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.To punish theor infrastructure to truly control them.Instead, the barons,factions, Tharkas drove them out of the region, and set upand their dozens of vassals built small fortifications anda new barony with Rupert Klein in command.The noblesstaked their claim, much like gold rush prospectorswere outraged at the loss of their land, but they had beenwould.The region's borders shifted continuously withweakened from months of fighting in the mountains.new mining companies starting, and nobles coming andNone of the nobles alone could seriously challenge thegoing as their fortunes changed.King's decree, and the lingering resentment between thefactions kept them from allying.Up until y377, the various factions coexisted peacefully.However, prospectors representing the Midlands MiningThe Kleins ruled their barony from y378 to y424.Company found a particularly rich silver deposit thatHowever, when the barons battled for the throne upon theyear.At the time they found the vein, they did not havedeath of Talen Tharkas, Vincent saw his opportunity.the equipment to start digging.A group of prospectorsUnder the cover of the political chaos sweeping the land,stayed behind to guard the claim, while others traveled toVincent raised an army of mercenary troops andgather more men and equipment.overthrew Klein in a bloody battle.Once his control ofKlein Barony was established, Vincent immediatelyWhile the prospectors waited, another group representingbacked Baloric in his bid for the Bostonian throne.InLord Karl Estavo stumbled upon them.When Estvo's menreturn, Baloric promised to recognize Vincent's claim torealized how rich the silver deposit was, they concocted athe Midlands region.plan to drive the prospectors from their claim.They hadwith them a large amount of alchemical reagents used toThe final battle of the Bostonian Succession War occurredtest ore samples.They poured the reagents into the smallat Armor.There, the armies of Baloric and Falleronstream from which the prospectors got their water.Theclashed and while they were engaged, the forces of thetainted water made the Midland prospectors ill and theyChurch ambushed them.All of the armies involved tookwere forced to leave.When the mining companies minersterrible losses, and found their will to fight depleted.Thearrived, they found Estavo's men working their claim.two barons reluctantly signed the Confederacy Pact,ending the war.Vincent had promised that his troopsThe Midland Company miners were furious and decidedwould support Baloric at Armor.However, logisticalto repay Estavo's men for stealing their claim.They setupproblems and "bad weather" delayed his forces.By thecamp a couple of miles from Estavo's camp.One night,time Vincent arrived at Armor, the battle had ended.they snuck into the mine and sabotaged several machines,hoping to bring work to a standstill.Unfortunately, theThe fortuitous delay meant that while many of Bostonia'smachines collapsed when they failed, killing three ofmost capable armies lay in tatters, Vincent's forcesEstavo's men.remained strong and combat-ready.When theConfederacy Pact was signed, Vincent's victory wasThe next day, Estavo's men traveled to the Midlandscomplete.The new Lord Mayor did not have the authorityMining camp and attacked, killing 11 men and woundingto dislodge a seated baron.Baloric lobbied the Church toseveral others.The Midland miners retaliated that night,allow Vincent to remain in power.After much debate,but as they made their way to Estavo's camp, theyVincent kept his throne.mistakenly attacked a supply train owned by LordPritchard, drawing them into the violence.Region NotesThe Vincent family has always resented the Engineers' Vincent finds an unlikely ally in the MathematiciansGuild ever since they were forced to sell it in y378.The Guild.Both the Guild and the Vincent family haveGuild is not permitted to operate inside the barony, and historical disputes with the Engineers and that is certainlythe baron and his supporters do what they can to oppose a major reason for their cooperation.However, thethe Engineers.All public works projects in the barony are leadership of the Mathematicians is impressed with thehandled by The Third Association of Scholars and mechanical designs produced by the Vincent family.Engineers, an organization founded by Felina Vincent inLocationsy571.The Third Association is a group of skilled andwell-trained architects and engineers.They do an excellentCastle Aganejob of building and maintaining the mines, roads, bridges,and dams of the barony.Their craftsmanship is widelyIn y567, Falleron announced that it had credible claims topraised, and some even say their work is superior to thatthe Agane Hills.Falleron petitioned the king to hear theseof the Engineers.This group is supported by Baronclaims.Of course, Gharmon Vincent refuted the claims.Vincent, as well as the Mathematicians' Guild.Vincent s advisors had many contacts in Boston andmanaged to keep the case bogged in bureaucraticThe last three barons of Vincent have been consideredformalities for nearly a year.Falleron became impatientmechanical geniuses and inventors of the highest repute.with the delay and moved troops into the region.The mines of the Vincent Barony are equipped withGharmon tried to counterattack, but Falleron s men woulddevices that improve the safety and efficiency of thenot be moved.miners.Similar marvels can be found at building sites,smelters, and state-run smithies.Vincent keeps the plansFalleron held the hills for several months.In the earlyof these devices a well-guarded secret.Many outsidemonths of y569, Felina Vincent used alchemical bombsorganizations would like to get a close look at theseto shatter the Falleron defenses.She then surrounded thedevices, or steal the plans for them.So far, they have notinvading troops and forced them to surrender.Falleron sbeen successful in doing so.men regrouped and prepared for a second assault onAgane.Before the attack could come, the Shield GuildPolitics and Relationsintervened on behalf of the king.After over a year ofdispute, the king would hear the claims on Agane.Vincent is the "scoundrel" of Bostonia.The history of theregion has been one of revolution, violence, and treachery.As the hearing progressed, it became clear that Falleron sBecause of this, and the shady dealings of its rulers,claim was not strong enough to allow them to take controlpeople in other baronies cast a wary eye toward Vincent.of Agane [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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.To punish theor infrastructure to truly control them.Instead, the barons,factions, Tharkas drove them out of the region, and set upand their dozens of vassals built small fortifications anda new barony with Rupert Klein in command.The noblesstaked their claim, much like gold rush prospectorswere outraged at the loss of their land, but they had beenwould.The region's borders shifted continuously withweakened from months of fighting in the mountains.new mining companies starting, and nobles coming andNone of the nobles alone could seriously challenge thegoing as their fortunes changed.King's decree, and the lingering resentment between thefactions kept them from allying.Up until y377, the various factions coexisted peacefully.However, prospectors representing the Midlands MiningThe Kleins ruled their barony from y378 to y424.Company found a particularly rich silver deposit thatHowever, when the barons battled for the throne upon theyear.At the time they found the vein, they did not havedeath of Talen Tharkas, Vincent saw his opportunity.the equipment to start digging.A group of prospectorsUnder the cover of the political chaos sweeping the land,stayed behind to guard the claim, while others traveled toVincent raised an army of mercenary troops andgather more men and equipment.overthrew Klein in a bloody battle.Once his control ofKlein Barony was established, Vincent immediatelyWhile the prospectors waited, another group representingbacked Baloric in his bid for the Bostonian throne.InLord Karl Estavo stumbled upon them.When Estvo's menreturn, Baloric promised to recognize Vincent's claim torealized how rich the silver deposit was, they concocted athe Midlands region.plan to drive the prospectors from their claim.They hadwith them a large amount of alchemical reagents used toThe final battle of the Bostonian Succession War occurredtest ore samples.They poured the reagents into the smallat Armor.There, the armies of Baloric and Falleronstream from which the prospectors got their water.Theclashed and while they were engaged, the forces of thetainted water made the Midland prospectors ill and theyChurch ambushed them.All of the armies involved tookwere forced to leave.When the mining companies minersterrible losses, and found their will to fight depleted.Thearrived, they found Estavo's men working their claim.two barons reluctantly signed the Confederacy Pact,ending the war.Vincent had promised that his troopsThe Midland Company miners were furious and decidedwould support Baloric at Armor.However, logisticalto repay Estavo's men for stealing their claim.They setupproblems and "bad weather" delayed his forces.By thecamp a couple of miles from Estavo's camp.One night,time Vincent arrived at Armor, the battle had ended.they snuck into the mine and sabotaged several machines,hoping to bring work to a standstill.Unfortunately, theThe fortuitous delay meant that while many of Bostonia'smachines collapsed when they failed, killing three ofmost capable armies lay in tatters, Vincent's forcesEstavo's men.remained strong and combat-ready.When theConfederacy Pact was signed, Vincent's victory wasThe next day, Estavo's men traveled to the Midlandscomplete.The new Lord Mayor did not have the authorityMining camp and attacked, killing 11 men and woundingto dislodge a seated baron.Baloric lobbied the Church toseveral others.The Midland miners retaliated that night,allow Vincent to remain in power.After much debate,but as they made their way to Estavo's camp, theyVincent kept his throne.mistakenly attacked a supply train owned by LordPritchard, drawing them into the violence.Region NotesThe Vincent family has always resented the Engineers' Vincent finds an unlikely ally in the MathematiciansGuild ever since they were forced to sell it in y378.The Guild.Both the Guild and the Vincent family haveGuild is not permitted to operate inside the barony, and historical disputes with the Engineers and that is certainlythe baron and his supporters do what they can to oppose a major reason for their cooperation.However, thethe Engineers.All public works projects in the barony are leadership of the Mathematicians is impressed with thehandled by The Third Association of Scholars and mechanical designs produced by the Vincent family.Engineers, an organization founded by Felina Vincent inLocationsy571.The Third Association is a group of skilled andwell-trained architects and engineers.They do an excellentCastle Aganejob of building and maintaining the mines, roads, bridges,and dams of the barony.Their craftsmanship is widelyIn y567, Falleron announced that it had credible claims topraised, and some even say their work is superior to thatthe Agane Hills.Falleron petitioned the king to hear theseof the Engineers.This group is supported by Baronclaims.Of course, Gharmon Vincent refuted the claims.Vincent, as well as the Mathematicians' Guild.Vincent s advisors had many contacts in Boston andmanaged to keep the case bogged in bureaucraticThe last three barons of Vincent have been consideredformalities for nearly a year.Falleron became impatientmechanical geniuses and inventors of the highest repute.with the delay and moved troops into the region.The mines of the Vincent Barony are equipped withGharmon tried to counterattack, but Falleron s men woulddevices that improve the safety and efficiency of thenot be moved.miners.Similar marvels can be found at building sites,smelters, and state-run smithies.Vincent keeps the plansFalleron held the hills for several months.In the earlyof these devices a well-guarded secret.Many outsidemonths of y569, Felina Vincent used alchemical bombsorganizations would like to get a close look at theseto shatter the Falleron defenses.She then surrounded thedevices, or steal the plans for them.So far, they have notinvading troops and forced them to surrender.Falleron sbeen successful in doing so.men regrouped and prepared for a second assault onAgane.Before the attack could come, the Shield GuildPolitics and Relationsintervened on behalf of the king.After over a year ofdispute, the king would hear the claims on Agane.Vincent is the "scoundrel" of Bostonia.The history of theregion has been one of revolution, violence, and treachery.As the hearing progressed, it became clear that Falleron sBecause of this, and the shady dealings of its rulers,claim was not strong enough to allow them to take controlpeople in other baronies cast a wary eye toward Vincent.of Agane [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]