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.Kylie could not seem to focus her mind beyond what she was feeling.Much like the stateshe had been in when Brad's hands had manipulated her peach, it appeared that her chest wasalmost as much an erogenous zone.She did not know how it was possible, but with each dragging pull on her nips, she felt arenewed tingling in her clit, and she soon began to feel moisture dripping from her womb.Herlegs began to move, seemingly of their own accord, and her thighs pressed together and thenspread apart in time with the throbbing current that ran through her.She yearned for more, andnow she had a fairly clear idea what that more could be.As she had experienced before, shecould tell her body was amping up for the finale, almost like she was running in place, trying toreach something that was just out of her view and grasp.Brad could tell he was getting her worked up again, and he continued his relentlessassault on her tender young buds, curious to see whether she could climax from this level ofstimulation alone.It was no hardship to continue availing himself of her small slopes ofwomanhood.Curiously, her breasts were more satisfying than any others he had felt.They werea perfect mix of firmness and softness; the skin indescribably smooth and creamy, like nothingelse he had ever experienced.Her little nipples reminded him of plump, juicy little berries,peaking to impossible levels of attention when he gently nipped at them.Though she knew something was happening, Kylie was completely unprepared for theexplosion that overcame her body.Suddenly the electric current that was running through her,zapped all of its attention on the core of her sex.Unlike when she'd achieved her first orgasm,Brad wasn't even touching her down there this time, but her body apparently did not seem tothink that was a necessity, as her core began pulsing with radiating bursts of pleasure.Her little clit felt so hot and swollen she could actually feel it pressing against the insideof her diaper.With only a fleeting concern about the potential abnormality of such a thing60 occurring, Kylie gave herself over, falling headfirst into her second, and almost equally amazing,orgasm.Feeling her body stiffen as she began to climb the final apex of her orgasm, Brad reacheddown inside her diaper and began to rub at her already over stimulated button.Pressing on thehard nubbin, he helped maintain the long wave of ecstasy that was pouring over and through her,only stopping when her body gave a final spasm and her legs clamped together in an effort todislodge his tormenting fingers.Removing his hand, and remembering how sweet she was, hecouldn't help but bring his fingers to his mouth, savoring both the smell, and then the taste, of hisdelectable little lover.Situating himself as comfortably as possible on the too-short bed, Brad pulled anunresisting Kylie with him, and, after some slight re-arranging, he had her settled at his side, halfon and half off his chest, one of her legs overlapping his abdomen, and her little head resting onhis shoulder.With his hand, he swept away and smoothed the hair that had fallen across herfeatures, allowing him a clear view of her satisfied grin, and her eyes, which were sensuallydazed, and at half-mast.Unable to break away from her gray-green gaze, he began stroking a fingertip across hersmooth brow, and watched until her eyes settled closed, signaling that she had succumbed to amuch needed sleep.61 Chapter SevenThough it was far too early for Brad's internal clock to even contemplate falling asleep,his whole body felt more relaxed at that moment than he could ever recall in his adult life.Holding this precious little woman was like a gift.You wouldn't have to be a relationship expertto recognize that this was probably a bad idea, and that he wasn't worthy of her, but he had tohave her in his life.Regardless of the fact that he had not even found his own release during their timetogether, he felt more satisfied now than after any sexual encounter he'd ever had previously.Hedid not understand it.He'd never been one to put one iota of store into love at first sight, but ifthat was not what this was, he sure as hell didn't know what to call it.Rather than pondering ittoo much, he'd just accept it for what it was, and treat her like the precious jewel that she was.The only potential hurdle to his intentions to keep Kylie for himself would be herpossible fears or unwillingness to commit to a relationship with him.But from what he'dobserved so far, she was falling into the same mind-set he was in, so he did not think that therewere any obstacles he could not easily overcome.He probably should feel a little guilty for whathe was planning, being that she was so young and innocent, but this was one prize he was notwilling to pass up for anyone's sake not even Kylie, herself.He would do right by her, but ifnecessary, he'd make damn sure to overcome any objections she may have about getting moredeeply involved with him.So relaxed was he, and so enjoying holding his girl, Brad was surprised to discover thathe had actually ended up snoozing a little, only to be awoken a short time later in order to heedthe call of nature.Carefully extricating himself from her body, Brad gently repositioned Kylie's limbs torest on the bed, and shifted her head to the pillow as he slid out of the bed.Pulling the covers upover her shoulders, he left the room in search of another bathroom, rather than risking the chancethat the sounds of the commode or running water from the ensuite restroom would disturb hermuch needed rest.62 Doing up the couple of shirt buttons Kylie had managed to unfasten, he exited the roomand proceeded down the hall.Briefly peering into the open doors of the rooms as he passed, henoted that they were all puzzlingly stripped bare of everything but the flooring and blinds.After finding a guest bath located at the head of the stairs, and making use of thefacilities, Brad moved down the stairs, intending to find the kitchen and perhaps get a muchneeded cup of coffee.As he went along, he saw repeated signs that the house seemed to be insome sort of transition; empty picture hooks, and obvious open areas whose carpet impressionsdemonstrably told of the additional furnishings which had once resided in the now empty spaces.Leaving the living room, he passed what he guessed must have once been a formal diningarea, now stripped bare of all furniture, leaving only the dusty wooden floor and wallpaper trimto testify to what the space had likely once been.In short order, Brad reached the kitchen, whichwas appointed with state of the art appliances and a vast expanse of thick granite countertops,including an island with a requisite vegetable sink and wide serving bar [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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