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.Lilith would never understand these humans.If Walsingham knew what Lucy wasup to all the time then why did he allow her to change his mind? Maybe menliked being manipulated by women, something to do with hormones perhaps.Lilith's current hypothesis was that male-female interactions were essentiallya large highly complex game, so when one player made a move the other had torespond in a certain way because of the Rules.Lilith was certain that whenshe had enough data she would be able to construct the Rules.Then she couldmodel human behaviour and predict their decisions.The only problem was thathumans seemed to change the Rules as they went along.It was all veryconfusing.Lucy opened the kitchen door and a rich aroma entered her nostrils.Oh,please, pretty please,thought Lilith.Let it be custard pie.But she blockedthe thought off from Lucy who was starting to refer to her as Glutton Demon.Page 91 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.htmlLucy stood regally at the dock waiting to be assisted into aThames barge.'We're going to the theatre,' she chanted in her head to Lilith.'How can you stand so coolly when you are bouncing with excitement inside?'Lilith thought.'Practice,' thought Lucy happily.'All my life, I have trained to be a lady.'Two bargemen knelt on the wharf, holding the barge tight against the woodenstrakes.Simon Tunstall got in first and held his hand out for Lucy to step in."Go tothe bow if you please, Lady Dennys.That's the sharp end."Lucy gave him the Look."Um that is, I didn't mean to suggest that you did not know what an, um, bowwas." Lucy swept past him as he drivelled.Damn, thought Simon, why couldn'the learn the value of silence?Simon joined Lucy in the bow.Walsingham and Gwilym took a seat in the stern.The barge was designed as a cargo carrier but it was Walsingham's habit to usea decent-sized boat for transport, ever since one of his agents was killed ina wherry "accident."The bargemen pushed off.One seated himself at the tiller while the otherraised the single square sail.Empty, the barge heeled over and moved swiftlyaway from the riverbank.The steersman kept it close in to the south bank,where the main channel was located.Barn Elms was on the south bank of a loopof theThames.'Can you look at the sail, please?' thought Lilith.'Only you could get excited by a sail, demon,' thought Lucy but shenonetheless gave Lilith a good look.'I thought these devices were simply baffles that were pushed along by an aircurrent but the wind is to the side of us, so how does it work, I wonder?'Lucy smiled to herself.'What does it matter, Lilith? Sails do work, whatelse do you need to know?''This is such a clever piece of technology.It's just a sheet that can befolded into a small space but it turns into an aerofoil when the air pushes.Look, Lucy.'Lilith edited Lucy's vision to show the air pressures around the mast.'Theair compresses behind the sail but moves quickly over the leading edgecreatinga suction.This force then presses the keel of the boat against thewater, which resists, creating a forward motion.You realise that this boatcould actually sail against the wind?''I did know that, Lilith.''You humans amaze me.You have such small brains and seem to know so littleabout the universe but you make the most amazingly complex machines.''Wait until you see a galleon, Lilith.'Page 92 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.html'I would so like to see a galleon, Lucy.''I will see what I can do.Now be quiet and let me talk to Simon."Simon always enjoyed river travel.He was an indifferent horseman andconsidered boats much more civilised."Will you point out the sights to me, Master Tunstall?" asked Lucy."Of course, it will be my pleasure." He stood up, gripping the side of thebarge to steadyhimself , and pointed out features."This is as far south as the river loops.On the right are the Wandsworthdocks by the River Wandle.Thames barges move cargo up to the wharf, whereuponit gets transferred to wherry boats.These take goods up the Wandle to thetowns beyond."Their barge made repeated course corrections to avoid other boats.The Thameswas the busiest highway inEngland.The boat cruised past farms, villages, andthe occasional gentleman's villa.Simon pointed out the names of places, whenhe knew them, and made up names when he did not.Lucy sat in the boat, hairbillowing around her shoulders.He kept sneaking glances at her."The first northern reach of theThames ends here.TheChelsea wharfs are onyour left.Chelsea town is just in behind the trees.It is becoming fashionablewith the gentry to have a country home there."The boat cruised on.Simon glanced to the rear."Excuse me for a moment, LadyDennys," he said.Simon climbed to the back.A bargeman guided his unsteadyprogress back to Walsingham, who was going through some documents."You see the barge about one hundred yards behind with a brown sail," saidSimon "It has been following us since we left Barn Elms.It seems to have anunnecessarily large crew.""Never mind, Tunstall.Gwilym handles security." Walsingham did not look up."Perhaps the genn'lman will take 'is 'at off to the lady." Gwilym grinned atSimon.Simon gave Lucy a sweeping bow.Facing forward, she did not even notice."Nowwhat?"Gwilym grinned again in a most annoying manner."Some of the lads fancied aday out on the river."A wherry split off from theChelsea wharf and started to angle across theriver.Simon watched fascinated as it meandered seemingly at random.Walsingham continued to read, apparently unimpressed.The wherry careered around the river.The sound of raucous, drunken singingemerged from it.The rowboat's unsteady progress looked unguided but Simonnoticed that it moved ever closer to their pursuers.Two of the rowers beganto argue violently.The helmsmen tried to intervene but he was knocked backwith a crash.The wherry went out of control and came together with the bargein a huge crash.A man on the barge shook his fist at the wherrymen and yelled a phrase thatfinished with the wordoff.Page 93 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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