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.They were, it was implied, tantamount to a declarationof war on the round of real value, money being invested for more.So a war had to be declared back.But nothing could be done about this insidious welfare state , this  greed for entitlements , this  insane spendingspiral if  misled electorates kept supporting it.The civil commonsdeveloping outside the control of the private corporate system was  adisaster , but public consciousness of its benefits to people s needs was notconvinced.Thus a plan to  curb the excess had to be formed from thecommanding heights of the Oval Office itself to  clean up the mess and make America great again.A strategic conjuncture of government debt and inability to pay it was thenconstructed to change the course of history.Before it was played out, ithad reversed almost every gain of the electorally responsible public sectorof universal social programmes and entitlements which had developedacross the societies of the globe since the Great Depression and the SecondWorld War, and before.Two large-scale operations did the trick.They were quietly put intomotion with the Reagan presidency which was militant in its programmeto  turn back the tide of state dictatorship within as well as without USborders. State dictatorship , though few knew this at first, had a domesticreferent as well as a foreign one.It meant social security programmes toprotect and enable citizens lives. 70 THE CANCER STAGE OF CAPITALISMMilitary programmes to threaten and destroy life outside the US becamemore sancrosanct than ever.But social programmes to serve life withinwere the internal enemy to be vanquished  universal entitlements to health,education, income assistance, old-age pensions, environmental protection,public broadcasting, the arts  the list was as long as what could beenjoyed without a money price.This was the underlying determinant ofthe rage against social programmes which grew in outspokenness as theprocess of resteering society in mutant directions unfolded.In both cases, the ultimate weapon that was used was not visible, andnot the nuclear or armed-force terror that life defenders had their eyeson.In the case of the Soviet Union and its allies, the armaments race wasthe means to achieve the unmarked objective  bankrupt the enemy state.The strategy succeeded.But it was not until years later that the strategywas publicly acknowledged by Republican insiders triumphal in their victory over the Soviet Union.In the case of the internal enemy, the method that escaped detectionwas in principle again the same  bankrupt the state, in this case thewelfare state that was blocking, appropriating from and subverting everystep of the competing global market model from within rather than fromwithout.Strategic analysis is distinguished from conspiracy theory by the fit ofthe analysis with the known facts and established system-deciders.In thecorporate system we have observed mutate from the traditional andclassical models of a free market, the system-deciding property has beenthe delinkage of its calculus from all parameters except money demandat every moment of its sequences.Given this paradigm frame, it is notsurprising that attack upon an opposing system should be at the level ofescalating its money inputs beyond manageable levels, while reducing itsrevenues at the same time.In the case of the Soviet Union, this strategic planwas managed by an arms race of escalating expenditures at one end(almost a billion dollars a day at its height by the US), and by embargo,boycott and trade-pariah status at the other end to ensure the reducedrevenues of the much poorer USSR to pay for these ever rising costs.In the case of the welfare state, such that existed in the US,36 theunderlying attack would be by the same method of bankrupting: escalatingpublic expenditures on the armaments race to unprecedented levels and,at the other end, radically reducing revenues by tax-cuts and othertransfers of public revenues to corporations and high-end taxpayerswho together comprised the core of the Republican constituency.Thesymmetry of strategic pattern did not have to be conscious to work.Aparadigm frames and selects for pathways of decision that are compatiblewith and express its system-deciding principles.But then again, it wouldbe surprising if these deductive moves were not consciously made by game-theoretical analysts and financial advisers at the heart of the US strategicplanning process. THE PATHOLOGIZATION OF THE MARKET MODEL 71Yet because this social infrastructure to serve the life of all citizens andthose in need had become part of the fabric of society s life, its destructionwas not a preference that could be openly sold, even in the context of amanaged public discourse.This evolving civil commons had developedover decades of political response to historical demand.After the WorldDepression and the Second World War, social cataclysms which hadalmost destroyed the capitalist-market organization of Western society,a more life-respectful remake of the capitalist market had begun to occur.The  welfare state was the outcome of this reconstruction, beginning withRoosevelt s New Deal in 1944.37 It was the historic target of the new marketcrusade.The millennial and apocalyptic movement was focused on the forces of evil which stretched around the globe in a  world-wide Communistconspiracy turned silently inward at the same time on its own socialeconomy.According to David Stockman, Reagan s first Director of the Office ofManagement and Budget, the large-scale strategic goal of the Reaganplanners for restoring the market to proper rule was to  cap social spendingby increasing government debt.38Escalating government debt was not difficult to manage.It consistedof three simultaneous initiatives.The first was to increase military andarmed-force spending by over $140 billion a year.This was an increasegreater than many country s GNPs, and produced nothing the public coulduse for life.It was, therefore, certain to entail an inflationary uptake andto put pressure on government spending, ever more extreme pressure ascompounding interest-charges rose, which they soon did to historic highs to get America on track again.The Reagan administration loaded publicspending onto private corporate armament production to unheard oflevels, increasing the already mammoth military budget by just under atrillion dollars over seven years.39 This runaway expenditure of publicrevenues for the purchase of products with no productive function or futurevalue, certainly exemplified  wasteful government spending.It spentgovernment money at the rate of almost $1 billion a day [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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