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."Meanybutt?""If I'm Meanybutt, then you're Pluggybutt." Billy couldn't remember a time he'd been sosilly or laughed so hard.It was rather fun."Pluggybutt!" Montana howled for him, both of them gasping for air.It took awhile from them to come down.He'd stop laughing and Montana's giggleswould set him off again, and vice versa.Montana ended up in his lap, warm and relaxed,still chuckling every now and again.He nuzzled into Montana's neck, breathing in sweatand musk and love."Mmm.It's been a good day.""Yeah." He kissed Montana again."They're all good with you." It was sappy and cheesy,but also the truth.Montana's smile let him know that he wasn't alone in that, not at all."Love," he murmured, holding Montana close.Love and peace and happiness.It was all good.Snared - 64 Chapter SevenOkay.Okay.He'd chopped vegetables and cut meat and cleaned the house.The floors.He'd been to the bedroom and had seen the lube.The towels.Tubing attached to theshort, wide, cock-shaped nozzle which didn't even belong in the bedroom and how washe supposed to entertain Oliver knowing that it was there and his cock was in the cage?Then there were two plugs -- a big one and a really big one.Why did Billy need two? Whywere they out? What was he going to do?Billy came in with his closed laptop and stowed it next to the dresser."Hey, love.Whatdo you need help with?""Everything's ready to stir fry.The house is clean.Should we.put this away?""We have an hour before Oliver should be here.""Uh-huh." He looked at Billy, just a little panicked.Surely Billy wouldn't ask him to dosomething as huge as taking his lover's hand and then entertain."Let's go shower together, clean you out, and put in the plug.I love the way you movewith it in.""I.I.I." It was like the single word was stuck in his throat."Love." Billy took his chin in hand and tilted his face.Then Billy kissed him.Hard.Oh.Better.He stepped closer, letting Billy make his head swim.Billy hummed andrumbled into the kiss, filling his mouth with love noises.The knot in his stomach relaxed,released.Billy's fingers traced over the scars on his back, right on down to his ass.Hehummed, leaned toward that touch.Fingers digging in, Billy pulled him close.One fingerstrayed, finding his hole and teasing it.That touch he understood.Hell, that touch heneeded."Come shower with me," Billy whispered, fingertip pushing into him.Tanny nodded, lips clinging to Billy's, that slow, gentle touch mesmerizing.Billy reachedfor something, lips staying with his the whole time.As Billy started walking backward outof the bedroom, Tanny could feel something in Billy's hand, something cold.When heopened his mouth to ask, he got another kiss, Billy's lips hot, hard against his.Billy kissedhim all the way to the bathroom, making a meal of his mouth, his lips and teeth andtongue.He held onto his lover's shoulders, cock trapped and aching, throbbing in itscage.Snared - 65 Billy didn't bother turning on the light in the bathroom and still didn't let him go as heturned on the shower.Tanny leaned, letting Billy breathe into him, the act making himdizzy.Billy was there to hold him up, though, strong and sure.He rested against Billy'schest, blinking so slowly.His clothes disappeared under Billy's fingers and before he knewit, they were in the shower, the water warm and good on his skin.It was dark andintimate, quiet, both of them in the steam.Billy washed him with soap and then rinsed him; Billy's hands knew him so well.His lipswere on Billy's throat, tongue flicking out to taste the water and salt of Billy's skin."I'm going to clean you inside now."He moaned and stepped closer, needing Billy's love, strength."I have you.""Okay.Don't let me go.""Never.You're mine, remember." Billy's fingers slid over his name tattooed on Tanny'sbelly.Tanny smiled.Yes.Yes, he knew."Turn around for me, love.I need to lube this thing up and work it into you." This thingwas the cock-shaped nozzle that he'd seen on the bed earlier.He turned, groaning a little.He wasn't sure about this.He wasn't sure at all.Two ofBilly's fingers, slick and familiar, pushed into him.The water and the darknesssurrounded him, made it easier to breathe.Soft kisses slid over his shoulders, Billydrinking the water from his skin.It was easy, here, not to think.Not to worry.Thosefingers spread him, opened him up and got him wet and slick inside.Tanny rested hisarms against the tile, his cheek on his arm."Love you, Montana.Love you so much." A third finger joined the first two, stretchinghim wider."Love." He propped one foot on the side of the tub, spreading."I think you're ready now." Billy's fingers disappeared."Are you sure?""Yes." The heat of Billy's cock was suddenly pushing inside him."Billy!" It surprised him, thrilled him, and he pushed back, eager."Yeah." Billy's hips met his ass and then his lover began to rock into him with long, slowstrokes.Snared - 66 He met each stroke, grunting as Billy filled him.Billy's hands slid over his chest, playedwith his nipple piercings and then stroked his belly."Love." They found a solid, forceful rhythm, one that left him shivering, aching.Billy's hand grabbed for his cock, fingers warm where he could feel them through thecage.Then Billy groaned against his neck and came deep inside him.He sobbed softly,wanting so badly, needing help, needing his sir.Billy came out of him and the hard, cock-shaped nozzle slipped in.Then Billy camearound in front of him to press soft kisses over his face.He reached for his lover, moaningsoftly."Love you." Billy's arms wrapped around him."This is hard.""Sometimes good things are hard." Billy fiddled with something and suddenly liquidbegan to slide into him from the nozzle."Oh, God.Oh, God.Billy.""It's okay, love.I have you." One of Billy's hands stayed on his ass, the other snuck backaround to stroke his belly."I don't like this." He was shaking, his heart beating so hard."You're almost done, love.Just a few more moments.""Love you, huh?""Good.You, too."He was going to cry, maybe, or something.Billy's mouth found his, tongue pushing inand bringing the flavor of his lover with it.He sobbed, latching onto the kiss, onto thepromises it made.By the time Billy stopped kissing him, the water had stopped flowinginto him."I.I.What do I do?""Just hold it in while I take out the nozzle.""Oh, God.Please, don't.Please don't make me." He got another kiss that stopped hispanic."You're fine, love.Just fine.""I'm scared." He wasn't fine.Snared - 67 "I'm right here, love.Right here, and I'm not going anywhere [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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