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.It has acquired a flavor today.Like his chocolate-smelling stimulant, but it tastes of chocolate, with some vanilla.Not at all unpleasant.He has also added calcium-and-iron containing compounds, and one with some iodine.Magnesium also.And every day we are growing stronger, and eating more of our old clothes as a fairly tasty bread.These will give out soon.September 19.The new engine room complete, with just sufficient room to contain all three engines, and leave room to walk.A small tank has been used as a pressure-reducing valve, and the smoothness of the engines aided.Hitherto the high-pressure gases were admitted to the cylinder, allowed to work the machine half a stroke on their compression, then exploded.The engines ran rather unevenly, with considerable wear.Now the gases are expanded and released to fire at once.The efficiency is actually greater, and the wear reduced.Rice's engine and one of the big engines have already been placed.The other engine is still above.The power room is being cut out.September 20.Power room finished today, and the switchboard moved.Lights failed for a period of some five minutes, till the new connections could be made, and our Castle became a thing of gloom and shadows.It became a tunnel in die ground, instead of a home.The absence of light would be worse here than in the Dome.But the lights were soon on, and Rice's engine functioning again.The switchboard was re-connected, and the lower engine in the new engine room started.This evening everything has been moved down, all the batteries placed in the power-control room, and the second big engine in place.Regular mining will start again tomorrow.September 21.The tunnel is being driven downward further, partly out of curiosity as to temperature conditions.With our new feeling of security of food, water and air, our scientific spirit of investigation is returning.The rocks are being watched for possible fossil or bacteriological signs.Only very slight appearances of possible water action noted.We suspect that Luna lost all her atmosphere and all her water long before the present crust was stabilized.With no stripping action of flowing water, and no upheavals, on a perfectly isostatically balanced land, there is little chance for geological exploration, save by tunneling.Moore is asking for further platinum supplies for catalysts, as he is making his apparatus 100% automatic.He is working on other elements now.We will need phosphorus and potassium, sodium, other elements than the carbon, hydrogen, oxygen sulphur and nitrogen of his simple food-syrups.He is still working hard at making vitamin concentrates.Hughey is helping him now.September 22.Page 34ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.htmlA large pile of gypsum has accumulated outside the entrance, beside the furnaces.A mechanical-electrical device has been rigged now to dump the trucks, so that no one need leave the Castle.We are amazingly comfortable here.Slight cooling felt now, but the heat of the engines working all day dissipates it.The bulkhead doors to the upper lounge and corridors have been shut, and the lights turned off, as it is cold up there now.We can, if need be, heat it, of course.We have burned no fuel whatsoever for heating tonight.Reed, King, and I made a trip to the phosphate field King found last year, and brought in a load of the material.We are going to make a trip to the platinum field tomorrow, also to the Dome on the way back, and bring in a load of quartz.Kendall is leading some men to the silver field.September 23.Four pounds of mixed platinum-iridium-osmium brought in.A fortune on earth, and we shall certainly have to collect these materials when the relief ship comes.Half a ton of silver ore, and several hundred pounds of iron ore.We need new picks for mining.Unfortunately Wilcott was our metalurgist, and King and Tolman will have to do their best to take his place.Tolman advises separating the iron electrolytically, and getting it pure, making the alloys up by percent in that way.We have no chromium and can't make any good rustless steel, but an ordinary carbon-steel will do.We may try alloying some silver for toughness.Moore gathered up several reams of old paper, some old books we no longer need, and from the Dome some wooden furnishings.Promises other foods.Hughey says we may be afflicted with serious bowel trouble since our synthetic foods contain no bulk whatsoever.One hundred percent digestible.September 24.More mining.It was quite cool last evening, and during the night, since the engines hadn't been running all day, while we were mineral hunting.Better today.Moore wants a larger laboratory, or another one, really, and a separate power board.Rice is aiding him in making his apparatus purely automatic.It is constructed of gleaming silver and quartz; some tubes, handling particularly violent acids or bases, he has made of the osmiridium alloy.Now he need only put his acetylene in one end, and get sugar automatically.We are making him a larger room across the way from the main living room, with a considerable tunnel leadinginto it, so temperature in his room can be controlled separately.September 25.Kendall has been at work all along on our walls and has some really excellent scenes done.The room looks amazingly home-like.The rugged lunar peaks, with men in space suits in the foreground, a rising sun tinting the craters, and the dome off to one side.It is very beautiful to see, when in our well-warmed, well-aired Castle.He suggests that we use this as the Hall, and have individual rooms below.It is rather wearing on us, to have to turn out the lights and be quiet when the others want it.It removes individual freedom, and has caused some friction.Since we must mine anyway, I think it an excellent idea.September 26.Finished Moore's new laboratory in record time.Every one mining, and the machines working splendidly.We have the explosive under such excellent control now that we no longer need do any mechanical crushing of the rock.But one man needed now at the Locks, and one at the engines.With plenty of food, and an occasional dash of Moore's stimulant, marvelously effective, yet evidently entirely harmless, and entirely non-habit-forming, we are all well.To people who have not felt the hunger and weakness we did, that means little.September 27.Moore's separate room being prepared first, in honor of his magnificent work Page 35ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.htmlfor the group.Roughly hollowed today.Finished by tomorrow noon.Sunrise in three days, and we will scarcely know it.September 28 [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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