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.I'll come back soon.Please." Dylan put a hand onTaj's chest, looking up into his eyes."She's the one who bruised your face isn't she?" Tajsaid absently, stroking the bruise on his cheekbone.Finally,he submitted."Fine.I'll stay here and wait for you." Tajreleased Dylan after kissing him once more."Henry, please take good care of Taj.He's very241Sui Lynn Dark Chocolate and Raspberriesimportant to me." Dylan stood up and, taking a deep breath,he left the room, closing the door behind him.Taj turned to the butler."Henry, how long havethings been like this?"The man hung his head, sighing when the doorclosed."Mr Dylan has dealt with his family for many years,but it has gotten worse with time.Mrs Michaels used torespond to me and a few others, but this last year she hasdeteriorated a great deal and only responds to him now.Shetruly has gone insane.Mr Michaels doesn't come hereanymore and manipulates his son to his advantage.He'sabandoned them both.When Mr Dylan arrived, he calledhis father on the phone to tell him he couldn't do thisanymore, he couldn't deal with her madness.""He shouldn't have to!""That's true.But his father threatened him, and MrDylan's no match for his father, who has always been anexpert manipulator.Mr Dylan's always been a good,sensitive boy.He's trapped between his mother's insanityand his father's machinations and selfishness.She's reallytoo much of a burden to place on such a young man and thethings she does to him, no mother should ever do to herchild." Henry set his jaw."I've said more than I've a right tosay.Is there anything you need, sir?""No, Henry.The only thing I need from this house242Sui Lynn Dark Chocolate and Raspberrieshas already gone out door.""Then I'll take my leave.If there is anything youneed, please call for me.I'm at your service." Henry wentout the door closing it firmly.Taj noticed, when the door opened and closed, thatthe screaming had stopped and things seemed peaceful.Maybe maybe things weren't all that bad.Dylan might beable to handle his mother.If she really just needed medicalhelp, they could take her to a specialist or a hospital fortreatment and proper care.Wouldn't admission andtreatment be a better alternative than all this suffering?Taj sighed, walking around the library looking atthe books lining the shelves.He found a very old, worn,leather-bound, copy of Moby Dick, Dylan's favorite.Tajnoticed the copy here in this library appeared to be wellread and worn, like the paperback at the dorm.Taj took thebook down from the shelves, returning to the sofa andpaging through the story of a man's obsession.* * * *Dylan listened to his mother screaming at the top ofher lungs.She must've finished her shower and begunharassing the staff because he hadn't come to her yet.Heopened the door in time to see his mother, hands clenched243Sui Lynn Dark Chocolate and Raspberriesaround a vase, taking aim at the maids hiding in thebathroom."Mother, I told you not to hurt the staff," Dylansaid, standing between her and the women.He motionedfor them to duck out the door behind him."Tammy andLisa were in there doing their job and we're lucky to havethem.""I didn't hurt anyone.There's no one here but youand me, my angel," she cooed happily, clapping her handsin glee.She coyly approached Dylan and kissed him on thecheek."Come and brush my hair for me."In her world, the only real people were Dylan andherself, the rest were, in her mind, lifeless characters withless substance than paper dolls, and quite disposable.And,he suspected, his substance in her world might not be muchmore real to her than the others.Dylan followed her to the dressing table, picking upthe hairbrush from the floor.But instead of running itthrough her hair, he set the hairbrush down on the table andwalked away from her."I'm not doing this anymore, Mom.I'm sorry.I'llcome and visit but I'm in college.I can't stay here to holdyour hand anymore.I'm an adult, and I have my own life.""What are you talking about? You're just a baby.You can't go to college.A child has no life without itsmother.Now sing for Mommy." She smiled up at him244Sui Lynn Dark Chocolate and Raspberriesadoringly, a smile which used to get her anything from asmall boy hungry for her affection, but no longer.He hadgrown up."No.I won't sing for you anymore.I want you toget help, Mom.You're sick.Please.Let me call you adoctor." Dylan replied and sat down in the one unbrokenchair in the room."Don't be stubborn.I want