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.Her head seemed big, and full of air.The pain inher left hand had deepened into a constant dull ache.Turning her head, shesaw the empty chair beside the bed.Windwolf.A vase of flowers sat on the nightstand next to the pitcher of water.Thevase was elfin, a deceptively simple twist of glass, a thick base sweeping upto an impossibly thin rim, elegant beyond words.The flowers were black-eyedSusans.She guessed that the flowers were from her cousin and that the hospicestaff had provided the vase.As usual, the bright wildflowers made her smile.A note card leaned against the vase, printed in Oilcan's neat, over-carefulhand and smudged with engine grease.When I got back with the gas, they told me that your hand was going septicand that you were in surgery.I'm sorry I didn't check it before I left.Ilooked in just now, but you were still sleeping.If we want food and fuel forthe next thirty days, I've got to go make sure to get it now.I hate leavingyou alone.I'll be back as soon as I can.Get well soon.Love, Orville.Orville.He must truly be rattled if he was using his real name.There was a light tap on the door, and Maynard, God himself, opened it up."You're awake.""Yes." Tinker wondered what God wanted with little her."I didn't make the connection between you andthe Tinker until Windwolf toldme about some of what you did to keep him alive."She shrugged."Happens all the time.No one expects the legendary Tinker tobe a little snot-nosed girl."No smile.Maybe God didn't have a sense of humor.She often suspected that.Page 46ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.html"How old are you?" Maynard asked."Sixteen? Seventeen?""Eighteen, as of last month.""Parents?"Little alarms were going off."Where's this going?""I like to know who I'm working with."Make that big alarms."Since when am I working with you?""Since today.I've got a bit of a mystery I need solved, and maybe you canhelp.They say you're fit to leave."He left it nebulous as to whether this was a declinable personal request oran official demand.Maynard certainly wasn't someone she wanted to alienate;as god of Pittsburgh, he could make her life hell.Now that she was a legaladult, she had nothing to hide.At least, she didn't think she did."Okay.Let me figure out what they did with my clothes, and you can show methis mystery."* * *Clothes found, and Maynard carefully shooed off, she got up to change.Under the cotton gown she was naked.She put on her panties and bra withouttaking off the gown, eyeing the door which had no lock.Luckily no one burstin to catch her dressing.She pulled on her carpenter's pants, and then in onequick motion pulled off the gown and slipped into her team shirt.With herback to the door, she took her time buttoning it up.The hospice had cleaned her clothes, managing to get all of Windwolf's bloodoff her carpenter's pants and to find a replacement for the bottom button ofher team shirt.It had gone missing weeks ago, and she'd been at a loss as tohow to replace it.Cleaning clothes she could do.Repairing was something shecould only do to machines.She stepped into her steel-toed boots, sealed them, and clonked about theroom, feeling more able to take on Maynard.The contents of her pockets sat elegantly arranged in an elegant rosewoodbox.Elves stunned her sometimes.Most humans probably would have gone throughher pockets and tossed most of her treasures.The hospice staff, however, hadnot only cleaned all the old grease-coated nuts and bolts, but had properlymated them together, and then arranged them by size on green velvet.Theylooked like bits of silver jewelry.Her spare handmade power lead (extremelycrude looking but actually poly-coated gold) had been coiled and tied off witha strand of blue silk.They'd even kept the interesting-looking twig she'dpocketed the day before Shutdown, which now seemed weeks ago, instead of twodays.It pleased her (she would have been unable to rebuild three separateprojects without the various bolts), but still it weirded her out [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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.Her head seemed big, and full of air.The pain inher left hand had deepened into a constant dull ache.Turning her head, shesaw the empty chair beside the bed.Windwolf.A vase of flowers sat on the nightstand next to the pitcher of water.Thevase was elfin, a deceptively simple twist of glass, a thick base sweeping upto an impossibly thin rim, elegant beyond words.The flowers were black-eyedSusans.She guessed that the flowers were from her cousin and that the hospicestaff had provided the vase.As usual, the bright wildflowers made her smile.A note card leaned against the vase, printed in Oilcan's neat, over-carefulhand and smudged with engine grease.When I got back with the gas, they told me that your hand was going septicand that you were in surgery.I'm sorry I didn't check it before I left.Ilooked in just now, but you were still sleeping.If we want food and fuel forthe next thirty days, I've got to go make sure to get it now.I hate leavingyou alone.I'll be back as soon as I can.Get well soon.Love, Orville.Orville.He must truly be rattled if he was using his real name.There was a light tap on the door, and Maynard, God himself, opened it up."You're awake.""Yes." Tinker wondered what God wanted with little her."I didn't make the connection between you andthe Tinker until Windwolf toldme about some of what you did to keep him alive."She shrugged."Happens all the time.No one expects the legendary Tinker tobe a little snot-nosed girl."No smile.Maybe God didn't have a sense of humor.She often suspected that.Page 46ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.html"How old are you?" Maynard asked."Sixteen? Seventeen?""Eighteen, as of last month.""Parents?"Little alarms were going off."Where's this going?""I like to know who I'm working with."Make that big alarms."Since when am I working with you?""Since today.I've got a bit of a mystery I need solved, and maybe you canhelp.They say you're fit to leave."He left it nebulous as to whether this was a declinable personal request oran official demand.Maynard certainly wasn't someone she wanted to alienate;as god of Pittsburgh, he could make her life hell.Now that she was a legaladult, she had nothing to hide.At least, she didn't think she did."Okay.Let me figure out what they did with my clothes, and you can show methis mystery."* * *Clothes found, and Maynard carefully shooed off, she got up to change.Under the cotton gown she was naked.She put on her panties and bra withouttaking off the gown, eyeing the door which had no lock.Luckily no one burstin to catch her dressing.She pulled on her carpenter's pants, and then in onequick motion pulled off the gown and slipped into her team shirt.With herback to the door, she took her time buttoning it up.The hospice had cleaned her clothes, managing to get all of Windwolf's bloodoff her carpenter's pants and to find a replacement for the bottom button ofher team shirt.It had gone missing weeks ago, and she'd been at a loss as tohow to replace it.Cleaning clothes she could do.Repairing was something shecould only do to machines.She stepped into her steel-toed boots, sealed them, and clonked about theroom, feeling more able to take on Maynard.The contents of her pockets sat elegantly arranged in an elegant rosewoodbox.Elves stunned her sometimes.Most humans probably would have gone throughher pockets and tossed most of her treasures.The hospice staff, however, hadnot only cleaned all the old grease-coated nuts and bolts, but had properlymated them together, and then arranged them by size on green velvet.Theylooked like bits of silver jewelry.Her spare handmade power lead (extremelycrude looking but actually poly-coated gold) had been coiled and tied off witha strand of blue silk.They'd even kept the interesting-looking twig she'dpocketed the day before Shutdown, which now seemed weeks ago, instead of twodays.It pleased her (she would have been unable to rebuild three separateprojects without the various bolts), but still it weirded her out [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]