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.So go ahead, play with these ideas anddiscover your own rituals of love that work for you.Quantum-Touch The Power to Heal 182Chapter Fourteen: Nutritional Life-Style HealingLife-Style Habits You Might ConsiderFind some stretching and cardiovascular exercise you enjoy and do it regularly.Moderate exercise is the most beneficial.Practice relaxation at least ten or fifteen minutes a day.Meditation can be helpful.Let your thoughts and emotions center on what you love, on your dreams, and ongratitude.Honestly express and release stored emotions in a self-actualizing way.Do what you love, if even for a few minutes a day, and get involved with life.Give up smoking, drinking alcohol excessively, and dangerous drugs.Quantum-Touch The Power to Heal 183Chapter Fourteen: Nutritional Life-Style HealingNutritional SuggestionsAs I said, each person is different, and the following are only suggestions based on myexperience and my research.Find out what works for you, and if you have questions,please consult a competent professional physician, naturopath, chiropractor, oracupuncturist." Give up caffeine.Caffeine upsets blood sugar levels and sleeppatterns, and may demineralize the body and contribute toosteoporosis.This is not as difficult as it sounds, if you feed thebody with good nutrition.Use decaffeinated coffee." Cut back and eventually give up sugar and all things ending in"ose" - glucose, sucrose, fructose, and so on.This includes softdrinks, more than a few ounces of fruit juice, honey, molasses, cornsyrup, dates, candy, chocolate, ice cream, pastries, boxed cereals.The average American eats about 150 pounds of sugar a year.Sweets are addictive, but you often can give up sugar by eatingadequate amounts of protein and remineralizing the body.Doingthis will often improve a person's mood and energy levelthroughout the day." Give up fried foods and hardened fats like margarine.Thesetransfatty acids wreak havoc in the body, accelerating aging andcontributing to a wide range of degenerative diseases.Eliminateany foods that have been cooked in oil, such as potato chips,French fries, onion rings, stir-fry, and so on." Eliminate food additives, preservatives, and processed foods likewhite flour and white rice." Some people successfully thrive as vegetarians, but many people donot.The most common warning sign of a lack of protein is thecraving for sweets.For those who wish to be vegetarians and findthemselves wanting sweets each day, you might try eating moresoy, spirulina, and nuts.If this doesn't work, try adding eggs, fish,or fowl to your diet.Quantum-Touch The Power to Heal 184Chapter Fourteen: Nutritional Life-Style Healing" Replenish the microminerals in your body by using plant-derived colloidal minerals.Using these minerals will often help to reduce or eliminate cravings for fried foods,sugar, caffeine, alcohol, and even tobacco." Many people cannot tolerate wheat, cheese, or milk; there may be other foods as wellthat cause allergic reactions.If you are in doubt, do this simple test.On an emptystomach, take your pulse and then eat a suspected food.Check your pulse again afterfifteen, thirty, and sixty minutes.If your pulse has increased by ten percent or more,you are probably allergic to that food and may have to give it up." Eat grains and starchy and leafy vegetables.About 25% of your diet should becomposed of meat, fish, eggs, nuts, seeds, and milk." Take supplements.These may include:Vitamin A, 10,000 units a dayB complexVitamin C, 1000 mg with bioflavonoids once or twice a dayVitamin D, as one cod liver oil capsuleVitamin E, 400 to 1200 units a daySelenium, 200 megs a dayMCHA Calcium 1000-1500 mg a day depending onneed.Jarrow's Bone Up with MCHA calcium works wellMagnesium glycinate or taurate 500-750 mg a dayZinc 15-25 mg a dayCopper 1.5-2.5 mg a dayMSM sulfur 500-1000 mg a dayEnzymes, with amylase, protease, lipase, andcellulaseFlax oil capsules for essential fatty acids, three 1000 mg capsules, three times adayColloidal minerals - Rockland's Body Booster or Clark'sLengendary colloidal minerals work well.Take one ounce per 100 pounds ofbody weight two times a day as long as cravings persist.Quantum-Touch The Power to Heal 185Chapter Fourteen: Nutritional Life-Style HealingCalcium Deficiency SyndromesIt has come to my attention through the writings of Luke Bucci, Ph.D., AlanPressman, D.C., Ph.D., Herbert Goodman, M.D., Ph.D., Jason Theodosakis, M.D., andthe infamous Joel Wallach, N.D., D.V.M., how many seemingly unrelated conditionsmay result from calcium deficiencies caused by osteoporosis.I thought I would sharesome insight on the subject since the majority of the students who take my workshopsappear to be suffering from one or more of the various forms of calcium deficiencies.These include necks that sound like gravel, joints that pop or grind, numerous back andneck pains, and osteoarthritis or dowager's hump.The bad news is that these conditionscan become very painful and debilitating.The good news is that they are oftenreversible.The process works as follows: The body requires a certain level of calcium in theblood to maintain health, and if it does not get this calcium from the food we eat, it stealsit from our bones and teeth.As the bones become weaker from the inside (osteoporosisand broken bones), the body puts up hard tissue on the outside of the bones and makesthe bones thicker [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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.So go ahead, play with these ideas anddiscover your own rituals of love that work for you.Quantum-Touch The Power to Heal 182Chapter Fourteen: Nutritional Life-Style HealingLife-Style Habits You Might ConsiderFind some stretching and cardiovascular exercise you enjoy and do it regularly.Moderate exercise is the most beneficial.Practice relaxation at least ten or fifteen minutes a day.Meditation can be helpful.Let your thoughts and emotions center on what you love, on your dreams, and ongratitude.Honestly express and release stored emotions in a self-actualizing way.Do what you love, if even for a few minutes a day, and get involved with life.Give up smoking, drinking alcohol excessively, and dangerous drugs.Quantum-Touch The Power to Heal 183Chapter Fourteen: Nutritional Life-Style HealingNutritional SuggestionsAs I said, each person is different, and the following are only suggestions based on myexperience and my research.Find out what works for you, and if you have questions,please consult a competent professional physician, naturopath, chiropractor, oracupuncturist." Give up caffeine.Caffeine upsets blood sugar levels and sleeppatterns, and may demineralize the body and contribute toosteoporosis.This is not as difficult as it sounds, if you feed thebody with good nutrition.Use decaffeinated coffee." Cut back and eventually give up sugar and all things ending in"ose" - glucose, sucrose, fructose, and so on.This includes softdrinks, more than a few ounces of fruit juice, honey, molasses, cornsyrup, dates, candy, chocolate, ice cream, pastries, boxed cereals.The average American eats about 150 pounds of sugar a year.Sweets are addictive, but you often can give up sugar by eatingadequate amounts of protein and remineralizing the body.Doingthis will often improve a person's mood and energy levelthroughout the day." Give up fried foods and hardened fats like margarine.Thesetransfatty acids wreak havoc in the body, accelerating aging andcontributing to a wide range of degenerative diseases.Eliminateany foods that have been cooked in oil, such as potato chips,French fries, onion rings, stir-fry, and so on." Eliminate food additives, preservatives, and processed foods likewhite flour and white rice." Some people successfully thrive as vegetarians, but many people donot.The most common warning sign of a lack of protein is thecraving for sweets.For those who wish to be vegetarians and findthemselves wanting sweets each day, you might try eating moresoy, spirulina, and nuts.If this doesn't work, try adding eggs, fish,or fowl to your diet.Quantum-Touch The Power to Heal 184Chapter Fourteen: Nutritional Life-Style Healing" Replenish the microminerals in your body by using plant-derived colloidal minerals.Using these minerals will often help to reduce or eliminate cravings for fried foods,sugar, caffeine, alcohol, and even tobacco." Many people cannot tolerate wheat, cheese, or milk; there may be other foods as wellthat cause allergic reactions.If you are in doubt, do this simple test.On an emptystomach, take your pulse and then eat a suspected food.Check your pulse again afterfifteen, thirty, and sixty minutes.If your pulse has increased by ten percent or more,you are probably allergic to that food and may have to give it up." Eat grains and starchy and leafy vegetables.About 25% of your diet should becomposed of meat, fish, eggs, nuts, seeds, and milk." Take supplements.These may include:Vitamin A, 10,000 units a dayB complexVitamin C, 1000 mg with bioflavonoids once or twice a dayVitamin D, as one cod liver oil capsuleVitamin E, 400 to 1200 units a daySelenium, 200 megs a dayMCHA Calcium 1000-1500 mg a day depending onneed.Jarrow's Bone Up with MCHA calcium works wellMagnesium glycinate or taurate 500-750 mg a dayZinc 15-25 mg a dayCopper 1.5-2.5 mg a dayMSM sulfur 500-1000 mg a dayEnzymes, with amylase, protease, lipase, andcellulaseFlax oil capsules for essential fatty acids, three 1000 mg capsules, three times adayColloidal minerals - Rockland's Body Booster or Clark'sLengendary colloidal minerals work well.Take one ounce per 100 pounds ofbody weight two times a day as long as cravings persist.Quantum-Touch The Power to Heal 185Chapter Fourteen: Nutritional Life-Style HealingCalcium Deficiency SyndromesIt has come to my attention through the writings of Luke Bucci, Ph.D., AlanPressman, D.C., Ph.D., Herbert Goodman, M.D., Ph.D., Jason Theodosakis, M.D., andthe infamous Joel Wallach, N.D., D.V.M., how many seemingly unrelated conditionsmay result from calcium deficiencies caused by osteoporosis.I thought I would sharesome insight on the subject since the majority of the students who take my workshopsappear to be suffering from one or more of the various forms of calcium deficiencies.These include necks that sound like gravel, joints that pop or grind, numerous back andneck pains, and osteoarthritis or dowager's hump.The bad news is that these conditionscan become very painful and debilitating.The good news is that they are oftenreversible.The process works as follows: The body requires a certain level of calcium in theblood to maintain health, and if it does not get this calcium from the food we eat, it stealsit from our bones and teeth.As the bones become weaker from the inside (osteoporosisand broken bones), the body puts up hard tissue on the outside of the bones and makesthe bones thicker [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]