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.Inside the station Brazos encountered Lura Surface just turning away from theticket window.She carried a satchel and evidently the larger bag at her feetbelonged to her."Mawnin', Lura Surface.Air yu runnin' away on me?" drawled Brazos, doffinghis sombrero."Brazos Keene!" She gave him a glance from superb green eyes that was notparticularly flattering."Yes, I am running away, and for good--if it'sanything to you.""Yu don't say.Aw, I'm sorry.I been wantin' to see yu powerful bad.""Yes, you have," she rejoined with scorn."Why didn't you, then? I wrote you.I wanted to ask you to--to help me.But you never wrote.""Lura, thet's too bad.I never got yore letter.Fact is, I haven't been to thepost office.An' I've been away for weeks.""It's too late, Brazos," she said, a little bitterly."I'm going to Denver tomarry Hal Howard."Page 24 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.html"Aw! Yu 'don't say? Wal, I'm shore congratulatin' thet hombre.""But you don't congratulate me?""Hardly.I just cain't see yu throwin' yoreself away on a caird-sharp.Why,Lura, yu got all the girls oot heah skinned to a frazzle.""If you thought so--so much of me why did you--" she asked, softening underhis warm praise.Her hard green eyes misted over.Then she went on: "Was itbecause you'd heard things about my love affairs?""No, it shore wasn't," he replied bluntly, realising that he had met her at asingularly opportune moment."Brazos! You were afraid of Dad?""No.Not thet, Lura.I'm not afraid of any man.But it was because he was yorefather." She met his piercing gaze with understanding, and a visible shudder.The train whistled for the stop.Lura designated her bag, which Brazos tookup.They went out on the platform.The train halted with squeak and jar.Brazos helped Lura on, found a seat for her, and, depositing her bag, he heldout his hand."Good-bye an' good luck," he said."Yu're game, Lura.I'm gonna risk a word ofadvice.Stop Howard's caird playin'.""He will not need to gamble," she flashed, with a smile."One last word,Brazos Keene." She put her cool lips to his ear, in what certainly was acaress as well as an act of secrecy."For my sake, spare Dad the rope!"Brazos could find no answer.He clasped her hand hard.The train was moving.One last glance he took at her eyes, brimming with tears, and dark with pain.Then he wheeled to run back to the platform and jump off.He stood till thetrain passed by, and then wended a pondering, watchful way down the street.At the corner where the bank stood an idea struck him.He went in to seeHenderson.Without any greeting, Brazos flung a query at the banker."Did this heah bank get held up yesterday or maybe day before?""By a bandit?" replied Henderson."I reckon one man might think thet.A bandit with green eyes an' red hair.""Keene, you beat me all hollow.""Wal, come oot with it, then.Didn't Raine Surface draw a big sum of money?""All he had in cash.Close to forty thousand dollars.""Doggone! An' wasn't Howard with him?""Yes.Surface claimed it was a gambling debt.""Gamblin' debt yore eye!" retorted Brazos scornfully."Henderson, thet was theprice of Howard's silence.The gambler sold oot cheap.But still he got thegirl.""Lura! Good heavens!" ejaculated the banker."I begin to see light.""Yu been wearin' blinkers long enough, Henderson.""Wait, Keene," said the other, as Brazos turned to go."That little matter ofputting Bodkin in as sheriff has come up.What'll I do about it?""Air yu still in Surface's Cattle Association, Henderson?""I resigned.""Wal, if I was yu, I'd say, pretty pert, thet I was for savin' the townBodkin's burial expenses by not electin' him sheriff.""That's certainly pert.I'll do it, Brazos.But let me give you a hunch.They'll make Bodkin sheriff.""Shore they will--if he's crazy enough to accept it.I guess I better throw ascare into him."Passing the open door of the largest store Las Animas could boast of, Brazoshad a glimpse of Bodkin holding forth to a group of men.Brazos passed on andhalted.What could he make out of an encounter with Bodkin? The man would notdraw.But he could be made a target for speech that would sweep over town likefire in prairie grass.Brazos turned back to enter the store.He assumed a swinging forward crouchand the sullen mien of a cowboy who had been tilting the bottle.The littlegroup spread, leaving Bodkin in the centre and apart.The action was likeclockwork.Bodkin showed no marked effect.As the cowboy had let him off before, he wouldPage 25 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.htmlagain.This time, however, the ex-deputy packed a gun at his hip."Bodkin, I been lookin' all over this heah town for yu," declared Brazos in asurly voice."Keene, I haven't been hidin'," complained Bodkin."Wal, yu're damn hard tofind, an yu shore got thet Barsh hombre hid somewhere.""He's out of town.""Can yu get word to him?""I could if I wanted to.""Ahuh.Wal, yu better want to.Yu tell yore ropin' hombre thet he'd be wise tostay away from heah or else do some tall figgerin' how he's gonna keep me fromborin' him.""Keene, Barsh wouldn't dare 'meet you in an even break.He's only a boy.Henever shot at a man.An' you wouldn't shoot him in cold blood.""Hell I wouldn't! Hasn't there been a lot of shootin' in cold blood goin' onaboot heah? I'm sore, Bodkin.I'm spittin' 'fire [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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