to hear your sweet voice,my angel.Your sweet love always shines through whenyou sing." She pouted."No, Mom.No more.""Why are you being so mean? I only want to loveyou." Justine stood and walked over to the chair anddropped to her knees in front of him."If you won't sing forme I'll hurt you instead, you don't want to be hurt." Sherubbed herself against his legs, up along his body until shesat in his lap, then she kissed him hard on his bruisedcheek."Stop, Mother.No more of this." Dylan pushed heraway as he stood up, dumping her to the floor, and openedthe door."If you can't behave, I won't visit you at all."Justine screamed, enraged, throwing things aroundthe room.There was little left to break, most things in theroom already broken beyond repair.She reached out,grabbing Dylan, yanking him back into the room.245Sui Lynn Dark Chocolate and Raspberries"This is about your little bitch taking your heartfrom me again, isn't it? Well she can't have you.Your heartis mine! Do you understand me, Dylan? You belong tome!" She screamed, clawing at him, throwing himforcefully onto the bed."I'll force you to love me.Youdon't have a choice.I know how to make you hard.Yourfather may hate me, but you have to love me.""Mother, you can't take something you've neverhad." Dylan replied coldly, trying to throw her off.She heldhim down, kissing him, sitting across him, straddling hiships.Her spittle dripped down his face, leaving trails ofdrool in his hair."You will love only ME!"Repulsed, he struggled to free himself, screamingback at her."Knock it off, mother! Stop, already!" Dylanfought her but she had his arms restrained under her legs."You're my son, my baby.Only mine!"Taj sat upright on the sofa at the muffled sound ofraised voices.He instantly recognized Dylan's, unsure ofwhat he said, yet the tone of anger and panic wasunmistakable.He stood, opening the door to the library andstepping out to the atrium and the base of the stairs.Heheard Dylan screaming.To hell with promises, he couldn'tjust sit here and wait.Henry popped out of a doorway like something246Sui Lynn Dark Chocolate and Raspberriesfrom a bad movie."This is the hardest part," Henry saidsolemnly looking Taj in the eye [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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.I'll come back soon.Please." Dylan put a hand onTaj's chest, looking up into his eyes."She's the one who bruised your face isn't she?" Tajsaid absently, stroking the bruise on his cheekbone.Finally,he submitted."Fine.I'll stay here and wait for you." Tajreleased Dylan after kissing him once more."Henry, please take good care of Taj.He's very241Sui Lynn Dark Chocolate and Raspberriesimportant to me." Dylan stood up and, taking a deep breath,he left the room, closing the door behind him.Taj turned to the butler."Henry, how long havethings been like this?"The man hung his head, sighing when the doorclosed."Mr Dylan has dealt with his family for many years,but it has gotten worse with time.Mrs Michaels used torespond to me and a few others, but this last year she hasdeteriorated a great deal and only responds to him now.Shetruly has gone insane.Mr Michaels doesn't come hereanymore and manipulates his son to his advantage.He'sabandoned them both.When Mr Dylan arrived, he calledhis father on the phone to tell him he couldn't do thisanymore, he couldn't deal with her madness.""He shouldn't have to!""That's true.But his father threatened him, and MrDylan's no match for his father, who has always been anexpert manipulator.Mr Dylan's always been a good,sensitive boy.He's trapped between his mother's insanityand his father's machinations and selfishness.She's reallytoo much of a burden to place on such a young man and thethings she does to him, no mother should ever do to herchild." Henry set his jaw."I've said more than I've a right tosay.Is there anything you need, sir?""No, Henry.The only thing I need from this house242Sui Lynn Dark Chocolate and Raspberrieshas already gone out door.""Then I'll take my leave.If there is anything youneed, please call for me.I'm at your service." Henry wentout the door closing it firmly.Taj noticed, when the door opened and closed, thatthe screaming had stopped and things seemed peaceful.Maybe maybe things weren't all that bad.Dylan might beable to handle his mother.If she really just needed medicalhelp, they could take her to a specialist or a hospital fortreatment and proper care.Wouldn't admission andtreatment be a better alternative than all this suffering?Taj sighed, walking around the library looking atthe books lining the shelves.He found a very old, worn,leather-bound, copy of Moby Dick, Dylan's favorite.Tajnoticed the copy here in this library appeared to be wellread and worn, like the paperback at the dorm.Taj took thebook down from the shelves, returning to the sofa andpaging through the story of a man's obsession.