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.It is an irresistibleradiation of divine love coming from within us.This is the fruit of spinalbreathing pranayama.In order for this evolutionary process to progress something moreis needed  inner silence.The full flowering of enlightenment involves aspecial dynamic occurring deep within our inner realms.It is themarriage of two aspects of our nature, which constitutes an advancedevolutionary stage in our nervous system, leading to the completion ofthe process of human spiritual transformation.It is the marriage of ourdynamic ecstatic conductivity with our immovable inner silence  andthese two become One.Chapter 4  The Cosmic YouWhere is inner space? Where is the legendary kingdom of heavenwhere  all is added to us? The answer seems obvious enough, doesn tit? It is within us!Yes, this is the direction we must take.Yet, it seems opposed to somuch of what we are doing in the world  where we are engaged in ourdaily commitments, making a living, raising a family, seeking somepeace and fulfillment in our life, and all that.Like so many things havingto do with spiritual matters, there is a paradox.Things are not alwayswhat they seem.By going inward we can have the greatest effect on ourexternal life, a far greater impact than anything we can do in our outerlife.So we go within with our spinal breathing and our meditation, and, surprisingly, things on the outside get better  more peace, more energy,more creativity, more happiness.Then, somewhere along the way, we make an astoundingdiscovery.We find that the inner space and kingdom of heaven we havebeen visiting within ourselves is actually everywhere, and that the steadyimprovements we have been experiencing in our daily life have been asimple manifestation of this fact.Maybe we did not realize it for quite along time.Life just got steadily better as we continued with ourpractices.But then it hits us  the reason for things getting better in dailylife is because, not only are we directly perceiving the unbounded realmsof peace and joy within us, we are also perceiving them increasingly allaround us at the same time.So, what is within us is also everywhere around us.By goingwithin ourselves during our daily practices, we are also going withineverything.By the process of expansion of inner stillness and ecstaticradiance we come to consciously know ourselves to be the essence andsubstance of every atom of the cosmos.Thus, we come to know that our existence is cosmic all-encompassing.Not primarily in an intellectual way, but as a directexperience.How does this happen?The Marriage of OppositesWe have been focused in this book on developing a reliablepractice of spinal breathing pranayama.It is so important to ensure thatpurification and opening of our nervous system will be progressive andbalanced.Spinal breathing also sets the stage for deep meditation, whichwe have not talked about much here, but is the subject of other AYPwritings.We will give it some more attention now, because, while thepractices of pranayama and meditation should remain in sequence andseparate, it is not possible to separate the relationship of the effects ofthese two vital methods of spiritual unfoldment.Spinal breathing is useful for many things.But most of all it is forpurifying and opening our spinal nerve and entire nervous system to theflow of ecstatic energy within us.Not that we will experience this on the first day of our practice.But, in time, the necessary openings will occurand we will come to know ecstatic conductivity, and all that comes withit.Deep meditation cultivates inner silence, which is also called purebliss consciousness.The quality of inner silence is very deep in ournervous system, beyond the flow of ecstatic energy.Ecstasy is a dynamic quality characterized by movement that canbe readily observed in our nervous system once the necessary inneropenings have occurred.Bliss is a quality of inner silence and is notdynamic.At least by itself it is not.By itself, the bliss of inner silencecan be said to be a self-contained and eternal state of happiness residingdeep within us.With both pranayama and meditation in our twice-daily routine ofsitting practices, we are cultivating ecstatic conductivity (ecstasy) andinner silence (bliss) at the same time.One is active and moving aroundall the time  wanting to radiate.The other is pure awareness, contentwithin itself, a silent witness to all that we experience.These twoqualities are opposites.Along the way, as we are developing these two qualities within us,a remarkable thing happens.There is a merging of the two  a marriageof opposites within us.It is not an instant marriage though.It is one thatis occurring over many months and years as we advance along our pathof purification and opening.The union is achieved as our ecstaticconductivity and inner silence gradually mature within us.As they do,we find that our ecstatic flow contains more stillness and is moreblissful, and that our inner silence becomes more dynamic and is moreecstatic.Our ecstasy becomes more blissful and our bliss becomes moreecstatic [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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