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.Come to that, nor had Petronella.But it was essential that theyactually put out the show.They'd asked their audience research unit twoquestions: how many people would watch the first show because they'd heardTrain was on it, and how many would watch a second show because they'd seenthe first or because they'd missed it?The answer in both cases was an unbelievable sixty million.Naturally, threats had started to flood in within minutes of the first spotannouncement.They ranged from routine bomb scares to a warning that thestudio would be occupied by armed volunteers and the show converted into akangaroo court to try Austin Train for treason.So, against emergencies, they alerted every local studio they controlledwithin five hundred miles of New York, and set up extra landlines andline-of-sight links to their main transmitters, so that within half an hour oftheir deadline they would still have several options open.Then they scheduledthe real show-Train had dismissed the idea of pre-recording-for a locationthey'd never used before, a derelict theater they'd bought for rehearsal spaceand were anyway intending to fit up before the fall season.Even thetechnicians installing mikes and cables didn't realize the place was going tobe used for the crucial transmission.They only knew they were getting recordwages.But then there weren't many people in their trade nowadays."Sixty million, hm? I'm not surprised," Train said, and that wasn't vanity.Hehad reasonable grounds.Sitting with Petronella in the high-security penthousewhere the Big Bosses had immediately insisted on putting him-at theirexpense-when they learned he was staying in the same shoddy hotel as PegMankiewicz.She was behind and to one side of him, in almost literally thesame place she had occupied ever since Petronella first met them.Like abodyguard.Not a mistress; ABShad verified through their bugs that she slept alone and so did he.Smallwonder, Petronella had thought once or twice.She had been dismayedto find what the man looked like now, bald and with those hideous scars on hisscalp.Moreover, she found his statue-like composure repellent.He barelymoved even his hands when he was talking like this, and refused to touchtobacco, pot, khat, anything stronger than beer or wine and very little ofthose.Peg was extremely attractive.But the ABS researchers said she was straight.Too bad.Petronella returned her attention to what Train was saying."It would have been different a few years ago.That size of audience wouldonly have been available for a major public event such as a moon landing orthe funeral of a celebrity who'd been assassinated.But now, of course, peopleso seldom go out.In the cities, because it's dangerous; in the country,because-well, what is there to go out for?The puritan backlash has closed half the movie theaters and most of thedrive-ins, particularly where they were a major social center, and thanks tothe fear of shortage people don't make more than one shopping trip a weekPage 177 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.htmlbecause they keep enough in the house to see them through a siege.Yes, formost people nowadays television is their only contact with the world beyondtheir daily work."Ah.This could lead him on to lawnorder.Petronella baited her hook and castit, and was rewarded."But the police encourage people to be afraid of them-in some cases, moreafraid than they are of criminals.The intelligent ones among our young peoplecatch the habit early and grow up with it.Recently, for example, I've seen agiant roundup of every man under thirty in a twenty-block area of Oakland.Most of them spent the night in a cell.No wonder there are twelve cities under martial law.""But if they're looking for draft dodgers, who are by definition criminals-""More exactly revolutionaries, whether they know it or not.Our societyfosters criminals, as the blood of a sheep nourishes the ticks on its back;indeed, they often find it more profitable past a certain point to conformrather than resist.The money made from bootlegging nowfinances Puritan, for instance, just as fortunes made from piracy ennobledmany famous English families.But draft-dodgers have opted out of this system,which has proved that it both demeans the individual and degrades hisenvironment."Yum."Still, men who refuse to train in defense of their country-""No, that's not what an army trains men to do."She let him interrupt.This was one guest who wasn't going through the stockinterrogation; let him convict himself out of his own mouth.He was doing abetter job than she'd ever dreamed of."It's natural for a man to defend what's dear to him: his own life, his home,his family.But in order to make him fight on behalf of his rulers, the richand powerful who are too cunning to fight their own battles-in short to defendnot himself but people whom he's never met and moreover would not care to bein the same room with him-you have to condition him into loving violence notfor the benefits it bestows on him but for its own sake.Result: the societyhas to defend itself from its defenders, because what's admirable in wartimeis termed psychopathic in peace.It's easier to wreck a man than to repairhim.Ask any psychotherapist.And take a look at the crime figures amongveterans."Petronella was almost beside herself.So far, if this was a sample of what heplanned to say during the actual show, he'd have managed to alienate bothmajor political parties, the armed services, all the ex-service organizationsexcept the bleeding heart Double-V, all big business interests, and the policealong with everyone who still trusted them.(And possibly Puritan, one of hersponsors-but most of theSyndicate people she'd met were rather proud of their romantic gangsterorigins and didn't mind who knew about them.)Oh, yes! This was going to be a *S*E*N*S*A*T*I*O*N*.She could almost see thebig blue-and-red headlines which would appear the following day.Memo to self: have extra phone lines rigged and hire extra operators to takethe calls."So"-needling-"what have you done to the people who call themselves Trainites,who kill and blow things up and generally behave like your description of anarmy, a horde of madmen?""Nothing.I am no more responsible for the actions of the Trainites than Jesusfor the behavior of the Christians on whom Paul of Tarsus projected hispersonal neuroses."Add the churches to the list of people offended.Keep rolling, baby!"So you don't approve of their sabotage and arson?"Page 178 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.html"I don't approve of the situation that's driven people to such desperatemeasures.There is, however, such a thing as righteous anger.""You think their anger is righteous, when all that we can foresee beyond it isanarchy, nihilism, a world where every man's hand is turned against hisbrother?""Not against his brother [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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