather was. Despite only being ranked Superior, I have gone everywhere you have sent me.I have learnedeverything you deigned to teach me.I have been good and dutiful.My reward for all this was to beposted to the Stormwolf, and yet you never chose to tell me of the dual clocks? Had you decided Iwould go before you knew of them, thereby exposing me to the risk of being lost or of bringing backinaccurate data, or was I just not important enough to be told of this discovery? I should have been doingthe geometry and preparing to use the device. So you believe I think you are untrustworthy. Is there another conclusion I should draw from this? Keles took a deep breath. I don t think you trustany of us. Meaning?Jorim answered. Meaning that you are eighty-one years old.Meaning that Ulan is not, by dispositionand training, capable of taking over for you.Neither are his sons or grandsons.Meaning that our father,who could have taken over for you, is long gone.Meaning that Keles, who is best suited to taking overfor you, is being sent away and not trained to be able to do what you do.You complain that what I do isnot good for us, but you do the same thing. Keles is not ready to take my place.You are even further from it. Oh, you may chain me to a desk here, but I never imagined you would train me. Ah, so you do have some inkling of your limitations.Good. Qiro s eyes narrowed. You may think it is time for a younger generation to supplant me, but I have forgotten more than you will ever know. But what if you forget everything without our ever learning it? Stop, again, both of you. Keles looked at his brother. I ll speak for myself, thank you. Then speak. Qiro and Jorim both looked up as their words echoed each other. I will. Keles straightened. It s a simple fact, grandfather, that Jorim is better suited to the Stormwolfexpedition than I am.True, I have spent more time at sea than he has, but only a little.You are sendingthe Stormwolf into the unknown, where new plants and animals and people will be discovered.I don tcare that you don t care about those things; the Prince does, the nation does, and Jorim is betterprepared to bring that information back than I am.I can do the surveys and the math, but he candiscover things.You are not so foolish as to let your anger with him jeopardize what will be the mostimportant voyage of a lifetime by letting it go without him, are you? Your anger comes from the fact thatthe two of you are so alike, it s disgusting and obvious to anyone but you. Is that so? Then what would you do? Qiro half turned and gestured at the map. Would you take overfor me? Would you do my work, wipe my mouth, wipe my ass, usher me into my dotage? No, dicaikyr, I would learn from you.I would do whatever you asked to guarantee that your work livesforever. Oh, of course, Keles, why did I think differently? Qiro s voice rose dramatically. You d learn from meuntil that merchant-whelp coaxed you to give her family our secrets.You cannot fool me.Keles cheeks burned hotly. Majiata is no longer an issue.She has been sent away, for the good of thefamily. Really? Really. Keles found his hands had knotted and forced them open. I have no desire to supplant you.Iknow I could not supplant you.I merely wish to become capable of keeping your work alive.The old man nodded slowly. We shall see, we shall see.Jorim was about to make a comment, but Keles grabbed the breast of his overshirt and jerked himtoward the curtains.Bowing low, pulling Jorim down with him, Keles spoke softly. Your wisdom is unquestioned, Grandfather.We serve at your whim and will.They straightened up and Qiro inclined his head a little toward them. Words in which you will findfulfillment or damnation, Keles.I pray you have the wisdom to know which is which.Chapter Six1st day, Harvest Festival, Year of the Dog9th Year of Imperial Prince Cyron s Court162nd Year of the Komyr Dynasty736th year since the Cataclysm Moriande, NalenyrMoraven Tolo drifted through the throngs of revelers with the ease of smoke wending through the leavesof a tree.Where others might have seen people in a riot of finery, wearing masks to disguise themselves,donning gaudy feathers to brighten their costumes and layering on cosmetics, he saw flows of energy.Thecrowd moved slowly at times, and in strong surges at others.By shifting his shoulders or twisting his hips,he passed through the masses with barely a notice.He worked his way past the crowds and deeper into the city not because he felt no kinship with thosecelebrating.He did enjoy the Festival and had enjoyed it in Moriande many times before.Even if MasterJatan had not sent word to him, Moraven would have made the trek in this very special year.A sense ofurgency, which fascinated him since he had long since thought he d conquered that sort of thing, had beengrowing in him.He smiled to himself [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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