* * * *Dylan listened to his mother screaming at the top ofher lungs.She must've finished her shower and begunharassing the staff because he hadn't come to her yet.Heopened the door in time to see his mother, hands clenched243Sui Lynn Dark Chocolate and Raspberriesaround a vase, taking aim at the maids hiding in thebathroom."Mother, I told you not to hurt the staff," Dylansaid, standing between her and the women.He motionedfor them to duck out the door behind him."Tammy andLisa were in there doing their job and we're lucky to havethem.""I didn't hurt anyone.There's no one here but youand me, my angel," she cooed happily, clapping her handsin glee.She coyly approached Dylan and kissed him on thecheek."Come and brush my hair for me."In her world, the only real people were Dylan andherself, the rest were, in her mind, lifeless characters withless substance than paper dolls, and quite disposable.And,he suspected, his substance in her world might not be muchmore real to her than the others.Dylan followed her to the dressing table, picking upthe hairbrush from the floor.But instead of running itthrough her hair, he set the hairbrush down on the table andwalked away from her."I'm not doing this anymore, Mom.I'm sorry.I'llcome and visit but I'm in college.I can't stay here to holdyour hand anymore.I'm an adult, and I have my own life.""What are you talking about? You're just a baby.You can't go to college.A child has no life without itsmother.Now sing for Mommy." She smiled up at him244Sui Lynn Dark Chocolate and Raspberriesadoringly, a smile which used to get her anything from asmall boy hungry for her affection, but no longer.He hadgrown up."No.I won't sing for you anymore.I want you toget help, Mom.You're sick.Please.Let me call you adoctor." Dylan replied and sat down in the one unbrokenchair in the room."Don't be stubborn.I want to hear your sweet voice,my angel.Your sweet love always shines through whenyou sing." She pouted."No, Mom.No more.""Why are you being so mean? I only want to loveyou." Justine stood and walked over to the chair anddropped to her knees in front of him."If you won't sing forme I'll hurt you instead, you don't want to be hurt." Sherubbed herself against his legs, up along his body until shesat in his lap, then she kissed him hard on his bruisedcheek."Stop, Mother.No more of this." Dylan pushed heraway as he stood up, dumping her to the floor, and openedthe door."If you can't behave, I won't visit you at all."Justine screamed, enraged, throwing things aroundthe room.There was little left to break, most things in theroom already broken beyond repair.She reached out,grabbing Dylan, yanking him back into the room.245Sui Lynn Dark Chocolate and Raspberries"This is about your little bitch taking your heartfrom me again, isn't it? Well she can't have you.Your heartis mine! Do you understand me, Dylan? You belong tome!" She screamed, clawing at him, throwing himforcefully onto the bed."I'll force you to love me.Youdon't have a choice.I know how to make you hard.Yourfather may hate me, but you have to love me.""Mother, you can't take something you've neverhad." Dylan replied coldly, trying to throw her off.She heldhim down, kissing him, sitting across him, straddling hiships.Her spittle dripped down his face, leaving trails ofdrool in his hair."You will love only ME!"Repulsed, he struggled to free himself, screamingback at her."Knock it off, mother! Stop, already!" Dylanfought her but she had his arms restrained under her legs."You're my son, my baby.Only mine!"Taj sat upright on the sofa at the muffled sound ofraised voices.He instantly recognized Dylan's, unsure ofwhat he said, yet the tone of anger and panic wasunmistakable.He stood, opening the door to the library andstepping out to the atrium and the base of the stairs.Heheard Dylan screaming.To hell with promises, he couldn'tjust sit here and wait.Henry popped out of a doorway like something246Sui Lynn Dark Chocolate and Raspberriesfrom a bad movie."This is the hardest part," Henry saidsolemnly looking Taj in the eye [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]