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.Maybe they needed to call her in again, even though Diane was set against it.‘I have to go, Mum,’ he said.‘Tony set up a special meeting with one of his dancers for the photo shoot.He won’t be pleased if I’m late.’‘Don’t worry about me.I’ll be fine.’ She patted his hand.But she didn’t look fine.The vacant look in her eyes worried him.If Emma had been there it wouldn’t have mattered, but his sister had already left for the university and Diane would be alone.He hesitated, worry niggling at the back of his brain, he shouldn’t leave her while she was in this state, but what choice did he have.‘If you’re sure.’‘I’m sure.You’d better go.You don’t want to get on the wrong side of Tony.’Ryan nodded.He regretted agreeing to provide a web site for Tony, but it would have been a bigger mistake to refuse.Tony wasn’t someone you could say no to.Ryan drove past the front of Teasers, and into the alley at the side which led to the car park.It was too early for many cars to be parked there, and he slid his car into a space beside a clapped out Ford Ka.Turning the engine off he got out and looked around for the back door he had been instructed to use.The door was opened by a smallish girl with magenta streaked brown hair.But even though she was small, she still topped him by about an inch.‘Tony asked me to come,’ he said, unsure of himself.She looked him up and down.‘You’ll be the Carnegie guy, I take it.Follow me.’The door swung shut behind him.‘I’m here for the photoshoot.Are you one of the dancers?’She laughed.‘Me, a showgirl? You’ve got to be joking.No, it’s Angel who’s been set up for the shoot.I’m Kara.’‘Sorry,’ he said, ‘I just thought.’‘Don’t think.Tony won’t pay you extra for that.What’s your first name, by the way?’‘Ryan.’He followed her up the dark corridor and out into the main entrance hall.Daylight filtered in from window slits above the closed front doors, making the whole place look dingy.She led him upstairs to the night club.It looked just as shabby, and a far cry from the evening glamour.The place was empty except for a bored looking girl, wearing only a g-string, sitting on the edge of the glass stage.‘That’s Angel.’ Kara walked towards the stage, followed by Ryan.The girl looked up at their approach, flicking her long blonde hair away from her face so it cascaded down her back.Her makeup was perfect.Large blue eyes made larger by the eyeliner she wore, pink lipstick with the slightest sheen, and a complexion that looked natural until seen up close.Ryan wanted to ask her what she used and how she achieved such a perfect result, but didn’t dare.As if she sensed his interest, she leaned backwards, placing her hands flat on the stage and arching her back so her breasts jutted forward.Ryan shuffled his feet, and felt the heat rise from his neck into his face.He had never been near a woman who was almost naked.To mask his embarrassment, he slung his knapsack onto a table and started to assemble his camera, screwing the extra lenses into place.The girl rose and walked over to him, studying what he was doing.He felt her breast brush against his arm, and he almost choked.‘I’ll be over at the bar, checking stock, if you need me.’ Kara’s voice had a strangled sound and he knew she was suppressing a giggle.She walked off and he was left alone with Angel.‘What d’you want me to do?’ Angel removed a piece of chewing gum from her mouth and stuck it under a table top.‘I’ll need you to dance, like you do at night.’ Ryan tried to keep his voice steady.‘But, for the video, it might be better if you wore something on top.’‘You mean a bra?’‘Yes.’‘OK, give me a minute.’She returned wearing a black bra that barely covered her breasts.‘This do?’Ryan nodded.‘What about music, what do we do about that? And lighting?’‘Phil, where the fuck are you?’ Angel shouted into the gloom of the club.The tall blond guy Ryan remembered from previous visits appeared.‘Ah, look who we have here,’ he said.‘I knew you’d come back.’A tremble shivered through Ryan’s body.His limbs felt like jelly, while the heat rose upwards into his neck and face.Why did this man have such an effect on him?‘I need the stage set up for the photo shoot, lighting and music,’ he mumbled.‘The video has to replicate the type of show you have in the evening, plus I want some action photos.’Phil strode to the end of the room.First the up-lighting under the stage snapped on, and then the glitter-ball started to spin.When the music started, Angel got on the stage and began to dance.‘Now fuck off, Phil,’ she shouted as she writhed round the silver pole, and turning her head towards Ryan, she said, ‘anytime you’re ready, darling.’The photoshoot didn’t take long, and Ryan was packing up after it when Kara came over to him.‘Everything go OK?’‘Yes.I think I’ve got enough photos and video to add to the web site.’‘D’you mind if I say something?’Ryan looked up.‘No, what is it?’She looked embarrassed.‘I saw the way Phil looked at you,’ she said.‘I wanted to warn you, he can be dangerous.You don’t want to get involved with him.’‘Oh!’ He didn’t know what to say.His stomach was still churning because of the effect Phil had on him.‘Just saying,’ she said.‘Now if you’re ready to leave I’ll show you out.’He followed her down the stairs and, after thanking her, he turned towards the corridor leading to the car park.The guy patrolling the corridor reached for the bunch of keys dangling from his belt.‘You’d be better going out the front, mate, cos your car ain’t there.The old bird who took it said to let you know.’* * * *Kate finished reading Bill’s report and slotted it into the file on the John Doe’s murder.It had given her a lot to think about and, while she thought Diane Carnegie could be involved, she was by no means certain.However, it was a strand of the investigation that could not be ignored, although it would have to be handled delicately.DS Murphy was already involved with the family so, despite her reservations about him, he was the logical choice of officer to follow it up.She walked over to the window that looked into the team room.DS Murphy and DC Blair Armstrong were huddled together at the end of the room, and she observed them pointing to the computer screen.Their body language was animated and she felt her own excitement rise.They’d found something.It only took Kate a moment to leave the office, and cross the team room.‘What is it? What have you found?’‘We’ve got a time for the van arriving, plus a sighting of the victim and his killer.’‘Good, that will give us something to work with.’ Kate peered over their shoulders [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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