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.Joe s was the hotspot here in Woodfalls, and Friday wasyour only good chance to meet someone ifyou were single and on the prowl becauseSaturday was family karaoke night. Ow, bitch, Tressa said, rubbingher stomach. It s not like the grumpy oldfart can hear us anyway, she said loudlyin his direction. Gahhhh, shush, Tressa.He s goingto hear you, I said, sliding back down inmy seat. Chillax, drama queen.He doesn teven have his hearing aid in.Watch, shesaid, shooting me a mischievous grin. Hey, Mr.Jones, I really want to blowyou, she said loudly.She managed to get the attention ofabout a dozen guys with that one,including Mr.Jones, who whirled around, studying us with his beady black eyes.Hisgrey bushy eyebrows came together in aunibrow that looked like a giantcaterpillar on his forehead.Brittni snorted again as she shookwith laughter.I squirmed uncomfortablyon the hard wooden bench, fighting theurge to point at Tressa like we were inkindergarten and had gotten busted forthrowing spitballs or something.Tressa returned his stare head-on,smiling sardonically until he turned backaround. Sheesh, girl, you re lucky he didn ttake you up your offer, I said, stifling myown laughter. Hey, you never know what he ssportin in those dusty old overalls.Tressa winked.  Gross, I shrieked.Tressa just shrugged, unconcerned.Icouldn t help admiring her self-assuredness.She didn t care what peoplethought about her.She was loud andseriously inappropriate, but hilarious ashell, despite the tight leash her boyfriendtried to keep her on.We d only beenfriends for four months, but I had grownquite fond of her in the short period oftime.Both she and Brittni had welcomedme into their friendship circle without asecond thought.They acted like Ibelonged.Not because they felt sorry forme or pitied me like everyone else haddone for so many years, but because theygenuinely seemed to like me.Brittniwasn t as flamboyant or inappropriate asTressa, but she had a wickedly dry sense of humor that kept people on their toes.And then there was me.I wasn tcompletely sure what I brought to thegroup, but that s why I was here.Somewhere over the last five years, I dforgotten who I really was. Alright, time to stop stalling.Get offyour ass and pick up that tall, dark, he-can-have-my-panties-any-day seximist,Tressa said pointedly, looking at thestranger we d been eyeing for the lastfifteen minutes. Maybe I should do something elseon my list, I said, pulling a rumpled slipof paper out of my bag while desperatelytrying to ignore the butterflies that hadsuddenly decided to hang out in mystomach.I gently smoothed out the creasesas I contemplated the items scrawled on the paper. You re kidding, right? This townhas a population of like negative ten, andhe s the hottest thing to walk in here inforever.When are you going to have theopportunity to have one night of hot wildsex with a stranger like that again? That s my point.Don t you find it alittle weird that we don t know this guy?This town is pretty much off the beatenpath.He could be some mass murder.How do you know he wouldn t put myhead in his freezer or something? Sweetheart, after a night with him,you ll want a freezer to cool you off,Tressa said, eyeing him with openadmiration. Besides, if you don t makeyour move, I m totally claiming him, sheadded, adjusting her shirt so the tops of her ample breasts peaked out from the thincamisole she was wearing under herbutton-up see-through shirt. So, you wouldn t mind that youdon t know him and that he could verywell chop up your body into a millionpieces? Not to mention what Jacksonwould say if he found out, I said,reminding her of her boyfriend. Wow, seriously, chill, Ash.She sjust trying to give you a spark.Besides,you were a stranger here once too, andyou didn t show your true crazy for acouple days, Brittni teased. Now get upthere and sex that possible serial killerup. You two are a riot, I said, chokingdown the last of my beer that tasted likeelephant piss, or at least what I would assume elephant pee would taste like. Alright, wish me luck, I added, finallysliding out of the booth. If he chops meup into little pieces, neither of you getthose boots of mine you want so bad, Ithreatened.I made my way up to thecounter where the object of our interestwas perched.Considering my shaky legs, Iwasn t exactly as subtle as a prowlingjungle cat.Tressa was right.Finding aperfect candidate for a one-night standwas slim to none in a town the size ofWoodfalls.Strangers were far and fewbetween.Couple that with the fact that hewas drop-dead gorgeous and his suddenappearance was like a gift from god.Notthat good-looking was a prerequisite.Theonly requirement I had set was that heknow nothing about me or my past.I wanted one night where someone wantedme for me, not because they felt sorry forme. Hey, Joe, can I get a shot? I asked,sliding onto the barstool next to the tall-dark-panty-dropping-worthy hunk. Sure thing, Ashton.How d you likeyour beer? Joe asked, drying a small shotglass with a cotton towel he had tuckedinto his apron. It tasted like pee, I confessed.Joe threw his head back as a loudroar of laughter erupted out of him. Drinka lot of pee, do you? he asked.I opened my mouth to answer himsarcastically when the object of myfascination let out a low rumble oflaughter.Seizing my opportunity, I gulpeddown the bourbon Joe had placed in front of me and swiveled around to face thestranger next to me.The liquor burned itsway down my throat, leaving a fiery trailall the way to my belly, but it waseclipsed by the liquid fire that burnedthrough me when my eyes finally met his. Can I get you another? he askedsoftly in a radio DJ-like voice that youwould hear on a lonely Saturday night,encouraging listeners to call in with theirfavorite weepy love songs. Sure. I eyed my empty glass as mybody responded to his sexier-than-sinvoice.I was a sucker for a deep voiceor an accent, especially British orAustralian accents.Neither though, couldcompare to his rich deep voice thatseemed to vibrate through me.I realized inthat instant I had left a crucial item off my bucket list.Having an intimateconversation with someone with a voicelike his should have topped my list. You all right? he asked, lookingbemused as Joe placed another shot infront of me.I started to answer hisquestion and mentally kicked myself whenI realized I d been staring at him like hewas a tall glass of water on a hot summerday.Matter of fact, I was about ninety-nine point nine percent sure I may havelicked my lips in anticipation. Absolutely.How  bout you? Iasked, trying for a seductive throaty voicethat just went wrong. Thanks for thedrink, I added, sucking down the liquidconfidence in an attempt to calm myfrazzled nerves.His bemused expression turned to outright amusement as he took in mywatery eyes that had resulted from myquick gulping of the whiskey shot. Another? he asked with raisedeyebrows. Why not, I answered, though theroom was already tilting slightly.I couldcount on one hand the amount of times I dactually had a drink growing up.They allcentered on the time my life had slippeddrastically off course [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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